Some Kind of Love - Part 1/?

Mar 31, 2010 17:18

Title: Some Kind of Love - Part 1/?
Author: x_cheapnovelty 
Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/William Beckett
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: The cigarette smoke is spelling out your name
POV: Third
Warnings: Smoking, swearing, sex of the homoerotic kind
Disclaimer: Highly imaginary.
Author Notes: I thought there was a bit too much Jalex and Alex/Caleb going on, so I wrote one with Beckett in it. Hurray. This chapter is short but chapter 2 will be up as soon as I pick my jaw up off the floor about TBS's news.
I hope you like it, leave me comments and such :)

Alex sighs and looks at the clock on his cell; 4:08am. It’s probably too late to be out on a weekday, he figures, but in his line of work, he supposes it doesn’t really matter. He’s supposed to be out partying all night every night, right? He glances around at everyone else left in the club then leaves, shoving his hands in his pockets and stepping out into the chilly autumn air. It’s Thursday - well, Friday morning now and Alex rubs his tired eyes before stopping to sit on a brick fence and pulling out a cigarette. The chemicals burn his throat but soothe the tension in his muscles and he doesn’t notice the shape in front of him until it speaks.

“Got a light?”

“Uh...” Alex can’t actually see the shape, it’s just a tall silhouette in front of the orange streetlamp, but Alex hands over the lighter anyway. In the glow from the small flame, the shape’s complexion flickers into view momentarily and Alex gasps; the stranger had the most wonderful face, and the way his lips curved around the cigarette made Alex shiver.

This stranger exhaled in a large gust, turning his head so he was bathed in the orange light now and Alex could drink in the appearance of this handsome stranger. Though, Alex now thought “handsome” was an understatement. He looked elusive; appeared mysterious to Alex and it wasn’t just because he was a stranger. This person was the kind of boy who came into your life for five minutes but whose face lingered in the holds of one’s memory for five days.

“You got a name as well?” asks the beautiful stranger, blowing more clouds into the air as he did so.

“Alexander.” The stranger seems to nod in approval, but says nothing more and seems oblivious to Alex’s greedy eyes. They stood there, Alex too entranced to move; the stranger inhaling his cigarette, perfectly unaware. His casual ignorance made Alex think that maybe it was on purpose, maybe he enjoyed spellbinding late-night smokers.

“Well, thanks for the light, Alexander...” says the stranger, throwing his butt on the ground and stamping on it with his Italian boot before turning to walk away.

This stirred Alex from his trance.

“Wait.” The stranger turned around, curious. “What’s your name?” Alex had to know. He could not let this stranger just disappear.

“You can call me Beckett.”

“Beckett,” Alex whispered as Beckett smirked a last time and walked away in the glow.

chaptered: some kind of love, rating: pg-13, author: x_cheapnovelty, pairing: alex gaskarth/william beckett

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