I Don't Care If You're Sick, I Don't Care If You're Contagious - Seven

Feb 09, 2013 18:08

Title I Don't Care If You're Sick, I Don't Care If You're Contagious

Author sayhelloyasmine

Rating NC-17

Pairing: Alex Gaskarth/Jack Barakat

Summary Alex had never really been one for 'Living for the moment,' but with death knocking on your door, you have to make every second count, and Alex wanted those precious moments to be shared with his stupidly goofy best friend, Jack. When the time comes, Jack's not sure he's ready to do all these things and jus let go.

Disclaimer: don't own any of the characters, the storyline is original, blah blah blah, title credit to Pierce The Veil, cut title credit to Tonight Alive

Dedications gayhomos Imogaygen)

Author Notes This is also o Mibba amp Wattpad

Alex couldn't stop thinking about the way Jack kissed him. How their lips moved inexpertly but perfectly together, the way that the younger boy's mouth tasted as sweet as Alex had ever imagined (not that he'd ever imagined kissing Jack before), and the way that Alex just... let it happen. He kept playing it over in his head, the moment their lips touch and the spark of electric that ran through his veins that, no matter what, he couldn't control it, and he wouldn't want to control if he could. Jack's lips were chapped, and he was awful at kissing, Alex decided, but Jack's lips felt perfect against his own and he wouldn't change it for the world. He knew it was wrong to think of Jack like that - they were best friends, and two guys being together was more than Alex was capable of accepting at that moment in time, but he knew that if Jack were a girl, he'd definitely fuck her. He'd fuck Jack anyway, if he kissed him as sweet as he'd done back in the car; those brown eyes staring into Alex's soul as though nothing else mattered apart from the two of them being together in that moment-


Alice's voice shook through the male's frame. He turned to see her, the small female tilting her head a little as she walked down the last few stairs.

Alex had taken to the sofa the moment he got home, and he just sat there, thinking.

Now, however, he was distracted from his thoughts by his girlfriend, who just so happened to be wearing one of his t-shirts and not really a lot underneath that. Yeah, Alice was hot.

"Hey, babe, go back to bed, I'll be up in a second."

"Okay," the brunette nodded, her light footsteps padding up the stairs. Alex heaved himself off the worn out, brown sofa, trailing behind her. As he stepped into his room, he pulled his t-shirt off, discarding of it on the floor before crawling into bed, wrapping his arms around Alice. He pressed a kiss to her forehead, burying his face into her hair.

"How'd it go down with Jack?" she asked, pressing a kiss to his neck. He sighed, not sure whether or not to tell her.

"Uhm, well..."

"Did he apologise? Did you apologise? Alex, I don't want to see the two of you fighting, you guys love each other."

"Not as much as I love you," Alex smirked, knowing how cheesy that comment was. It still got the female to giggle, a bright red tint gracing her cheeks.

"That was super cheesy," she laughed. He nodded, tightening his grip around her waist.

"I know," he smiled, "That's why I said it."

"That still doesn't tell me how it went with Jack."

"I guess it went okay, uh, until we got to his," Alex cleared his throat, deciding not to tell her, "He got mad because I didn't tell him the whole truth about the medication I'm on and... yeah."
"Wait, do I know the whole truth?"

Alex mentally cursed himself for mentioning it.

"Uh, not exactly."

"What don't I know, babe?"

"They're not just for the pain."

"What are they for?"

"I'm basically dependent on them. The doctor said they stop the tumors from developing further, or at least try. If they don't work, then I have to start chemo, and if that doesn't work, and it doesn't look like any of these things will, then... yeah."

"If they're stopping the tumours from developing further then how come your cancer is terminal?"

"It's not stopping the cancer, it's just buying me more time. There's too many tumours for surgery."

"Eight, right?"

"Five on my left, three on my right."


Alice just lay there, curled up in Alex's arms, and a few tears escaped down her cheeks.

"Please don't cry," he begged, "Please, please, don't cry."

"I can't help it, Alex!" the brunette girl sniffed, "You're dying and I can't do anything about it. Do you know how much that breaks my heart?!"

"I know," he sighed, kissing the top of Alice's head again, "I know it's difficult but five years is quite a long time, when you think about it."

"Yes, but it's not long enough, Alex! You should be living for at least another seventy years, not until you're 23!"

"Babe, I know, trust me, I've thought about that. Just, please, don't get worked up over this right now. I have to go to work."

Alice sighed, allowing her eyes to close before she peered back up into her boyfriend's deep brown eyes, her heart stopping for a second.

"Can't you call in sick? I could really do with some cuddles from my boyfriend today."

Alex smiled, knowing that she picked up the habit of him 'calling in sick' from him. He did it all too often when he first started. He'd only got a job because his mother got demoted. Sure, it didn't affect them too much but he knew it was still affecting his family life, and the things he was having to live without made him realise that maybe it would help if he was responsible for himself, money-wise. He then began to help his parents out a little, and he knew that, after they'd finished off paying for his treatment, they'd be in almost guaranteed debt.

But, today, he felt like he had a genuine excuse to call in sick. His chest hurt, but that was nothing to do with his illness. That was to do with the fact that he was pining after Jack, and he was a little disappointed that the younger boy hadn't called him, or even texted him, yet.

"Anything for my baby."

Alex had gone downstairs to make some breakfast, and Alice had borrowed Alex's laptop so she could check her emails or something, Alex wasn't really listening after the words 'borrow' and 'laptop' were spoken.

Alex checked the clock. 11:45 am. It was an acceptable time to eat scrambled egg on toast, right?

He carried the two plates upstairs, pushing his bedroom door open with his foot.

"Breakfast is served," he smiled, watching Alice place the laptop at the foot of the bed before accepting the plate of food, humming with content at the smell.

"Looks good, chef," she approved.

"It probably tastes like shit," Alex shrugged.

"I bet it doesn't, babe," she kissed his cheek as he sat down on the bed, causing the mattress to squeak a little.

Alex sat, cross-legged, his plate carefully balanced on the gap in his legs. He reached over for his laptop, but Alice panicked, pushing his arms away.

"I'm not done yet," she rushed her words, not making eye contact.

"Don't worry, I won't close what you're doing. I won't even look."

"No, just let me finish up, I'll be two seconds."

"Babe, please," he took his laptop, meeting her gaze with reassuring eyes.

That's when he saw what she was panicking about.

'Cancer Research - Lung Cancer.
What is lung cancer?
Lung cancer treatments
Living with Lung Cancer'

"A-Alex..." the female began, her voice trailing off, "I'm sorry."

Alex shook his head, whisking away the newly formed tears with the palms of his hands.

"It's fine," he choked out, "Why should you be sorry? You were concerned. Why wouldn't you be? I don't exactly tell you a lot."

"Then why are you upset?" she placed her hand on his arm, and her other hand linked with it, making a barrier around his bicep.

"Because seeing my girlfriend researching a-an illness that I have makes it more real, and I don't want it to be."

"Babe, I-I'm sorry," she sighed, "I just... I wanted to know what was going on. In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a leading expert on cancer."

"And you shouldn't have to be," Alex voiced, "I'm sorry that I have to put you through this. I really am. I wish I didn't have to - I thought about breaking up with you, did you know that? I thought that maybe, if I broke up with you, it wouldn't hurt you as much. But I'm a selfish fuck who only wants himself to be happy, so I didn't."

"Alex, I love you. You're not selfish, you're hurting. I get that. You need to stop blaming yourself for this. It's not your fault."

Alex pressed a loving kiss to his girlfriend's lips, his worries washing away for a moment or two.

"I love you too."

A few hours later, Alex and Alice were sat around the TV with Alex's parents, who were preparing to go out for the night.

"You two will be fine on your own, yes?"

The question came from Alex's mother, to which Alex rolled his eyes.

"Of course we will," he sighed, pursing his lips.

"We won't be back until tomorrow. The company have booked a hotel room for everyone attending the function, so you'll have the house to yourselves tomorrow. Make use of it wisely," Mrs Gaskarth's eyes narrowed at Alex, her eyebrows raised.

"Mom, are you serious?" he chuckled.

"Yes, I'm serious!"

"Fine, whatever. Go enjoy your night out. I'll make sure I use the house 'wisely'."

Alex rolled his eyes, using air quotes.

"I mean it Alex. We're going now. Be good."

"We will be."

"I trust Alice, just not you," his mother laughed, leaning down to press a kiss to his forehead.

"How rude," he scoffed, jokingly. His father didn't even look at him, and it broke his heart to know that he was ruining his family.

"Peter? Aren't you going to say goodbye to your son?" Isobel urged him. The man looked at Alex with heartbreak in his eyes, and his knees began to shake the longer he looked at him.

"I-I'll, uh," Peter cleared his throat, flicking his eyes to the floor, "I'll see you two later, have fun."

He hurried out the door, and Alex let out the breath he'd been holding. His mother gave him a sympathetic look and a sigh before following after her husband, shutting the doors behind her, gently.

After Alex saw the headlights from his parent's car disappear down the road, and round the corner. He turned to his girlfriend, who was staring at him intently.

"What should we do?" he asked, his eyes widening a little as he looked at her.

"Can we go upstairs and... I don't know, watch a couple of films or something? I'd like a nice, quiet night in."

"Of course we can, baby," he pressed a kiss to her forehead.

By the time they were upstairs and Alex had finished bringing films from downstairs, Alice had changed from her clothes into the t-shirt of Alex's that she had been wearing that morning. Alex found her sat - cross-legged - on his bed, the quilt pulled slightly over her lap.

"What do you want to watch first?" he asked, "I've got-"

"You choose."

"No, babe, it's up to you, I'm not going to choose. If you don't choose, we won't watch anything."

Alice sighed, giving up and allowing Alex to set the DVD's out on the bed. Naturally, she chose 'The Notebook', which Alex had aqquired from the numerous times Alice had been round. He knew how this was going to end; her in tears.

And he was right. By the end of the film, Alice was crying into his shoulder, clutching him tight.

"It's okay," he reassured her for the millionth time, "It's not real. It's just a film."

"B-but it's so sad!" she stammered.

"I know," he smiled into her hair, "I know it's sad, but it's not real."

Alice regained herself after another minute or so, asking if they could watch 'Love Actually' instead, which Alex had learnt was her favourite, and he knew she'd be speaking along with it the whole way through. Still, he obliged, placing the disk in the player.

Around ten minutes into it, Alex's phone buzzed. He reached over to grab it with a groan, feeling his shoulder click from staying in the same position for a while.

'From: Jack
I'm sorry. I made the biggest mistake of my life and I'm sorry.'

Alex's heart flooded with relief. Jack didn't hate him, and he knew they'd be okay, even if things were a little awkward at first.

'To: Jack
It's fine. I'm sorry for being such a dick to you and throwing you out the car. You didn't deserve that.'

"Alex, put your phone down and watch the film," Alice hissed, never once taking her gaze off the square screen.

"Sorry, it's Jack, baby, I just want to make things right."

"Do that in the morning. Watch the film."

"Alice, we've seen this film like a million times."

"I don't care. Watch. The. Film."


"Alex, I came here tonight to spend time with you. I could quite easily go home and watch this on my own if you really want me to. In fact, I think I'm going to do that. The idea was nice, Alex, but clearly your mind is somewhere else," she began to lift herself up off the bed, but Alex pulled her back down, and she landed firmly on the remote control for the television, turning it off. He didn't care, however, as he pressed their lips together, pulling her back with him. She didn't protest, which was a good sign. Alex willed himself to allow his tongue to creep over her lower lip, edging in slowly, as though asking for permission. When he granted him entry, he internally sighed with relief, reaching out to flick the light off beside him, plunging the room into darkness.

"Alex," Alice moaned a little, her hands resting on the back of his neck. Sure, they'd made out before, but never as heavy and needy as this was. Their lips moved together so delicately, yet so passionately, and it was the distraction Alex needed. He quickly rid of his shirt, and his sweatpants too. Then, he pulled off Alice's (his) top, throwing it to the floor. She squirmed a little, and Alex sensed why.

"You're beautiful," he promised her, kissing the tip of her nose, "You're so, so beautiful."

She smiled at that, and they returned to their previous doings, slowly stripping each other of their clothes, getting closer and closer to that all important moment where they would unite and become one.

Alex unhooked Alice's bra, whispering reassuring nothings against her soft skin. When he pulled her lacy underwear off, she made a noise of disgust, looking down at herself.

"Alice, baby, please, you're beautiful, please, don't think otherwise," he kissed her hipbone, then her navel, then her collarbone, then her neck, jaw and lips. Alice blushed harder than she already was, the pair trying to catch their breath as they bathed in the silvery moonlight flooding through the window.

"Condom," Alice breathed out in between their lips moving together. Alex reached into his bed side drawer, fumbling around for the damn thing. He eventually found one, tearing open the packet and sliding the rubber over his length. He peered down at her unsure face, frowning a little.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he panted, pressing a kiss against her sweaty shoulder. It wasn't his first time, but it sure as hell was hers.

"Listen to my heart beat," she laughed, "I love you, Alex," she told him, "Of course I'm sure."

He pushed in, slowly, allowing her to adjust to the intrusion. She couldn't help but bite hard into his shoulder, trying to stop herself from screaming in pain. She never knew it would hurt so bad.

"It's okay," Alex soothed, pressing kisses to her neck, "It's okay, just tell me when to move."

Slowly, Alice's jaw fell slack against his shoulder, and she nodded, giving him the go-ahead.

"Move," she whispered, pressing a feather light kiss to his jaw.

Alex had his hands placed expertly, one under her head, holding it up slightly so he could peer into her eyes, the other holding onto the bedstead, balancing himself.

Slowly, he began pulling out, gradually inching back in. When he drew out a shaky breath from his girlfriend, he knew he'd hit that spot and could make her see nothing but pure, white bliss in that moment.

He picked up his pace a little, their hips colliding with a steady rhythm now.

"A-Alex," Alice moaned, her hands gripping around his waist for support, her fingers scratching down his back, leaving blood trails that would stain his bed sheets in the morning, but he encouraged it. He never told her that he had a slight kink for pain.

Her breath started hitching, and her eyes rolled back into her skull. Alex knew she was close, and he was too. It'd been too long since he'd had this sort of contact with anyone.

"Alex!" she cried out as she hit her high, an octave higher than she normally sounded. Alex followed shortly after, growling her name deep in his throat, resting his sweaty forehead against hers.

The pair regained their breath, and Alex made the short walk to the bin, where he tied a knot in the condom and discarded of it before clambering back into bed, where the girl who made his heart race was slowly falling asleep.

"I love you," he mumbled, pressing a kiss to her salty temple, wrapping his arms around her dainty body.

"I love you too," she whispered, which seemed an achievement, considering she wasn't sure if she was able to form coherent sentences anymore, but it was the few words that she meant wholeheartedly, and that just seemed to come naturally to her.

Soon enough, Alex and Alice were fast asleep, and Alex seemed to have forgotten about his best friend.


That name popped into his head in his dreams, and he knew that he was fucked when he woke up. He had a whole lot of explaining to do.


pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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