Terrible Things [Chapter 28 - Part 2]

Aug 22, 2012 01:46

Title: Terrible Things
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack
POV: Third, focused on Jack. Sometimes Alex.
Summary: Jack meets Alex after they're thrown together in a dorm at college and is desperate to have the English boy close, but after the first few nights, is it ever that easy?
Disclaimer: Fictional, may contain sexual references, violence, homophobia and a lot of swearing.
Credit: Title to Mayday Parade


A/N: I finished it so I thought I'd upload it now instead. P.S I love you all. Just thought I'd remind you.

After they’d met with Zack and Rian, all four boys headed down to the large hall where, as it seemed, the entire college was headed. Once they were inside, they headed to sit on one of the benches that lined the side of the hall. The walls were covered in tacky, pink hearts and there was a small stage with a DJ at the front. Towards the back, food was lined high but apart from that, the entire room was just people standing about.

“Well, this is interesting.” Zack laughed. “Though I was expecting much worse.”

“I half expected a theme.” Rian joined in.

“I half expected us to have numbers.”

“I’ll get us some food.” Alex smiled before getting up and crossing the hall. Rian quickly followed behind.

“How’s today been?” Rian asked the English boy.

“Good.” Alex said shakily.

“You don’t seem okay.”

“Nervous as fuck.”
“What for?”
“It’s, kinda awkward.” Alex blushed.

“First time tonight?” Rian teased.

“Not at all, taken care of that.”
“Well great, that image is burned into my mind forever now.”

“Actually, I wanted to do something amazing for Jack, to make up for getting beaten up and Lisa’s shit. I have no idea what though.” Alex sighed. As they picked at the food, Rian was deep in thought.

“Well, what if everybody knew you two were together?” He suggested. “I mean, people are going to be dicks anywhere you go, but at least you wouldn’t have to hide.”

“It sounds alright, but how? I’m sorry, this must be so awkward for you.” Alex laughed.

“It’s cool, but only if you bring me back Cadbury’s chocolate from England.” Rian grinned. “I had it once, best chocolate ever.”

“Deal.  Now what?” Alex asked. He didn’t need an answer for Rian was already shoving him in the opposite direction and beckoning to Zack to keep Jack occupied. The English boy’s face dropped with horror as Rian jumped onto the stage, whispered something to the guy at the desk and dragged Alex on to be presented with a mic.

“Everybody! This is my recent friend Alex and he has some words to say.” Rian beamed, handing the mic over to a frozen Alex.

“I, erm.” He stuttered. The entire room was staring at him at this point, but it took him less than a second to find who he was looking for. “I just wanted to say Happy Valentine’s day, but why do we need it? Why does one day have to be the specific day we actually be honest and do something for the people we like?” He started. To Alex, the words made sense, but he knew that he was just stalling time so there was no point in their existence. “But I will be honest. Jack Barakat?”

Jack was nudged quickly to the front by Zack to be pulled onto the stage by Alex. As he stood there, he could feel all pairs of eyes on him as Alex reached for something in his back pocket.

“This is for you, so you never forget me.” He smiled, placing a silver necklace around Jack’s neck. The pendant was a metal guitar pick with “Alex” engraved onto the front. Without hesitation, the American kissed his boyfriend for what felt like hours to the chorus of “awwhh” coming from the entire room.

“How could I ever forget?” Jack repeated.

Once the couple had stepped down from the stage, Zack had told them that a load of people were coming back to his room for a while and they went there immediately. By midnight, at least 20 couples had arrived and many were drunkenly making out on his floor. Jack had went to drink, but Alex had set it to the side instead with the argument that he doesn’t want to risk Jack getting drunk and forgetting that night.

“Three people have had sex in my room already.” Zack laughed, collapsing on the couch next to the couple.

“Doesn’t that creep you out?” Jack asked.

“Nope, so long as they don’t leave a mess. Enjoy.” He added with a wink. Jack immediately turned bright red but Alex didn’t hesitate to take him by the hand and drag him into the currently free room.

“This feels, strange.” Jack said.

“It’ll be fun.” Alex grinned, pulling Jack onto the bed and working quickly so both were lay naked on their friend’s bed. The American responded by sending his lover into complete bliss with his tongue before sliding on top and bringing them both to an amazing finish.

“Fuck, Jack.” Alex panted afterwards.

“Best night ever.” Jack replied They were both lay under the sheets and Jack had fallen asleep after curling himself up in his usual position on Alex’s chest. For a while, the English boy just sat and smiled about the entire day. Carefully, he reached down to his jean pocket and slipped out the note that had fallen out of Jack’s card that morning.

Alex. Keep this when you go because it’ll remind you of the good we had. If today went right then you already know I’m in love with you and no matter what happens or who comes along, that won’t change. Despite the distance that’s coming, I still want to be your boyfriend once you leave, ‘cause I know we’ll be together before you know it. Even if that’s impossible, never forget me.

“How could I ever forget?” Alex whispered. Even from his sleep, Jack smiled.

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