The Truth Always Comes Out

Jul 09, 2013 23:55

One Shot
Pairing: Jalex and Zalex
Rating: NC-17

Warning: sex and strong language

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone. As far as I know this never happened.

Summery: Jack and Alex are happy together in a relationship. Well, Jack was happy until a little ‘mistake’ from Alex turns everything around. Alex could better tell the truth.

A/N: Another requested fic on my tumblr. Sorry that this took me a while to write this was because I saw All Time Low live at the 5th of July (which was the most amazing day in my life). English is not my first language. So sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors. I hope the annon likes the end I made (I wasn’t sure what you wanted but I made something out of it). Don’t forget to comment, you’ll make me very happy ;)
my tumblr:

All Time Low had a day off. Alex and Jack were sitting in the tourbus snuggled tight together. Jack sat pressed up against Alex's side, lazingly tracing patterns on the older boy's chest.
"I'm bored," he mumbled.
Alex looked down at the younger boy and softly kissed his nose. "Why don't you go and play football with the others?" he said as he pressed his forehead against Jack's.
"Are you coming too?" Jack asked.
Alex had other plans then playing football with his boyfriend. "I don't feel to well, sorry baby," he said. "I kinda wanna rest so we can play a great show tomorrow."
"Okay," Jack said as he snuggled further into his boyfriend's chest. "I'll stay with you and care for you."
Alex sighed. "You don't have to, Jacky. Just go and play football with the others okay?" Alex spoke. "Have fun. I'll be fine."
"You sure?" Jack asked a bit concerned.
"Yea, don't worry," Alex kissed the younger boy's nose again. "And if I really feel bad, Zack is still on the bus working out, or I'll just call you. Okay?"
"Okay," Jack said standing up. "Bye then!" he said before running to the venue to play football with the others.

Alex sighed when the younger boy was gone. He loved Jack that was true, but sometimes the younger boy worked on his nerves.
Alex walked to the back lounge where Zack was working out.
"Hey," he spoke.
"Hey Alex!" Zack said, standing up. "Is Jack gone?"
"Yea," Alex said as he went to sit on the couch. "He's playing football with the others."
"Okay," Zack said as he sat down next to Alex.
Alex went to sit on the smaller boy's lap. "I'm happy we have some alone time now," he said before pressing his lips to Zack's.
Zack kissed back as soon as he felt Alex's lips on his, putting his hands on the older boy's hips.
Alex licked at Zack's bottom lip. Zack opened his mouth and their tongues started to dance together. Zack quickly took dominance and pushed Alex down on the couch, lying on top of the older boy.

This was why Alex had a secret relationship with Zack. The smaller boy took more dominance then Jack did. Also Zack was way stronger and Alex found sex with the smaller boy always more pleasing as with Jack. He didn't want Jack to find out because he didn't want to hurt the guitarist. He loved him but there was something about sex with Zack he liked more.

Alex moaned into the kiss, grinding his hips upwards against Zack's. The smaller boy groaned, breaking the kiss and licking along the singer's jawline. He stopped to suck at the scull tattoo behind Alex's ear. This sent shivers down the older boy's spine. Alex could feel his dick becoming hard and he grind his hips up against the smaller boy's again.
Alex glide his hands over Zack's back which was already sweaty and he wasn't wearing a shirt because he'd been working out.
Zack moaned at Alex's touch and moved his own hands to the bottom of Alex's shirt. Alex sat upright so Zack could tug the shirt over his head.
Immediately Zack began to trail wet kisses down the singer's torso. Alex moaned loud as Zack sucked next to his bellybutton.
Soon Zack's mouth traveled downwards and he tugged at Alex's jeans. Undoing the button and pulling down the singer's zipper.
Zack went to sit upright so he could undo his own jeans. Both boys quickly pulled off their trousers, leaving them in only boxers.
Zack pushed the older boy down on the sofa again, roughly pulling Alex's legs up to his chest, so he could settle between them.
Alex moaned loud as Zack started to cup him through his boxers.
"P-please Zack, I need this," Alex groaned while grinding his hips into the smaller boy's hand.
Zack smiled devilishly and took a strong grip with both hands on the waistband of Alex's boxers.
"How bad do you need this?" he growled, his voice low.
"We haven't had sex in weeks, please, Zack, please," Alex begged the smaller boy.
"Okay, if you need it so bad...." Zack spoke before he tore Alex's boxers in two. The singer yelped in surprise, and Zack threw the shredded piece of fabric on the floor.
Zack smirked again as he wriggled backwards on the sofa to lick at the older boy's length.
Alex moaned loud, one of his hands immediately tangling in the smaller boy's hair and the other gripped at the armrest above his head.
Zack took the tip of Alex's dick in his mouth and sucked hard. Alex trusted his hips upwards and with the other hand he tried to pull Zack's head down.
Zack was to strong and had now a firm grip on the singer's hips, still only sucking the tip of his dick.
"Aahh... Zack, p-please," Alex moaned, desperately trying to trust his dick into the smaller boy's throat.
Zack pulled off of Alex's cock and the singer gave a unsatisfied groan.
"You have lube?" the smaller boy asked.
"My bunk," Alex groaned.
"Go get it," Zack said before climbing off the older boy.
Alex groaned again, climbing off the sofa and rushing off to get the lube.
When Alex came back with lube Zack had pulled off his boxers and was jerking himself. Alex threw the lube at Zack's face, who coughs it easily.
"Tease," the singer said before laying on the couch again and spreading his legs. Zack leaned over Alex and coated three fingers in lube. He leaned in further to bite at the singer's earlobe, pushing two fingers in straight away.
Alex groaned, grinding down on the smaller boy's fingers.
Zack scissored this fingers and pushed a third one past the tight ring of muscles. He intentionally avoided Alex's prostate as he thrusted his fingers in different directions.
Alex groaned again. "P-please, Zack... Aaah, I-I need you. Please stop teasing and f-fuck me!"
Zack pulled his fingers out of the older boy, and quickly lubed up his dick.
He lined himself up with Alex's entrance and pushed in slowly, earning a long, low moan from the boy underneath him.
When Zack was fully buried inside Alex he stopped for a second.
"Go... Aaah, move, Zack p-please," Alex moaned, already grinding his ass down on Zack's dick.
Zack pulled almost all the way out and slammed back into the older boy.
Alex head felt back against the armrest as a loud moan fell from his lips.
Zack started a fast rhythm and his strong hands gripped at the singer's hips.
Alex tangled his hands into Zack's hair, tugging on the short strands.
The younger boy moaned at Alex's fingers massaging his scalp by tugging his hair.
Alex pulled the smaller boy's lips to his own again, kissing him hungrily. Zack was still trusting into Alex and trying to pull the older boy's hips closer to his.
Alex moaned into the kiss and bit Zack's lip, lightly tugging it when he pulled away.
"Aaah, Z-Zack... harder! Aahh," the older boy moaned.
Zack gripped Alex's legs and pushed them further to the older boy's chest, allowing himself to go deeper and picking up the pace.
"I-I'm close... Ah," Zack groaned after thrusting a few more times into the boy beneath him.
Alex moaned, his hand traveling down his body to touch his own almost leaking cock.
Alex could feel his orgasm building as he grind his ass down on Zack's cock. He could feel the smaller boy was close by the way his hips started to lose their rhythm.
"Aah, Alex..." Zack moaned.

That wasn't Zack's voice...

Zack stopped thrusting into the older boy, and both boys looked to where the noise had come from.
"Jack?!" Alex gasped as he saw the younger boy standing in the front of the back launch.
"A-Alex?... W-why?!" Jack managed to choke out, tears already forming in his eyes.
Zack was bitting his lip hard, trying to keep his hips from moving as Alex was wriggling underneath him.
"Jack, I-I..." Alex tripped over his own words.
Zack couldn't contain himself any longer and thrust into the older boy again, earning a surprised moan from him.
Tears now started streaming down Jack's face. "H-how could you!" he sobbed before turning around and running out off the bus.

In between that short period of time Zack had managed to come, almost bitting holes in his lip to prevent himself from making too much noise.
Alex had tears straining his own eyes as he watched the spot where Jack just stood. He had stopped paying attention to Zack, sex or his dick.
As soon as Zack pulled out off him, Alex climbed off the sofa and awkwardly pulled on his jeans and shirt.
"I'm sorry, Zack," he said, before running after Jack.

Alex awkwardly run through the venue, desperately searching for Jack. He could feel his dick leaking precum and his jeans getting slightly wet. If he didn't find Jack soon he would come in his jeans, just from the friction they were creating on his cock, and the fact that he'd been hard for a while.
After running around the venue for a few minutes, Alex spotted Jack. He sat on the ground behind the concert building, his knees pulled to his chest and sobbing into his hands.
"Jack!" Alex called.
As soon as the younger boy heard his voice he tried to stand up and run away.
"No, Jack. Wait!" Alex said before he caught the younger boy's wrist.
"Don't touch me!" Jack cried.
"Jack please, let me explain," Alex said looking the guitarist in his tear strained eyes.
Jack looked away. "What do you need to explain. You w-were having sex with Z-Zack!" he said, starting to cry again.
"Jack please," Alex said before pulling the younger boy to his chest.
"Don't fucking touch me!" Jack spat at him, shoving the older boy away roughly.
Alex stumbled backwards, groaning as the fabric of his jeans rubbed against his cock.
"How long has this been going on?" Jack asked, looking Alex directly in his eyes.
"Uh..." Alex began awkwardly. This whole thing had been going on for quite a while now.
"Be honest," Jack said, still looking the singer in his eyes.
"Uh... Quite a while to be honest," Alex confessed.
Immediately tears started falling from Jack's eyes again. "W-why?" he sobbed quietly.
Alex didn't know what to say, and the look in Jack's eyes made him feel extremely guilty.
"W-wasn't I good enough," Jack sobbed.
"Jack, I-I..." Alex began, trying to reach for the younger boy's wrist again.
"Don't touch me!" Jack cried, moving away from the older boy's touch. "You could've just said I wasn't good enough!"
"Jack please, i-it's not what you think," Alex tried to shush the younger boy.
"Leave me alone, Alex!" Jack cried, before turning around and running away again.
"Jack!" Alex called after him, but the younger boy didn't stop running. "Fuck," Alex cursed under his breath. Alex had never meant to hurt the younger boy. But of course he could have expected this.
Defeated Alex walked back to the bus.

"I fucked everything up!" Alex said as he walked into the back launch.
Zack was sitting on the couch, he had pulled his clothes on again.
"Everything okay?" the smaller boy asked, looking a bit worried at the singer who let himself fall onto the couch.
"No," Alex began. "I fuck everything up. I-I've got Jack crying. A-and he ran away," he said starting to sob.
Zack pulled him to his chest.
"I-I don't know what t-to do anymore," Alex sobbed. "I-I never meant to h-hurt Jack."
"I'm sorry too, Alex," Zack spoke. "I should never have started this with you."
"No, no, no," Alex said holding the smaller boy tight. "It's not that, i-it's just... I don't know."
"Alex listen," Zack said, lifting the other boy's chin so he could look him in the eyes. "It's okay if you want to be with Jack in stead of me. Follow your hearth."
Alex swallowed and leaned in one last time. When he pulled away tears were running down his face. "Thank you Zack," he whispered before running off to get his Jack back.

"JACK! JACK!" Alex called running around the venue. "Jack! Please."
Alex quickly turned around. "Jack?!"
It was Rian.
"What's going on dude," Rian said as he approached the singer.
"Have you seen Jack?" Alex asked slightly panicked.
"No," Rian answered. "I haven't seen him since he was going to get a drink from the bus."
"Fuck," Alex cursed under his breath.
"Hey dude, why are you so panicked?" Rian asked, seeing the singer look around nervously.
"I just need to find Jack," Alex said before running off again, leaving Rian with no time to reply.

Please let everything be okay. Alex thought as he run around the venue. He'd already searched here. The only place he hadn't looked for his boyfriend was the concert building itself.
As soon as Alex entered the building he could hear quite sobbing coming from a nearby toilet.
"Jack?" the singer asked as he walked to the toilet stand where the noise came from.
"Leave me alone!" Jack screamed.
"Jack please," Alex began. "I'm so sorry."
There wasn't a reply from Jack, Alex could only hear him crying.
"Jack please open the door."
No reply.
"Jack please," the older boy said, gently knocking on the door.
Alex could still only hear sobbing coming from the toilet stand Jack was in.
"Alright," Alex said. "Then I'll wait here until you come out." He walked over to the sinks and sat in front of them on the floor.

After a few long minutes of silence, the only noise filling the room was Jack's crying, Alex hear the lock click open.
Jack slowly pushed the toilet door open, he stood in the doorway, eyes puffy and red from crying.
Alex slowly stood up and walked over to the younger boy, wrapping his arms around him.
"I'm so, so, so sorry, Jack," he said as he hold the other boy close.
Jack let out another sob. "Why, Alex? Why?" he asked, tears audible in his voice.
"I don't know," the older boy sighed.
"Y-you do know," Jack arguments. "There is a reason."
"I-I...," Alex swallowed hard. "It's just... Uh... well, s-sex with... Zack... Uh," Alex couldn't form his words while Jack was looking at him with tear strained eyes. Alex turned his glance away from the younger boy's. "Sex with Zack is more pleasing in some kind of way..." he confessed.
Jack looked at him with a hurt look in his eyes. "You c-could just...," he began to speak as he took a step away from the older boy. "You could just have told me... L-like what wasn't good about s-sex with me."
Alex didn't dare to look his boyfriend in the eyes, instead looking at the ground.
"You lied to me, Alex!" tears started coming back in Jack's eyes.
Also Alex was trying to fight his tears. "I'm sorry," Alex tried.
"Well like that changes everything," Jack started screaming. "He fucked you Alex! He fucking fucked you and you lied to me!" The younger boy dropped to the flour again. Alex rushed over to him, pulling Jack to his chest.
Jack didn't protest, clinging to the older boy's shoulders. "I-I... h-hate... y-you, h-how c-could y-you," he sobbed violently.
"I'm so sorry Jack," tears started to fall down Alex's own face.

After another few long minutes Jack had managed to catch his breath again. "How was s-sex with Zack so different than sex w-with me?" he asked, voice still thick with tears.
"Uh... It, it was... Well, Zack was stronger and more dominant than you are," Alex answered, not daring to look the guitarist in his eyes.
"Oh...," Jack replied. "But you could just have asked me to be more dominant," he said, sounding a bit hurt.
"I know, I'm sorry," Alex said. "It was just, we were drunk... and you weren't there and then Zack pushed me against a wall and... stuff," Alex awkwardly bit his lip. "That's a bit how it started," he confessed.
Jack didn't say anything, just holding the other boy to his chest.
"Please don't hate me now," Alex said.
"No," Jack replied. " I won't hate you. I actually don't blame you that much..."
Alex looked at Jack with a puzzled expression.
"Zack is actually kinda hot," Jack confessed, blushing a bit.
A small smile crept his way to Alex lips. He kissed his boyfriend's nose, before moving lower and kissing his lips. "You're cute when you blush."
This comment only made Jack blush harder.
"Shut up," he said before playfully hitting Alex on his arm and connecting their lips again.
Alex pulled Jack closer. The younger boys knee rubbed against the singer's crotch, making him groan. Mainly in discomfort because he still hadn't come from the sex with Zack.
Jack looked at him with a strange look on his face. "Are you still hard," he said looking down at Alex's obvious boner.
"Y-yea," Alex groaned, desperately wanting to touch himself now.
"Didn't you like, finish, before you started searching me?" Jack asked.
"N-no," Alex answered, grinding his hips up into the air.
Jack had a devilish smile on his face. "Well, then I think you should ask Zack to fix this, because apparently am I not dominant enough."
Alex groaned. "You're such a tease."
Jack placed his hand on Alex crotch, making the older boy moan and buck his hips upwards. "Beg for it," he said smiling devilishly.
Alex groaned again. "Please Jack, please anything," he begged. "A handjob a blowjob anything."
"Oh, don't you prefer a handjob from Zack? Doesn't he have stronger hands?" Jack teased.
"Please Jack," Alex said, still thrusting his hips into Jack's hand. "Y-your fingers are w-way more skilled, a-and your blowjobs a-are ten times better... Aah, Jack please," Alex moaned, he could feel his dick starting to leak precum again.
Jack unzipped the singers jeans and tugged them down. "You dirty little slut, not wearing underwear," he said as he griped Alex's dick. The older boy had no reply at Jack's remark, just moaning at the feeling of the younger boy's hands on him.
Jack jerked the singer slowly and right before taking him in his mouth and going down.
Alex moaned loud, not caring about the fact that he was laying on a dirty toilet floor.
Jack hollowed his cheeks and that was all it took for Alex to come. The singer loudly moaned Jack's name as the younger boy swallowed everything down.

When Alex was finished he was gasping for breath as he pulled his jeans back on. "Thanks Jack, I don't know why I ever doubted you," he said before leaning in to kiss his boyfriend again.
"I love you," Jack said when he pulled away.
"I love you too," Alex said. "But lets go back to the bus before everyone is running around the venue histericaly, searching for us, like I was searching for you."
Jack chuckled and took the singers hand.
Together they walked back to the tourbus.

standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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