Here's My Heart In A Postcard, Darlin'. [Chapter 12.]

Apr 06, 2012 21:03

Title: Here's My Heart In A Postcard, Darlin'.
Author: Ree youvegotitmade
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG -13.
Summary: I wish you were here. I miss you. I'll see you soon. X
Disclaimer: I don't own Jalex or All Time Low, unfortunately :((.
A/N: At the bottom :3



Taking a deep breath, Alex pushed open his front door, looking around into the silent house. He swallowed, nodding as he stepped inside properly, closing the door quietly and slipping his shoes off his feet. He held them close to his chest, starting up the stairs on his toes. The hangover he had made even going up the stairs quietly a challenge. The top stair was his biggest challenge, the wooden floorboard underneath the carpet creaked and groaned if any type of weight at all hit it. Screwing his face up, Alex pressed his foot down on the stair, the loud goan of the wood echoing through the house made Alex stop, dropping the shoes he was holding and a sigh escaping his lips.

"Alexander William Gaskarth you get down here right now!" His mother screamed from the kitchen.

Now, Alex had two choices. He could run and lock himself upstairs for the next century and hide from his parent's fury, or he could go down and take it all before asking his mum for a paracetamol for his headache. He decided the second option would be safest for everyone currently residenting in the UK, so he left his shoes at the top of the stairs and turned around. Traipsing back down, he shuffled his way along the carpeted hallway, his head hanginging low as he turned into the kitchen, looking up from under his eyelashes to see both of his parents sat at the kitchen table. He frowned a bit, turning on the puppy dog eyes, his bottom lip jutting out into a pout.

"Don't pull that look with us, kid." His dad sighed, pointing at the chair infront of them. He rolled his eyes, dropping into it. His arms crossed his chest. "And you can cut the attitude as well."
"Do you have any idea how worried I was?!" His mum shrieked, Alex sighed a little.
"Yeah, Dad told me." He shrugged, picking at his nails.
"You didn't even think to tell us where you were going?!"
"I did though! I shouted it to you before I left!" He looked up then, frowning. "I honestly did, you can ask Rachel."
"You know my feelings towards that girl."
"I know, I know. You think she's a bad influence and all that shit. I've heard it all before, Mum." Alex looked at his dad for a bit of moral support, but he was just staring at the table. Rolling his eyes, Alex's vision fell back to his mum. "Look, I got an insy bit drunk with some friends, that's all, okay? I'm really sorry."

"Just keep your phone on you next time." His mum sighed, smiling a little bit. Alex nodded, standing up.
"Can I go to bed now, please? My head feels like its about to drop off my shoulders." He laughed a little bit, his mum tutting and pushing away from the table. She crossed around to him quickly, hugging her youngest son to her tightly. 
"I'll bring you up some paracetamol and a cuppa." She nodded, Alex grinned, hugging her back.
"Thank you, mummy." He said in a baby voice, making the brunette woman laugh. He poked the back of his dads head as he passed him, dodging out the way of a punch to the gut as he left the room.

The ladder up into his room creaked under his weight. But he was happy to finally be able to pull off the itchy red shirt he'd been wearing. Taking his laptop from where it sat on the desk, he threw it onto the bed, ridding himself of the too tight jeans, he flopped onto his mattress on his stomach. Smiling at the instant comfort. He sighed, waiting on the laptop starting up before he looked at it. He heard his mum calling from the bottom of the ladder, groaning, he pushed himself back up. Crossing the room quickly. His mum grinned up at him, a cup of tea in one hand and the box of pain killers in the other. Grinning, Alex lay down on the floor, stretching his arms down to receive the goods.

"Thank youuuuuuu." He smiled. His mum smiled a bit. 
"Feel free to take the ladder up and close the hatch if you want peace, your cousins are coming over later."
"Oh, God no." He groaned, placing the tea on the floor beside the hatch. "Please don't make me come down and talk to them." 
"I'll tell them you're out." She laughed, helping Alex pull the ladders up into his room.
"Good." He laughed, blowing his mum a kiss. "Nighty night!"
"Night." She laugghed, shoving the hatch up. Locking Alex in the top room of their house.

Alex pushed himself back up, a smile on his face as he took two pills out the noisy packaging, grimacing as the noice of it, he swallowed them, chaising it down with tea. Placing the tea on the bedside table, he seen his Skype flashing at the bottom of the screen of his laptop, a smile spread across his face. Jack's name popped up on the screen, Alex's stomach flipping.

'Hey, buddy! x'
'Jackooooooo! x'
'Good party? x'
'Ugh it was so messy. I'm stupidly hungover :('
'asshole. x'
'shut up.''
'I hate you.'

The invitation to video call popped up then, Alex accepting in seconds. Jack's smiling face showing up on his screen.
"Oh wow, don't you look dashing." Jack laughed, Alex pouting at him.
"I told you. I'm stupidly hungover."
"Aw, cute." Alex glared at the smirk on Jack's face. "You do know theres like, two hundred photos of you being tagged on Facebook right now."
"Oh no." Alex groaned, hiding his face in his quilts. "I don't even want to look." 
"You don't need to, I'll tell you whats there."


A/N: two updates in one week ooooooh. so I just got back from Titanic in 3D and decided to be nice because my head is pounding, stupid flashy lights, so off to watch Kung Fu Panda in bed for me! Also, I promise this'll get more interesting soon. X

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13

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