Terrible Things [Chapter 12]

Jul 23, 2012 00:33

Title: Terrible Things
Rating: R
Pairing: Alex and Jack
POV: Third, focused on Jack. Sometimes Alex.
Summary: Jack meets Alex after they're thrown together in a dorm at college and is desperate to have the English boy close, but after the first few nights, is it ever that easy?
Disclaimer: Fictional, may contain sexual references, violence, homophobia and a lot of swearing.
Credit: Title to Mayday Parade


A/N: It's only been the 23rd for half an hour now but it still counts so enjoy.

Chapter 12

Jack’s train to Lutherville only lasted about an hour but he wanted to stop in the city centre to grab a few presents for his family before heading back to his house. It had only been nearly four months since he’d left this place for college and already so much had changed. Surprisingly, there were quite a lot of finished buildings that he’d never even seen in construction previously and Christmas lights decorated every street. The moment he set foot at this front door, his mom had quickly thrown it open and pulled him into a tight, slightly painful hug. The rest of his family were happy to see him too, though none were quite as extreme as his mom was in their greetings. Dinner soon filled with conversation and questions on lessons and life over at college, most of which Jack didn’t even give much thought to because to him, it was all what he’d expected before he’d even enrolled.

“What’s your roommate like?” His brother asked, his mouth half full with a potato. Jack’s thoughts immediately ceased and his hand flew to the pocket his phone was resting in.

“He’s cool.” He said, pulling it out to find an e-mail from Alex already.

AlexG: Mornin’

“Got a girlfriend yet?” His brother giggled.

“Shut up.” Jack smiled, throwing a carrot at his sibling. He’d never had the courage to come out to his family, and had no plans to soon either. It was fine though, he’d only had one crush on a guy previous and there wasn’t any need to let them know about his sexuality.

“Now boys.” His mother laughed. She never really scolded either of them for their playful bickers, only when they were serious did she actually mind. Jack finished the rest of his food quickly and rushed to the living room to compose his reply.

JackB: Hey! How’s things?

To his dismay, Alex didn’t reply for a few hours. He was wondering for a second whether he’d forgot to give Alex the charger too, but after quick inspection of his case, he remembered that he’d left it on the couch anyway. At about midnight, Alex started to reply straight away.

AlexG: I’ve found Jeremy Kyle on your laptop so I’m pretty much sorted for the next year or so.

JackB: What’s that?

AlexG: It’s an English show, you’d love it. How’s your family?

JackB: They’re good, nothing really special’s happening anyway.

AlexG: Nothing will either. Also I just found out that my guitar’s not getting sent over for me, might actually curl up in a ball.

JackB: I know the feeling but I finally have my baby back.

AlexG: Lucky bastard.

JackB: I’m falling asleep now anyway.

AlexG: Fuck you and your sleep.

JackB: Later bbz, later. Anyway, g’night.

AlexG: I hope you get eaten by bed bugs. So long as they avoid your face anyway. Night!!

Most of their conversations had continued the same as their first but with each, Jack felt even closer to the English boy. Over the course of the first three Jack had practically visited everybody he needed to and had been given his usual Christmas money. Usually, he’d protest against it, stating that he didn’t need any presents or money anymore, but most of his family just slipped it into his bag anyway.

On Christmas Eve’s morning, the rest of Jack’s family had gone out to gather last minute presents and food. Jack was practically left downstairs on his own for a few hours so he went looking for his previous laptop in his brother’s room. Once he found it, he was glad to find that the webcam still worked.

JackB: I’m going to phone you on webcam in a sec.

He didn’t even wait for a reply before pressing call and waiting for Alex to pick up. When he did, the American actually gasped. The English boy’s eyes were all red and blotchy and his hair was much messier than usual.

“C..can you hear me.” Jack stammered.

“Yes.” Alex said, his voice pitched higher too.

“What’s up?” Jack was really worried for him. He looked as if he’d been crying.


“It’s clearly something, man.”

“Reality hit hard.”

Jack had never felt emptier. Alex was actually sat back in their room alone, and this upset about it being that way.

“It’s not fucking fair.” The American cursed.

“It’s fine I mean, maybe it’s for a reason I don’t know.” Alex excused.

“No, you should have gone home. Or at least not be alone.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Alex it does okay! Just, hang in there.”

“I’ll try.” He smiled. Jack started to blush again until he realised that somebody had been stood behind him and he closed his laptop in fright. When he’d gathered himself together, he turned to face who had been listening in.

“I take it that’s your friend.” His mom smiled. “What’s up?”

“It’s...not much.” He said. His mom was nice and understanding which he’d grown to appreciate over the last few years.

“Is he English?”

“Yea, though you can’t tell much he picks up accents fast.”

“I think it’s nice. Was he crying?”

“I'm not sure, he's not the type to. He...he’s actually spending Christmas by himself this year and I think he’s lonely.”

“That’s not right!” She sighed, slightly shocked with Jack's news. “Nobody should be like that this time of year. You should have brought him with you!”

“I didn't think you'd let me.”Jack frowned, sitting back down in his place with his head in his hands. “I wish I could get him here now.”

“Well, if you did nobody would mind.” His mom smiled, rubbing his back before heading upstairs. It took Jack a few minutes before he thought of anything, but when he did he practically sprung into life. Grabbing his coat, he picked up the money that was given to him for Christmas and leapt out the door.

“Back in a few hours, expect a guest!” He yelled back.

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