It's In The Blood (1/?)

May 31, 2010 14:54

Title: It's In The Blood (1/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex (Also Gabilliam, Ryden, Very slight Sykecest)
Rating: pg-13 (Over all NC-17)
Dedications:My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (altuni )
Disclaimer: Title belongs to AFI and cut to Phantom Of The Opera. I only own the story and maybe someday, Alex too.
Authors Notes:  I'm afraid of posting this, honestly. I like it, but I'm afraid you won't. =\

Either way, here's chapter 1

Master Post.

Also, if anyone wants to teach me how to do ^this better, go for it!
 And by this, I mean linky things.

Six Years Later

The sun was just starting to peek through the black curtains that hung over the large bay window on the top floor of the Barakat residence.


Jack opened his eyes, instantly shutting them when he decided that the light was too bright.


Only now did he recognize the sound of his best friend's voice as it reached his room.

"Oh man, Jack, you're still sleeping?!" The tall, lanky man waltzed into Jack's room, not bothering to knock on the large oak door at the entrance.

Jack tugged the big black and white checkered comforter that wrapped around him like a burrito closer to him in an effort to keep his best friend away.

"Come on, love. It's noon and we have our interview in an hour. An hour! And you're not even awake yet!" The boy sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How the hell did you get in here, William?" Jack growled from under the covers.

"You don't lock your door, Bear-a-kitty. I could have been some rapist and you wouldn't have known," William teased. "Oh, and you should know..." He cringed slightly as another tall man walked into Jack's room.

William stood and and tucked a lock of his long, auburn hair behind his ear and wrapped his arms around the man. "...I brought Gabe too," he smiled, seeking the approval of his best friend.

Jack sighed, pushed the covers away from him and got out of bed.

"As long as he's not in the way."

Jack walked to the closet and got dressed into a grey and purple suit, one he'd bought just for the occasion. William was typing away at his expensive cell phone as Jack tightened his tie.

"Alright, Jack. We're going to miss our interview unless we leave right now."

Jack grabbed his Nikon camera off of the shelf and slung it over his shoulder. "Do you have the portfolio?" he asked as he headed for the door.

"Right here." Gabe grinned and held up the black book.


William's fingers were fidgeting together so fast that Jack was sure that they'd fall off. He was also sure that minutes were hours as they sat together in the drab, grey waiting room of Fueled By Photography Studios.

"Bilvy," Jack cooed.

"Yeah?" William answered absentmindedly.

"Calm down, he's going to love our work," Jack reassured as he rubbed comforting circles into the boy's back.

"Yeah, baby. Why do you worry so much?" Gabe teased and nudged into William with his shoulder, making William giggle loudly.

"Excuse me...Mr. Barakat?" a secretary asked as she stood outside of the door labeled "Mr. Wentz", clutching her clipboard against her bright yellow pencil skirt and matching blazer.

"Yes?" Jack answered, standing to take her hand in a hand shake. William stood as well.

"If you'll follow me, Mr. Wentz is ready to see you."

William gave a long sigh as he dropped the portfolio onto Jack's bed.

"Oh, c'mon, Bilvy. We got the job!" Jack exclaimed, grinning like an idiot.

"No, you got the job. I got head assistant to you." William sighed again and let himself fall back onto the bed next to the black book.

"That's what you wanted though, silly boy." Jack laughed a little and crouched down in front of William, pulling William up into a sitting position again.

"I thought he'd offer me more, though! I mean...have you seen my ass? Have you? Look at it! I thought for sure I'd get 'top model'."

Jack chuckled. "Of course your ass is great William-"

"My hips too," William added.

Jack rolled his eyes a little. "Yeah, your hips too. But you're a great organizer and I need you. But you know...maybe I shoot you some time?" Jack held up his camera for William to see.

The boy's eyes lit up. "Really?!"

"Yeah, why not? I think you'd make a great model."

William squeaked with joy. "How 'bout we meet Gabe for some celebratory drinks!"

"We're not old enough," Jack answered as he walked over and set his camera on the top of his dresser right next to a picture of William and him as children at his twelveth birthday party. And what a party that was. They'd just cut the cake when Jack went to retreive his brand new birthday toy from the river bank when he must have lost his balance. That was the worst...and some how best birthday party yet.

The smell of vodka pulled him out of his thoughts. He turned around to see William and a bright blue bottle tipped up to his lips.

"William!" Jack yelled and snatched the bottle from him. "No stealing my liquor. Did you get this from under my bed?"

"Fine. It looks like I'll have to find another way." William mumbled, ignoring the question, and pulled out his cell phone. "Gabe? We'll meet you at nine."

He hung up the phone and turned to a grinning Jack.

"Let's...get wasted?"

"Let's get wasted."


"Gabe!" William squealed and jumped into his boyfriend's arms. Behind him, Jack was laughing, already sipping down some straight whiskey.

"Hey, baby," Gabe grinned and gave the boy a kiss. "How'd things end up?"

"We got the job!" William exclaimed.

Gabe grinned. "You know what that means..."

William looked at him with a suspicious smile.



"I'm so wasted." William declared, slurring along and letting out a tiny burp at the end.

Jack grinned widely, next to him. Not having consumed much alcohol, he was still fairly sober.

"Jacky! Les' gessome food." William managed to get to a sleeping Gabe's lap before reaching out and snatching a burrito from the bright green table of the VIP room that they all shared.

Jack smiled. "I actually need to take a breather, okay? I'll be back."


And with that, Jack turned around and walked out that door to the public part of the club where everyone was sweating and everyone was wasted. A pair of girls in the corner had their mouths locked together in a sex-hungry frenzy.

Typical club.

He pushed aside the heavy glass doors at the entrance and stepped into the lukewarm air of a summer night. He looked around the parking lot at the various smaller parties that held themselves out here.

Too many people.

He needed quiet instead of the sound of muffled bass so he walked until he couldn't hear that or the sound of a girl whining erotically from behind a car. He walked until the ground beneath him was soft and slightly wet. It was a nice change from the hard floor of the club and the pavement.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and took in the secluded area. He must have found a clearing in the middle of this forest, he realized as he looked up at the sliver of a moon, looking familliarly like the pearly-white grin of The Cheshire Cat.

The rest of the sky was dark and lifeless. Even the trees around him didn't rustle in the breeze, but that's because the breeze was non-existent.

And then, he heard a sound. And not just any sound. A whisper.

Or maybe just really quiet talking. At first, too quiet to really hear, but soon he realized that it was getting closer. His heart started to beat a little faster as a sliht flit of panic set in and he shuffled to hide himself behind a tree.

"Damn." The first voice he heard was rough and husky and it wasn't too far off. He'd have to do a much better job of hiding. Did he know why he was hiding? No, but some instintual sense set in and he did none-the-less. He spotted a small patch of shrubs next to him and crawled between them, making sure all of him was covered and stayed completely still until he could see the people that were talking.

The first man he saw wasn't short, but not that entirly tall either; probably Jack's own height. His hair was cut into a buzz and he looked entirely too strong for him angry and also safe. Jack's eyes shifted to the man's face and yep, he looked angry.

"Shut up, Rian. Whining isn't going to help us get food any faster."

The man who said this was taller than Rian, Jack noticed, and his appearance couldn't be described. His hair was held together in shoulder length dreadlocks and he was black, yet still glowingly pale, like a layer of glass covered his skin and held the dark color back.

"But there's no wind, I can't smell anything!" Rian exclaimed. He sounded furious.

What the hell were they talking about? They sounded like animals...and they looked dead.

"Keep trying. We can't fail tonight because we both need blood," the dark one growled.

Jack froze. Did he say blood?

And upon thinking that, Jack felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket.

He let his eyes close and knew he was fucked as he saw the two standing before him turn and look directly at him.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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