It's In The Blood (4/?)

Jun 06, 2010 23:06

Title: It's In The Blood (4/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest)
Rating: (Over all NC-17)
Dedications:My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (altuni )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI and cut to Phantom Of The Opera. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.
Authors Notes:

I love you all. <3 Comments? Because you love me too?

"I had to, Ry. He would have been dead, and for what purpose? I wouldn't let them drain and drink him."

Ryan laughed a little, flashing a dark smile. "You...and a human."

Alex tried to hold back a grin and rolled his eyes. "Out."

Ryan sighed. "Fine. I'll go find Bren," he muttered before slinking out, leaving Alex to nothing but Jack's quiet breathing breaking the silence.

For some reason, he couldn't help but think that Ryan was right. This really wasn't the life he wanted for Jack anyway. What would Jack say when he woke? Or worse, what would he not say?

After a few seconds of avoiding it, Alex let his eyes fall on the boy. He was adorable, all curled up on Alex's bed.

"Alex," Ryan said and he popped up through the doorway a few minutes later, making the other vampire jump. "Oli's home."

Alex took in a deep, but nervous breath. "I'll be right down."

Ryan nodded and disappeared again.

Alex reached out and rubbed Jack's shoulder. "Jack." The boy sucked in some air and let it out in a long yawn.

"Alex," Jack stated, his eyes snapping open. Alex moved his hand from Jack's shoulder to his chin, turning the boy's head so he could see the vampire.

"I'm right here, Jack."

Jack seemed pleased with this as he closed his eyes and hummed in affirmation.

"Where are we?" he mumbled.

"This is your new home," Alex smiled, making a point to emphasize 'home'.

"Home," Jack spoke in more of a question than a statement. He looked around him at the room. It seemed pretty normal considering that a blood drinking creature of the night that resided in it - not a coffin in sight. The room was painted white instead of the suspected black or dark purple and the trim on the doors, windows, and floor boards were a bright green. It matched the dresser, bookshelf and bedside table that were a little bit darker shade of green and also the bedspread and lounge chair that were teal, lime green, and yellow horizontal striped.

The only thing that seemed out of place were the books that sat on their respective shelves (ranging from manga to world books, even an older styled bible) and the assorted little figurines on his bedside table that sat next to the yellow and green lamp. The more Jack examined them the more they started to look like a scene from Alice in Wonderland.

"This is home?" Jack asked this time, his voice a little shaky.

"Mhm," Alex nodded. "This is my - our room," he corrected himself.

Jack looked back up at Alex with big eyes. "I like it."

Alex grinned and stroked his thumb across the boy's cheek. Pulling Jack up with him, he stood and tugged the boy out of the room.

"And this is the top floor of your new house. Ryan and Brendon's room is right there, directly across from ours and Oli and Tom's is there."

"Who?" Jack looked at Alex innocently.

"You'll understand in a minute." Alex tugged his hand, leading him down the stairs.

"Brendon," he called once they were at the bottom of the stairs and in a matter of seconds, a short boy came prancing out of what looked like kitchen from what Jack could see through a large, white archway.

"Yeah, Lex?" Brendon asked, but his eyes widened as soon as he saw Jack. "Oh my, it's nice to see you awake. I'm Brendon," he grinned as he took Jack's hand and shook it gracefully.

Jack smiled at the boy. "I'm Jack."

"Oh, how informal," Ryan scolded in an annoyed manner as he appeared from the same place as Brendon, though he stayed back further and leaned his weight on the archway. Jack's face fell instantly as he saw the man glaring at him. "It doesn't even have manners."

"Ryan," Alex said through lightly clenched teeth. "That's because I haven't taught him yet. He just got here."

Ryan rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry for his behavior," said Alex as he pulled Jack a little closer.

Jack just smiled a little at Ryan and nodded.

Things were silent for a while until another man appeared through through the main entrance, this one tall and lanky with almost every visible part of his body covered in colorful tattoos. He paused as his dark brown eyes fell on Jack.

"Nice job, Alex," he said in a monotone as turned around and shut the door. "You brought dinner." The man's voice was colored with a thick British accent, and for some reason, that made him even more intimidating to Jack.

"No, Oli," Alex cringed. "He's not dinner; he's mine."

Oli gave Alex a puzzled look. "You want to keep him?"

Alex stayed silent.

"You want to keep him," Oli rather stated than asked. "Here?"

Alex took Oli's hand and dragged him into the kitchen, Jack following closely behind his vampire.

"Oliver, please. That boy needs me now. I gave him my blood and if he goes home now, you know he'll be killed," Alex explained.

"You gave him what?!" Oliver whispered harshly.

"I gave him my blood, Oli. I can't change it now."

"I think it's a great idea," A voice said, as a slightly shorter man popped up next to Oli.
His eyes were the brightest shade of blue Jack had ever witnessed.

"Oh, do you?" Oli glanced over at him, one eyebrow raised.

The man nodded a little with a serious smile on his face. "He should have a pet; he deserves one."

"I'm Tom, this lovely man's brother." He held his hand out to Jack, shaking it gently.

"I'm Jack," the boy answered.

Oli looked sternly at Alex to correct the boy.

"Actually Jack, now when you are introduced, you're addressed as Alex's pet, Jack," Alex said, resting his hand on Jack's shoulder.

"Well, then I guess I'm Alex's pet, Jack." He blushed and smiled.

"I like the name Jack!" Yet another boy declaired as he popped up right behind Jack and walked until he was facing him.

Jack jumped a little upon hearing the voice but smiled when he saw the boy, sandy blonde hair, green eyes and all.

"I'm Christofer Drew," the boy said, popping a little smile at the end.

"It's nice to meet you, and as you already know I'm Ja- Alex's pet, Jack." He held out his hand for the boy to shake, earning a weird look from Chris.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, waiting for Chris to shake his hand.

"You look scary," Chris stated, slowly extending a hand.

"Well, I don't bite." Jack grinned and took the boy's hand. Alex, Tom and Chris laughed at the joke, but Oli stayed silent.

"Exactly, and we do. Alex, I just don't think you're ready for a pet," Oli sighed.

"He needs me," Alex said, starting to sound defeated.

Oli let out an even longer and deeper sigh. "Alright, Alex, but this is only a trial period. If I don't feel like this is working, you're removing the blood and sending him home."

Alex's face lit up. "Thank you!" Tom smiled at him and took him in for a long hug.

"Oh, and if he causes me problems, I'm eating him." Oli said, flashing his teeth in a dark smile, making Jack shiver slightly. "Now," he said loudly as he stepped back into the living area. "Lights out, the sun's been up for a while."

Alex grinned as he looked over at Jack.

"Bed," Oli demanded with a stern smile as he pushed Alex toward the stairs.

"Alright," The younger sighed and walked up the stairs, Jack following close behind.

"Why is everyone so shocked that you gave me your blood?" Jack asked as soon as they were in Alex's room.

Alex looked over at him as he set a blanket out across the lounge chair. The question was almost comforting to Alex in a way; almost a reassurance that Jack was learning.

"Well, first of all," Alex pulled a pair of pajama pants from his dresser and handed them to Jack. "Now I have to take care of you, and humans are difficult to take care of." That earned him a look from Jack as he put on the pants, making Alex laugh. "Second," Alex said, a little quieter as he turned from Jack. "It's kind of like the equivalent of marriage to us."

Jack's eyes shot to Alex. "Marriage?!" he squeaked, a lock of his black and blonde hair falling over his eyes.

"I guess we're a married couple now." Alex laughed as he pulled a pillow from the bed and set it onto the chair before he pulled his shirt off and changed into his own pair of pajama pants.

Jack smiled a little as soon as he turned from Alex, trying to hide the complete pleaure he found in this. The comforter beneath his hand was soft; unbelievabley soft as he pulled it back, revealing the crisp sheets.

"Well, good morning," Alex said softly as he walked over to the door and turned off the light before making his way back to the chair where he'd sleep for the night.

"Good morning?," Jack asked through the very dim light that shown through the room, allowing Jack to make out only the shapes of things as climbed into the bed.

"Well, it's like...nine AM. That's morning to me," Alex explained as he pulled the blanket over him.

"Oh, well then good morning, Alex."

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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