All Was Golden In The Sky [2/20]

Oct 16, 2010 16:25

For once I was excited to get to school. I have no idea why…

Fuck it, of course I know why. This Ryan kid is sending me crazy. It so hard to control myself, not to run at him and kiss every inch of his beautiful face.

I was bouncing at the corner where I met Emma and Diane, literally bouncing up and down, trying to find them both. They were taking forever to get here, either they were really late or I was really early. Eventually Emma and Diane turned a corner and made their way up the road towards me. I waved at them to hurry them up; they just waved back and carried on at normal pace. I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest.

“Hurry up!” I shouted, unable to hold it in anymore, they exchanged a glance and quickly sped up. As soon as they were next to me I speed walked off in the direction of school.

“Whoa whoa Brendon, what’s the rush? It’s s-c-h-o-o-l. You usually hate it?” Diane asked. I faked a laugh and carried on walking.

“I’m not rushing anywhere” I lied. Diane threw an arm across in front of me, forcing me to stop.

“Oof”   Emma gave me a suspicious look, but I pretended I didn’t notice.

“You are completely in a rush, now tell us” Diane said softly. I sighed a deep sigh and looked at the pavement I was standing on.

“I just…I get real lonely at the house sometimes, today was just a day that I really need to be around everyone” I muttered. Diane dropped her arm, but put them both around me, pulling me into a hug. I hugged back.

“Aww Bren, why didn’t you just say, you could of stayed with us, Emma’s family wouldn’t mind at all would they Em?” She asked. I looked at Emma, she still had the suspicious look on her face, but it dropped into a smile.

“Of course they wouldn’t, we already have Diane living with us, and they wouldn’t mind you sharing a room with me because they know you’re gay and wouldn’t try anything” She said, Diane laughed and I pulled away.

“Excuse me! I’m not gay!” I protested, feeling my face redden. Emma raised an eyebrow.

“Oh come on Brendon, we all know, even my parents know for fuck sake, just come out!” She laughed; I just stuck my tongue out at her and carried on walking.

Once we reached school, I couldn’t help but quicken my pace. No one objected this time. I looked around, checking every 'Click', running my eyes over every person walking around on their own. But he was nowhere in sight. I didn’t give up hope; I just had to wait a little longer.

“I thought you really wanted to see everyone?” Emma asked, pushing me slightly, making me realize I had come to a stop. I started walking again, not wanting to see anyone but him.


We dragged our feet to homeroom, we were late and we were going to get Detention. What a surprise. But when we stepped through the door, the class was empty except for three people. Gabe Saporta. William Beckett and Ryan Ross. My heart skipped a beat when he shot me a shy smile. I smiled back and crossed the room to sit in my seat behind him.

“Where is everyone?” Jon asked, Gabe sat up a little in his chair.

“No Id-“ He started.

“No one asked you Saporta” Jon laughed; Gabe grinned and replied with his finger.

“We turned up and like no one was here” William explained.

“Oh, were you guys late though?” Lilly asked, they both shrugged, grinning.

“Ill take that as a yes, you know I never figured out why you two don’t hang out with us” She said, grinning.

“Is that a proposal sweet cheeks” Gabe asked, Lilly rolled her eyes.

“It is if you stop calling me pet names, cupcake” She glared.

“Oh, but your allowed?” Gabe pouted, Lilly just shook her head and smirked.

“Anyways, yeah so they have probably gone to the library or something, thinking we weren’t here” She continued as if there was no interruption. I bit my lip.

“We must have been more late then usual” I muttered.

“15 minutes” Ryan said, turning round to face me. Butterflies filled my tummy, but I managed to control myself.

“How come you were late then?” I asked him.

“Oh, I err…got up late”

“Oh right” I mumbled, what is he hiding?

“Thanks Brendon, you know, for yesterday and stuff” Ryan said quietly. I slowly put a hand to his shoulder.

“Anytime Ryan, seriously, I’ll be here for you whenever you need me, for anything” I said equally as quiet, staring deep into his honey orbs, trying to see if he understood my secret message of ‘anything’. That whatever was on his mind that he was hiding, I could help him.

He obviously did as he smiled warmly at me and shook his head lightly.

“Why are you being so kind to me?” He whispered, his smile dropping, I paused a second, taking my hand away from his shoulder.

“I…I’m not sure” I whispered back, biting my lip. Ryan gave a weak smile and gathered his books as the bell went. He hurried out the room.

“Come on Bren, double English” Spencer said, waving his hand in front of my eyes, which were still seeing Ryan’s beautiful features in front of me.

“Yeah…” I said, slowly getting to my feet and following everyone out the room. Over the heads of all the students, I saw his soft brown haired head, being slightly taller than most people here, he was easy to spot.

I then saw two other people coming up to him; they shoved him to the ground and carried on as if nothing happened. Anger raged through me as they carried on walking towards us. I so wanted to do something, say something to them. But I knew I would never win, they were huge, so I watched them walk past me with smirks on their faces. I looked back to Ryan, he was gathering his books, and no one stopped to help, or even acknowledged him.

“Guys, I just need to go get something out of my locker, okay? Save me a seat in English, I’ll be there soon” I said, Jon nodded and they turned the corner to the English corridor. I turned around and looked for Ryan, but he wasn’t there anymore. There was barely anyone in the hallway now, just a few people rushing off to their class.

I started walking in the direction I saw Ryan, faster with each step. Finally he came into view, looking intently up at the big map of the school. I walked up behind him and tapped his shoulder.

“Ryan?” I said. He jumped about a foot in the air and dropped all his books again. His eyes shot to me and his face flushed red.

“Oh, hey Brendon” He mumbled, kneeling on the floor to collect his books. I knelt beside him and picked up a math’s book and a piece of paper. I glanced at it slightly, reading the words ‘Prescription’ and ‘Depression’ before Ryan snatched it out of my hand. My eyes had widened a bit and I had a feeling my jaw had dropped. I adjusted myself.

“Err…here” I said, handing him the Math’s book. He took it without a word and added it to the small pile, then stood up with them. I followed suit, looking away from him, feeling his eyes burning into me.

“Was there something you needed?” He asked politely. You.

“Oh, I saw you being shoved back there and wanted to know if you were okay, by the way, English is that way” I said, pointing back the way I came.

He rolled his eyes at me and started walking off slowly in the direction I just pointed.

“Brendon, you don’t need to act like a hero, you don’t need to pretend to care, okay I'm fine. Just please stop feeling you need to talk to me” He said, I followed after.

“What!? You’ve got it all wrong Ryan; I don’t feel like that at all, I want to talk to you!” I laughed, astonished. He just raised an eyebrow and carried on walking.

“Ryan…Ryan can you just listen to me, Ryan…talk to me dammit!” I shouted, standing still, he turned around and looked at me.

“What do you want from me!” he shouted back. Wow I didn’t know he had a voice that loud.

“I just want to understand you!” I sighed, looking away. It was quiet for a moment, none of us speaking; all I heard was our hard breathing from shouting. I looked back at Ryan to see him staring at the ground, I tear feel down his face, splashing onto the floor.


“Don’t bother” He muttered and ran off to English. I sighed and kicked the wall. Cursing in pain. I started walking in the same direction. Great, I thought, he hates me coz I pushed him too far. Way to fucking go Urie.

I walked into English; everyone was sitting in pairs at the desks. Ryan was standing at the front.

“Brendon, you are 10 minutes late, I can understand Mr. Ross here being late, second day and all, but I'm pretty sure you know your way around by now” Miss Bailey said from her desk. Ryan didn’t turn round. I walked over to them.

“Sorry miss, I had to get my book from my locker and it got jammed and I tried to open it but it wouldn’t budge at all and I went to find help and-“

“Okay Brendon that’s enough,” She laughed, shaking her head, “We’re starting a new partner project, seeing as both Ryan and yourself weren’t here for the pairing, you two shall work together”

I stiffened slightly. Yes yes yes! Wait he’s pissed with me at the moment. Crap.

Ryan made his way to the back desk and I followed, sitting beside him and placing my bag under the desk. I leant my elbow on the surface and rested my cheek in my hand, slumping back a bit. I scanned the classroom, Emma was looking at me, I shook my head slightly.

“Okay, this project involves a lot of getting together. You have to find out everything about your partner, the things they love, the things they hate, their hobbies, home life, school life, there’s a booklet to fill in. I don’t care if you are the worst enemies, I don’t care if your best friends and already know each other well, you will stick to the partners I assigned you to. I tried to be as fair as I could.” Miss Bailey explained.

I heard Ryan groan a bit, but I didn’t dare look at him. Miss started handing out the booklets, I took mine and quickly scanned through it, it was pretty big.

“Ryan I-“ I started.

“Just drop it Brendon, please” He glared, I glared back at him.

“I wasn’t going to go on, I was just going to say I suck at projects” I said, he rolled his eyes and didn’t reply. Anger swept through my body for the beautiful boy sitting beside me.

“Look, we are partners whether you like it or not, so you’re going to have to talk to me at some point” I snapped. He looked at me, his face softening slightly. But it was my turn to turn away…two can play at this game.


“Guys wait here a second, Ryan’s coming round mind to work on the project, so he’s walking home with us” I said, making them all stop at the gate, moving to the side slightly so people could get past.

“You’re starting on it already!?” Spencer asked, shocked. I nodded.

“Why?!” He shouted, I laughed and shrugged.

“We decided it’s better to get it out the way” I explained. It was true, Ryan and I decided in English, the only time we talked in English, that we would carry this on tonight at my house.

“Meh, me and William can’t be arsed to start ours yet, but I’m going over to his at some point to start it” Emma grinned.

“Oooo you and William huh!” Lilly nudged her. She laughed and pretended to smack her.

“Oh please, I’m getting images in my head, ‘Oh William I wish you were this project’,  ‘And why is that Emma my love?’, ‘because you would be hard and I’d be doing you on my desk’.  ‘Well we can sort that out baby’”  Jon shuddered.  We all burst out laughing.

“Oh my god Jon, what the actual fuck!” Emma shouted, laughing her head off.

“Hey” A small voice said behind me, I stopped laughing and turned around to come face to face with Ryan. His beauty still gave me shivers.

“Hi” I breathed, smiling lightly. I couldn’t stay mad at him, he might with me, but it was an impossibility to be annoyed with such an amazing person. What the hell am I saying, I hardly know him.

“Ryan nice to meet you man, I’m Jon!” Jon bounced forward and hugged him. I took a sharp intake of breath; he was holding in his arms what I should be holding. I looked at away; it hurt more than it should do. The rest of the group rushed forward, pushing me to the back.

“I’m Emma!”


“I’m Diane and this is sexy Spencer” Diane laughed, Spencer grinned and hugged Ryan. They were all hugging me. I should be hugging him, I so wanted to push them all away, to wrap my arms around him instead, to tell him id look after him through anything that’s running around his mind.

“Hey, it’s awesome to meet you guys too” Ryan grinned, he looked past them slightly and we made eye contact, we both smiled slightly and looked away. I knew I was blushing, but I didn’t look up to him if he was.

spencer smith, brendon urie, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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