Terrible Things [Chapter 28 - Part 1]

Aug 22, 2012 00:17

Title: Terrible Things
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack
POV: Third, focused on Jack. Sometimes Alex.
Summary: Jack meets Alex after they're thrown together in a dorm at college and is desperate to have the English boy close, but after the first few nights, is it ever that easy?
Disclaimer: Fictional, may contain sexual references, violence, homophobia and a lot of swearing.
Credit: Title to Mayday Parade


A/N: The other half of this chapter will be on in the morning.

Chapter 28

For the entire second week of February, Jack had been grinning constantly like a child on Christmas. Alex was completely clueless as to why too, until Jack launched a calendar across the room at him.

“February 14th.” Jack giggled.

“Ah, I see.” Alex laughed. “What do you want to do for it?”

“There’s one thing, but you’ll say no.” The American frowned.

“Try me.”
“Well, they’re cleaning out the cafeteria and shit so it’s going to be like one of those cheesy high school dances but with a bar and neon lights.”

“Sure, sounds alright.” Alex smirked.

“Wait, are you serious?” Jack was shocked. He had completely expected Alex to say no considering the fact Lisa and her boys would likely be there.

“Yea! I mean, we’re on campus, they can’t do anything with that many people about can they?”

“Thank you so much.” Jack grinned, jumping up and hugging Alex really tightly.

For the remainder of the week, Jack was really excited about it. To Alex, it didn’t seem much, just a few drinks there before coming back here to crash naked on the floor again, but if Jack was happy then that was fine too. Despite this, the English boy was finding Jack’s happiness adorable.

When the 13th came around, Jack was practically oozing sunshine. He’d gone out early in the morning with America which gave Alex the chance to slip off campus quietly and get a card and present for the next day. There was no point in even lying to himself; Alex was nervous. Not so much for what they’d end up doing, but more the idea of pleasing Jack. He’d liked Lisa, but with her he could have given her a bunch of flowers, a kiss on the cheek and be done with it until next year. No, Jack was different. Especially after his wait and patience through Alex and Lisa’s entire relationship. In a way, he deserved the happiness more than anybody, and Alex wanted to be the one to give it to him.

When Alex arrived back, he spread himself across the couch and just lay there, contemplating everything. Mainly Jack. To him, it all seemed strange and fast. It was only Christmas Eve when he first gave in and showed the American just how much he actually liked him, and by New Year they’d slept together. Since then, they’d not fucked again, but their nights hadn’t exactly been innocent. It made him wonder whether Jack wanted that too, but usually it was him that started it, so that thought was erased quickly.

But then came the dark thought; would Jack want Alex for as long as Alex wanted Jack?

“Good morning sunshine!” Jack chirped, kicking Alex’s bedroom door open and diving onto him. “Happy Valentine’s day!”

“Good morning.” Alex beamed back at Jack. “Happy Valentine’s day.”

“Now get up!” Jack said, tickling Alex’s side before practically skipping into the living room to give him time to change. Once he had, Alex followed Jack into the living room to find him grinning to himself on the couch.

“You look handsome when you smile.” The English boy said, blushing. This caused Jack to blush too and Alex found himself being pulled in with a long kiss. Quickly, he managed to turn the situation and shove Jack against the wall, pulling his shirt up.

“Save it for later.” Jack claimed his hand over Alex’s mouth and winked.

“Only because it’s you.” Alex teased as Jack shoved something into his hand. It was a CD with “for Alex.” Written on the front in black marker and a large box of chocolates.

“I really hope you like them.” Jack blushed.

“I do, but you didn’t have to get me anything!” Alex grinned, hugging Jack before opening the card. Inside was a small note with the print “Read this after tonight” which Alex shoved in his pocket before setting the card on the side.

“I’ll give you yours later, you’ll see why.” He smiled.

“It’s fine, you shouldn’t have got me anything though.” Jack frowned.

“Well I already have so there’s nothing you can do about it now.”

After a late breakfast and showers, Jack and Alex slipped out to walk through the nearest park. Despite the fact it was already 3pm, the park was completely deserted, leaving both boys to freely sit on the edge of a lake they’d managed to find on their travels. At first it was strange, both of them had been so used to going into towns and parties when they were in relationships, but the quietness and security that the place offered was relaxing.

“Alex?” Jack whispered, staring at the ground.

“Yes Jack?” Alex whispered back.

“I’ve been meaning to tell you something actually, but I don’t know how you’ll take it.”

“Go on.”
“Well...I...” Jack stuttered. Carefully, Alex pulled his lover closer to him so their faces were just inches away.

“You can tell me anything, its fine.”

“Alex, I’m in love with you.”

“I love you too, Jack.”

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