I'll Be Seeing You - Prologue.

May 06, 2013 21:19

Title: ​I'll Be Seeing You.
Author: Ree youvegotitmade
Rating: ​We'll figure that out properly later.
Pairing: Jalex!
Disclaimer: It's all fiction! Based off The Notebook.
Summary: You don't need to know who I am just yet, you'll find out soon enough. All you need to know is that I'm here to tell you a story. A story of hate, and freedom, and rebellion... and most importantly, a story of being in love.


Its a truth universally known that mothers never listen. But you probably already knew that.

You don't need to know who I am just yet, you'll find out soon enough. All you need to know is that I'm here to tell you a story. A story of hate, and freedom, and rebellion... and most importantly, a story of being in love.

This story revolves around two boys. One named Jack, the other, Alex. They had no idea the other even existed until Alex's mother pulled him from his school, his home, his friends, his entire childhood, and moved him from busy New York City to Baltimore, Maryland. Why did she move him? You'll find out eventually, I don't want to get too ahead of myself and forget something.

Jack on the other hand, had lived in Maryland almost his entire life. He loved it for the most part, he had friends, and a social life, and great grades. A far as anyone else was concerned he was the greatest kid to walk the planet. To know him was to love him. Behind all of that though, behind the happiness and the parties and the friends, is where they fell in love. Where they would cuddle together in the back seat of Jack's car, whispering promises and stories, sharing things that could only be brewed up in the darkest corners of their minds.

I seem to be getting ahead of myself again, though, so I better get on with it.

You might be wondering why I've decided to tell you this now, and not when it all happened a whole 25 years ago, but in all honestly, its taken me until now to get the courage to write this down.

I hope you enjoy, I really do.

Behave yourself. Don't you dare skip anything.

Yours forever, sweetheart. x


A/N: Hello, again! I started this a while ago, and since my other story seems to be at a complete stand still, I thought I'd revisit and see where I can take this one! Enjoy it, lovelies!

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth

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