It's In The Blood (16/?)

Aug 18, 2010 22:22

Title: It's In The Blood (16/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest, More pairings soon.)
Rating:  (Over all NC-17)
Dedications:My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (wooden_roses )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.


"Chrissy, we're home," Alex cooed and lifted the boy from the back seat.

"Mm," Chris mumbled as Alex hopped out as well.

Chris reached up and cupped Alex's face as if he were feeling who it was. Alex's eyebrow raised in question.

When Chris' fingers touched Alex's lips the boy smiled and leaned up to kiss him.

Alex rolled his eyes and pulled away quickly but grinned when he saw the frown on Chris' face.

He kissed the boy's cheek and set him down on his own feet.

The boy's eyes finally opened and he rubbed at them sleepily.

The second the door was opened, she came running out and jumping into Chris' arms.

"Chris! I missed you so much!" Cassadee yelled as she cupped the boy's face and started to shower his cheeks in kisses.

"I missed you too! Why do you go away like that?" Chris exclaimed as he cringed playfully away from the kisses.

"You know I have to."

Jack stared at her, trying to take in her image.

She was medium height and nicely built. She let her brown shoulder length hair frame her face in a rather elegant way. The two blond strips down each side and in the bangs reminded Jack of his own hair.

The denim vest she wore wrapped perfectly around her slim body as did her white skinny jeans.

She was very pretty, Jack had to admit.

Chris set her down and her eyes instantly fell on Alex.

"There you are Alex," she said and ran up to him. He picked her up and twirled her around.

"Oh, I have missed you sooo-" She said but paused when she saw Jack.

"This must be your pet?" She asked and looked back at Alex as she advanced toward Jack. Jack smiled a little at her.

Alex nodded and she turned back to Jack.

"Oh Alex," she said as she cupped Jack's face in her soft hands. "He's beautiful."

She stroked her thumb across Jack cheek making him blush with his smile.

"Isn't he?" Alex asked as he leaned against the front door frame. He resembled a man when someone admired his brand new car, Jack had decided.

"What's your name, baby?" she asked him, letting go of his face in favor of picking up his hand and observing it.

"Alex's pet, Jack," he answered.

"I wasn't expecting perfect manners, either," she complimented as she looked over Jack's fingers.

Jack looked at Alex who only shrugged at his boy.

"He's perfect," she giggled and turned back around to give Alex a thumbs up. "Well, as you know, I'm Cassadee."

Jack nodded. "It's nice to meet you."

"How was your dinner?" Oli asked, through the arch way to the kitchen as he sat at the table with the news paper spread out in front of him.

"Good!" Chris stated. "Alex bought me mac and cheese."

"What a gentleman," Cassadee giggled and nudged Alex.

Alex rolled his eyes affectionately. "I try."

"You always did," Cassadee chirped. "Alright boys, take my bags down stairs because I want a margarita!"

Oli rolled his eyes but already had her bags in hand as she disappeared down the stairs with them.

Jack moved from his spot to join Alex at his side.

Alex popped him and grin and pulled him closer to kiss his temple.

"You guys are so cute," Brendon praised as he came from the living room. "Aren't they, Ry?"

"Sure, Bren," Ryan answered flatly.

"Oh, I think they are." Cassadee chimed in, a cute smile on her face.

"Alright guys, I think it's time to get settled down now. Alex, if you'd help Cassadee get settled in?" Oli said as he rested a hand on the girl's shoulder.

Alex nodded in response.

"We'll have a special dinner tomorrow to celebrate her homecoming," he said and looked at Brendon, obviously wanting him to prepare the meal."Other than that, have a good morning."

Alex took Jack's hand as everyone dispersed and they followed Cassadee and Chris down the stairs.

There was one room that you could tell was Cassadee's. It was covered in photos of random things, all amateurly done, if you asked Jack.

Her bed spread was a light purple and it matched the walls that were an even lighter shade of purple. All other furniture was white which included a couple shelves, some with books and some with stuffed animals, a dresser in the corner, a four post bed and a bedside table. It was all typical girl stuff, Jack thought.

Her bags were placed next a trash can to the left of the door and it was full to the rim of crumpled paper.

Chris perched on the bed and as she walked past him, he reached out and pulled her onto his lap.

"Chris," she giggled but wrapped her arms around his neck. "I missed you."

Alex shot Jack an amused look but picked up her bags to begin unpacking them.

"I missed you too. Why do you have to leave?" Chris asked.

She frowned a little. "Well, first of all, I think I'd explode if I stayed here for too long. You know me; I can't be in one place for too long. But secondly, you know my job."

Chris nodded.

"What do you do?" Jack asked and hesitantly sat down next to them on the bed. "I mean, if you don't mind me asking."

She laughed a little. "Well, it's not really a job, but I do what Alex used to."

"The whole homeless shelter thing?" Jack asked as he ran his hand along the fabric of the comforter, finding that it was incredibly soft.

She nodded. "I do it with anyone I can find though; Any life that I can save."

Alex seemed to tense at this as he stood in the corner, unpacking clothes into the dresser.

Jack saw Cassadee frown at this but she seemed to ignore it.

Chris let out a long yawn that made her giggle and kiss his cheek. He smiled at her and played with a yellow bracelet that she had on her wrist.

"What's this for?" Chris asked as he tugged a little on it.

"Its so I don't forget to remember you, even though I'm not sure if that's possible." She kissed his cheek in addition, making him beam.

Cassadee looked over at him when Jack let out a small laugh.

"What? He's my bestest friend," she said and snuggled into him.

Chris frowned at this though she didn't see.

"Aw," Alex chimed in from the corner. "Bestest friend. How cute."

Chris stuck his tongue out at him and Jack when they laughed in unison.

"Your bags are unpacked and tucked into the bottom drawer." Alex told Cassadee and took a seat next to Jack on the bed who now had tucked his legs underneath him in a criss-cross.

"I think we should get to bed soon," Alex said as he reached forward to move a bleached strip of hair cfrom Jack's face.

Jack smiled crookedly from the corner of his eye and gave a small "mk" in response.

"We should go to bed too, Squirt," Cassadee said as she rubbed at her eyes. "That was a long drive here from Florida."

"You made it from Florida to here in one day?" Jack asked in awe.

She nodded with a grin. "I drove way too fast."

"No kidding," Jack panned.

Alex stood and pulled Jack up with him by the hand.

"C'mon, Chrissy," Alex said with a smile.

"I'll see you tonight," Chris chirped and kissed Cassadee's cheek before she got up and allowed for him to do so.

"Love you guys," she said and closed her door to change.

Alex walked Chris to the other side of the basement where his room was.

"Do you want me to tuck you in?" Alex said teasingly.

Chris giggled and nodded before he hopped into his bed.

Jack laughed as he leaned against the door frame.

"I am the master at this," Alex grinned as he walked past his boy into Chris' room. "What, with all the practice I've had."

Chris laid himself back into the bed and Alex smiled at him as he pulled the yellow blanket up to the boy's chest.

"I love you, Chrissy," he cooed and placed a kiss on the boy's forehead.

Jack couldn't help but smile at how cute the display was and think of what a great dad Alex could be.

Chris let out a long yawn and said, "Love you too, Lex."

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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