Halloween Contest (sort of)

Oct 11, 2008 18:34

Title: Car Crash Hearts
Author: darkbluerain
Rating: PG-15
Pairing: Merrikarth
POV: Alex
Summary: What's the deal with the sexy, mysterious boy on the side of the road?
Disclaimer: Fake. Stole the title from FOB. Plot based on an actual ghost story. Oh, and the name of the school is actually a college, but my mind was blank.
Author Notes: M'kay, it's nothing too spooky. But come on guys! Me and conspiracy_xx would simply adore it if you participated in the Halloween Contest. You've got until the end of the month! This is just to give you guys a little shove. There's a lot of breaks in this one, but it really wouldn't work just doing it straight through. I don't think it's very well written, but I'm half dead and majorly depressed, so you be the judge. Oh, and Beth? You'd best keep your eyes on auditionslash for the next couple of days. Point out mistakes, plz.

"Jack, look. Pull over."
"You are fucking crazy. There is no way I'm picking up some random guy on the side of the road. He's probably a rapist."
I sigh and lean back against my seat. "Jack, when was the last time you saw a potential rapist, let alone a really good looking potential rapist, huddled on the side of the street, looking half dead, without a jacket?"
"For all you know, he could be the Maryland Jacket Rapist. He gets you to pull over, gets you to give him a ride and borrow your hoodie, and then BAM! Next thing you know you feel your sore, bloodied body being shoved out of a car on some dirt road."
I cannot believe this kid. "Pull over Jack."
"Whatever. But if you end up raped and left for dead, don't come bitchin' to me."
Why am I friends with him?
In case you're confused, let me back up a couple steps. My name's Alex, and I'm headed to a school dance with my friend Jack. We decided to go dateless and scan the crowd for attractive boys, but I think I just found myself a man. Still grumbling about hoodies and rapists, Jack pulls off to the side of the road.
Holy hell, this boy is gorgeous. He has a mess of sandy blonde hair that's blowing in the cold evening wind. I can't tell what color his eyes are in the darkness, but all that matters is that they're deep and entrancing. He's wearing a white dress shirt paired with tight skinny jeans.
"Hey there. What's a lovely boy like you doing out here all alone?"
Jack mutters 'slut' under his breath, and I kick him.
The boy leans close to the window. "I was headed to the dance up at Juno, but my ride bailed on me."
"Perfect! That's where we're headed. You can ride with us. My names Alex, by the way. And this is Jack."
He smiles and opens the back door, sliding into the seat with the grace of a ballroom dancer. "My name's Zack. Zack Merrick. Thank you guys so much, most people just drove right past me."
I turn around and get a better look at his face as Jack starts the car back up. Lordy, he's even more gorgeous up close. "No problem. At least now I have a dance partner. If you don't mind dancing with me, that is."
Zack smiles again, almost shyly. "I don't mind at all."

When we finally pull into the school parking lot, I am more than excited. I mean, he's amazing so far! We've been talking during the entire ride and so far I've found out that he plays bass, he's got a tattoo, and we have a really similar music interest. It doesn't seem like much, but I really like him. Jack doesn't seem to be bothered by him as much. Or maybe he's just glad the kid hasn't turned out to be crazy.
"I don't know about the two of you, but I'm ready to dance."
I get out first and open Zack's door for him, holding out an arm. "Shall we go, Zachary?"
He laughs and links his arm with mine. "We shall, Alexander."
I almost feel bad for Jack. Am I making him jealous?
"Hey, Jack!! C'mere!"
Turning my head, I spot a wild mane of ginger hair gesturing towards Jack. Travis. Okay, so maybe he won't be alone after all. He probably won't be spending the night alone either, if you get what I'm saying. There's so much sexual tension in a room with Jack and Travis you practically drown in it.
Zack and I take to the dance floor as soon as we enter the building. And holy hell, he is a far better dancer than me. I let him take the lead. Chances are he's done this more than me, what with him being so damn good looking and so obviously talented.
"Do you go to dances a lot, Zack? You're really good."
He smiles, but his eyes seem distant and sad. Should I not have said that?
"You could say that."

"That. Was. Amazing."
I choose to sit in the back seat with Zack on the ride home. A certain redhead is occupying the front seat anyway. The dance was more than fantastic. I had my first slow dance, if you can believe that. Lame, I know. But at least it was with someone...someone like Zack. He smells so good and his skin is so soft and wow, I'm starting to sound like a girl.
I glance over at him, and I notice his skin seems paler, and he looks really tired. And he's shivering. I take off the hoodie I'm wearing and place it around his shoulders, but he continues to shiver.
"Hey Zack, where do you live? We're about to pass the spot where we found you, so I figured you probably lived close," Jack calls over his shoulder.
"Oh, about three miles away from where you picked me up. It's a tiny house."
Sure enough, after a few more minutes of driving we come across a house that looks like it could barely fit two people, with a single light glowing softly in a window. Maybe he lives alone?
When we pull up he hurries out of the car. I grab his hand before he can leave. "Wait! At least let me walk you to your door or something."
"No, I have to go by myself. Thank you for the dancing Alex, but I really have to go."
"Let the poor kid go Alex," Travis says.
Reluctantly, I let go and shut the car door behind him. Jack starts the car back up and drives away, not even giving me a chance to watch him walk inside. "Aww, come on Jack. You could have at least let me shout goodbye out the window."
"It's late man, we have to get home."
I huff and cross my arms, leaning back in the seat. "You just want to get laid. Oh fuck!"
"He's still wearing my hoodie. We can go back and get it, can't we?"
"No way. We'll come back in the morning. There's something about that kid that's still weirding me out. I'll come pick you up around eight and then we'll come back here in the daylight."

I am practically bouncing in my seat as we get closer and closer to the house where we dropped Zack off. Whether it's because I'll get my hoodie back or because I've been thinking about him all night, I don't know. I still can't understand how he gave Jack the jitters.
"Alright Alex, get ready. I want to go in, get your hoodie, and leave. Nothing more."
"Why the hell does he creep you out so much?"
We pull up in front of the house. Jack bites his lip. "I don't know. Something just isn't right with that kid."
We head up to the house and knock on the door. There's positively no movement on the other side, so we knock several more times until a short woman wearing a faded blue cardigan answers. "Can I help you?"
"Umm, yes. See, we picked up a guy a couple miles down the road last night, and then we dropped him off here. Is Zack Merrick home?"
At the sound of his name the woman's eyes light up. "My son? You saw my son?"
Jack speaks up. "Yeah, he needed a ride to the dance up at Juno and we took him."
She presses her fingers lightly to the corner of her mouth. It looks like she's holding back tears. "Zack died a long time ago, in a car accident on his way to a dance. The cemetery's a few miles down the road if you want proof. He tries to come home all the time, so I leave a light in the window for him every night. He never makes it all the way, though."
What the hell?
"Sorry to have bothered you then."
Jack grabs me by the arm and drags me back out to the car. "What the hell, man?"
"Dude, it is quite obvious that he had his mom come up with some lameass story so wouldn't have to see you again. Let's just go."
"What about my hoodie?"
"I'll buy you a new one."
We drive in silence for a few minutes. That is, until I catch sight of the cemetery. "Hold up! Pull over for a minute."
Before he can stop me I throw open the door and start scanning the names on the tombstones. Jack begins shouting at me to come back in the car, but gives up and shuts off the engine, following after me.
"Alex, come on, do you really think we're going to..."
He sees the reason I've stopped running and his eyes widen.
"No fucking way."
The tombstone says Zachary Steven Merrick. According to the dates, he died about twelve years ago.
And lying neatly folded on the grass below the stone is my hoodie.

author: darkbluerain, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick, rating: r

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