A Beautiful Disaster [Chapter 15]

Feb 26, 2011 16:35

Title: A Beautiful Disaster [Chapter 15]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex [Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth]
Summary: Alex was a creator, until his muse died, along with his brother. His world is bleak and dark; so how could Jack, a destroyer, possibly put Alex's life back together?
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn. [:
Author Notes: So, this is going to be moderately cheesy for a while; mostly because I'm trying to spread this story out; I got it to be funny, now cheesy, then depressing/dramatic/whatever. Anndd because I want to move on to the main plot line, and this whole cheese fest has to be out of the way. [:
So, enjoy it for now.
Master Post

Alex was in some deep shit. He knew that before he even got home.

He just...he wasn't supposed to have enjoyed himself as much as he did. He wasn't supposed to smile and laugh and dance with Jack alone on the beach. He wasn't supposed to look up into Jack's eyes and feel good, he was supposed to get angry and feel like this entire thing was a huge hassle. He wasn't supposed to blush at every sweet thing he said, he was supposed to scoff and roll his eyes like a bitchy teenager. He wasn't supposed to be feeling all corny inside, he was supposed to feel aggravated and annoyed.

Alex was in some deep shit.

He looked over to his left, looking at Jack's face. A small smile was on his face, almost subconsciously. The traffic lights and car beams lit up his face and Alex had to look away. Because this was just way to weird. He'd spent all this time hating the kid - how could actually start liking him after one night?

Maybe it wasn't Jack that he liked, per say, but the date itself; maybe he was just tired of being single and loved the feel of going out to eat with someone and dancing on the beach. Maybe he missed being romantic and feeling loved. Maybe he missed hearing someone call him beautiful, missed having someone to hold him close.

But then again, he'd never felt like...like that before when he went on dates. Sure, he could blame it on the fact that it had been far too long since he went out with someone, but he knew that that wasn't it.

Alex was in some deep shit.

The car came to a slow stop in front of his house, and Alex actually felt reluctant to go inside. As much as he hated it, his heart was tugging and pulling, begging for this night to never end. They sat there, and the brunette wasn't really sure what he was supposed to say or do at this point; was he supposed to thank him and leave? Should he lie to keep up his stubborn pride and tell him that he never wanted to see him again? Usually, these sort of things ended with a kiss...

No. He was not going to kiss Jack Barakat.

Jack cleared his throat, bringing Alex's attention to him. Smiling, Jack said, “Ya'know, I had a pretty awesome time - even if you did act like something was stuck up your ass for the first hour.”

Had he said this a few hours ago, Alex probably would have yelled and fumed over being spoken to like that. But right now, he chuckled and shook his head, because he knew it was all too true. He was definitely being a buzz kill earlier, and had loosened up a lot over the course of the night.

“Yeah, tonight...” Alex looked at his knees, trying to think of what he should say. “Tonight was...not too shabby. It was...actually kind of nice, I guess.”

He looked back over at Jack and found that the boy was simply beaming at him, that sort of manly pride that one gets from pleasing his woman shining on his face. He turned more towards Alex, scratching the back of his head - was that insecurity Alex spotted in his body language? Did Jack even know what that was? - as he asked, “Since this was so 'nice'...Would you wanna do it again?”

Alex was in some deep shit.

Alex knew this question was coming, but he still felt a little surprised. He wasn't exactly sure...Did he want to do this again? Did he like Jack enough to admit that he was wrong for denying him? Did he really want to give into him and start going out with him regularly?

He didn't know.

There was a reason Alex stopped dating all together back in high school. It was the same sob story that everyone tells - he got in too deep in the relationship. He was in love, but they were just in it for the sex. They cheated, dumped him, and left him to wallow in self-pity and feel dirty for every giving himself up to them like that.

And Jack definitely looked like the type to make him fall in love and then cheat on him. He acted cocky and arrogant, thought he could get whatever he wanted, and definitely knew how to burn a place to the ground - what's to say that he can't do the same to Alex's heart?

So, yeah, Alex was scared. He hadn't been with someone in the longest time, and last time he was, he ended up getting hurt. He wasn't sure if all those good feelings were worth getting upset over in the end, if all the pleasures of the beginning would be good enough to outweigh the horrors of the ending.

Alex was in some deep shit.

Jack jutted out his bottom lip and laced his hands together, looking like a child who wanted a cookie so badly. “Please? I'll make sure to keep the ass-slaps to a minimum.”

Alex smiled, because Jack was making this so fucking hard to resist. And, at this point, Jack was looking damn near perfect - they shared the same music taste, sense of humor (at times. Jack was a little more vulgar than Alex was.), movies they loved, TV shows they couldn't miss, celebrities they loved to bag on...they had so much in common, but were different enough to keep things interesting. Never before had such a catch just landed in Alex's lap like Jack.

God damn it.

Alex smiled shyly and nodded, “That...That'd be great.”

Jack smirked. “Great. I'll call you, then.”

Alex nodded and opened the car door, figuring that this would be the best time to leave. It was when he had one foot out of the door that he hesitated. Should he...? No. That would be too much...but...

Fuck it.

Alex quickly leaned over towards Jack and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, obviously surprising the other boy. With raised eye brows, Jack looked over at Alex's blushing face, only for the brunette to speed out of sight. He closed the car door behind him and walked quickly towards his house, shoulders hunched and ears red from embarrassment.

Before Jack could even think about making some witty comment, Alex was inside the house, closing the door and leaning his back against it. He felt silly, dumb for pulling such a stunt when he just got over hating the kid's guts. It just sort of happened, one of those actions that seemed to take over his mind and become a reality.

Biting his lip, Alex tried to suppress the smile.

Alex was in some deep, deep, shit.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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