A Beautiful Disaster [Chapter 14 Part: One]

Feb 25, 2011 18:21

Title: A Beautiful Disaster [Chapter 14 Part: One]
Author: xxninny435xx 
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex [Jack Barakat/Alex Gaskarth]
Summary: Alex was a creator, until his muse died, along with his brother. His world is bleak and dark; so how could Jack, a destroyer, possibly put Alex's life back together?
Disclaimer: Don't ownnn. [:
Author Notes: This is Part One of the date. Next update will be Part Two. :D
Master Post

When Alex heard a knock on the door that night at 7 sharp, he had to take a deep breath and hold back his groan. He could hear his mother answering the door - she had been strangely perky ever since he had mentioned the date - with a chipper greeting, letting Jack know that her son would be down in a few moments, but that he could go up if he wanted.

Alex didn't even flinch when his bedroom door was opened, his eyes meeting Jack's through his bedroom mirror. Jack's smirk slipped on easily as he said, “Stressing over what to wear? On a date with me? Oh, I knew you cared!”

Alex rolled his eyes and turned away from the mirror, instead looking towards Jack head on. He could already feel his cheeks heating up as he crossed his arms over his chest, trying his best to look bitchy and turn Jack off.

If anything, it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Jack came closer and wrapped his arm around Alex's shoulder, the brunette instantly shrugging it off. So, Jack settled for around the boy's waist, pulling him out of the bedroom and down the stairs. “Mom,” he called out, sounding just a little bit aggravated at his situation. “Mom, we're leaving now.”

His mother peeked out from the kitchen, this certain glow on her face that he hadn't seen in quite some time. “Have fun, Sweetheart!” she giggled, and Alex knew that she was already hooked on Jack and thought they looked “cute” together.

“Oh, trust me, Mrs. Gaskarth,” Jack reached down to grab Alex's backside, his mother being none the wiser. “We'll be having lots of fun.”


The entire drive, Jack had that stupid smirk on his face. Alex sat in the passengers seat, still quietly sulking as the street lights lit up the dashboard. Jack reached forward and flipped on the CD player, Blink-182 beginning to stream through the speakers.

And, yeah, Alex would admit; hearing the music was making him a little more comfortable. That is, until Jack had to go and make something of it. He changed the song until it got to the one he wanted, letting it play out and reminding Alex exactly why he was here.

“In the car, I just can't wait to pick you up on our very first date. Is it cool if I hold your hand? Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? Do you like my stupid hair? Can you guess that I didn't know what to wear? I'm just so scared of what you think. You got me nervous so I really can't eat.”

Jack tapped his hands on the wheel to the beat of the song, singing along to the words softly. “Let's go. Don't wait. This night's almost over. Honest. Let's make. This night last forever. Forever and ever. Let's make this last forever. Forever and ever. Let's make this last forever.”

Alex groaned - this was going to be a long night.


South Broadway Dinner had a few people, but not enough to make one feel crowded and uncomfortable. Jack slipped his arm around Alex's waist - making sure to hold tight through the resistance he was faced with - and pulled him to the front where Brendon was standing. The manager of the restaurant smiled when he saw Jack, giving him a look that clearly stated that Jack had taken dates here before.

Alex rolled his eyes at that.

“Table for two, Mr. Barakat?” Brendon quirked his brow with a half smile, chuckling when Jack nodded. “I'm going to assume you want the booth in the back by the window?”

Jack pulled Alex along, replying, “You know me so well, Urie, you really do.”

Alex took in the scenery as he walked; the tan walls with a thatched roof - almost like light colored batches of hay were tied together and glued to the bars lining the ceiling. Music was playing softly, that sort of cheesy beach music that you hear in all the movies - but he sort of liked it. The mood was calm and homey, a place that Alex could see himself enjoying, had he been here under different circumstances.

Brendon stopped in front of a booth, setting the menus down on opposite sides of the table. Alex escaped Jack's grasp and slid into one of the seats, glad that he was able to get rid of the insistent contact. Jack sat down across from him, looking towards Brendon as he said, “Get me the usual, would ya?”

Rolling his eyes playfully, Brendon nodded and looked towards Alex, asking, “Would you like some water to go with your wine?”

With a brow raised, Alex nodded, looking back to Jack as Brendon left the scene. “You have a usual?”

Jack laughed and nodded, leaning back in his chair and spreading his arms out over the top of the booth seat. “Yeah, I come here a lot. Friends with the owner, so I tend to get discounts - and that's never a bad thing.”

Alex held back the chuckle and friendly eye roll - because that would have just been too weird. It would have made this feel like an actual date, like they had done this before, like he was so familiar with Jack's antics that it wasn't even surprising anymore.

Alex discovered many things about Jack over the course of dinner.

For starters, he talked a lot. It wasn't to a point that it was obnoxious, but he definitely didn't leave any room for awkward silences. He filled the space with anything he could think of - things that were important and things that didn't mean anything to society at all. He also tended to make wild facial expressions and hand gestures when he was telling a story, getting into what he was saying and making a great visual for the listener.

He also learned that, to Alex's dismay, Jack wasn't such an arrogant prick after all. Not once did he hint towards anything sexual or remotely embarrassing. He simply made polite conversation, even asking for Alex's input on certain things - mostly on the topic of musicians and television shows.

And the thing Alex hated the most - Jack wasn't that bad of a guy. He was funny in that goofy childish sort of way and the conversation wasn't all that bad. They had a lot in common, and Alex found himself getting into the discussions they had. Jack was flirtatious in a more innocent way, something that surprised the brunette after having been the victim of his infamous ass-grabs and surprise-kisses. If Alex was being honest with himself, he would say that he's sort of kind of enjoying himself--

No. Alex fucking hated Jack. Jack was an asshole who almost got him fired and tried to give him a vibrator in the middle of the university hallway. Jack was the jerk off that constantly hit on him and touched him when he didn't want to be touched. Jack would be the worst person for anyone to date.

“You ready?” Jack asked as he tucked his credit card back in his wallet after it was returned to him. He booty scooted out of his booth and stood in front of Alex's side, holding out his hand. And he had that stupid smile on his face. And he must have eaten too much, because Alex felt sick to his stomach, like something was climbing the linings of his intestine and was making a jump for his heart. And it must have been hot in the room or something, because Alex's cheeks turned red.

And, holy shit, Alex was definitely feeling like a school girl.

Biting back all of the embarrassing feelings he felt - for Jack no less! - he ignored Jack's hand and got out of the booth by himself, pushing past his “date” and heading for the door. He stepped out into the chilly evening breeze and pulled his hoodie closer around his frame, walking quickly to Jack's car. He waited for the other boy to catch up, trying to regulate his breathing during the down time.

He couldn't believe it, couldn't believe how ridiculous he was being right now. Of all the people - Jack! This was crazy! Jack was annoying and stupid and a horny bastard who didn't know the meaning of personal space! Alex finally goes out on a date after years of being single, and suddenly he feels all giggling and cute over Jack Barakat?

Jack must have slipped something in the wine. That had to be it.

After a few seconds, Jack appeared on the other side of the car, unlocking it and allowing the caramel eyed boy to rush inside. The car remained off as Alex rubbed his hands together, wishing that he had brought along a thicker jacket.

“I have one more place to take you - then I'll take you home. Sound good?” Alex looked over at Jack with red cheeks - this time, he knew it was from the cold; it couldn't have been from anywhere else, right? - and nodded, deciding that he couldn't have said no anyways. Jack was his only way back home, and he wasn't going to get away with going only half the night that Jack had planned for him.

Alex crossed his fingers and hoped for the best.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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