All Was Golden In The Sky [10/20]

Oct 16, 2010 16:47

A few days later, Ryan got a letter through the post saying he had been hired at the Smoothie Hut and that he was to start work on Tuesday, after school, 4 till 8.

“Congrats baby” I grinned, kissing him. He laughed and kissed back.

“It’s not like I tried for months for this, all I did was write out some stuff” He said modestly. I shrugged.

“Yeah but I love you and that was just a good excuse to kiss you” I grinned. Ryan laughed and kissed me again. I smiled and pulled a Misfits shirt on over my head, then headed downstairs to get some breakfast before school.

“Babe do you want Poptarts?” I called up the stairs.

“Sure sure” He called back. I put four Poptarts into the toaster, making Ryan a mug of coffee and getting a Red bull out the fridge for myself.

“Can I use that to take my pills please?” Ryan asked, coming into the kitchen. I cracked it open and passed it to him.

“Of course” I smiled. He smiled and took it, popping the pills in his mouth and taking a gulp to swallow them. I went up to him and put my arms around him.

“Are you okay?” I asked. He looked at me with curiosity.

“Of course I am…why?” He asked worried. I rested my forehead on his and shrugged.

“Well…you told me you take tablets for depression…I never really noticed that bit because I was worried about you being hit. And I want to make sure you’re okay, I don’t want you to be depressed. Hell I don’t even want you unhappy. So from now on, it is my duty to make you un-depressed” I told him. Ryan smiled weakly at me as the toaster popped.

“Babe, depression doesn’t just go like that…it stays with you for a while, I’m really happy right now, because I have everything I want at the moment. But depression is lurking, and it can attack at any point. And I promise to tell you when it attacks…okay?” He grinned. I nodded and kissed him.

“Okay, I just worry about you” I said, pulling away from him and grabbing the Poptarts out of the toaster, passing him two as he drank from his mug.

“Mmm…I know Bren, and I like that you worry, but there’s nothing wrong right now okay?” He said, I nodded and took a bite out of a Poptart.

We finished up and got our school bags, locking the door behind us. We laced our fingers together and walked to the corner where we met Emma and Diane. This would be the first time in school where we show we are a couple. To be quite honest, I was a little scared. But then I remembered that I didn’t give a shit what people think, and I was in love, so it really didn’t matter.

“Hey fags” Emma called. We laughed and waved. Diane hugged us and we all carried on walking to school talking about anything that came to mind.

“I got my job” Ryan squealed. Diane grinned and congratulated him.

“Free Smoothies, fuck yeeeeeah!” Emma shouted, running into the school gates. Diane laughed and ran after her, but Ryan and I stayed walking. We had to walk right through the school, to show that we were a couple.

“Oh my god…are they..?”

“I think they are”

“That’s so cute”

“Fucking fag arses”

“But they are both hot, it’s so unfair”

“Who cares?”

“Eww, that is fucking disgusting”

“Someone pass me a bucket”

“Damn, that must be one sexy make out session”

That was some of the remarks that me and Ryan got today. Obviously not to our faces, but whispers that were really too loud to actually be whispers. It made us happy that lots of people thought it was cute and were happy for us. It made us laugh that a lot of people also thought we were disgusting and sick. Whenever we walked past someone, and they pretended to be sick, we would make out and burst out laughing in front of them as they ran away.

“Okay class sit down” Mr. Vinal said as he entered our Music class. We sat in our seats, Ryan still sat in front of me, but this time I could safely look at his arse, seeing as he was my boyfriend.

“Okay…today we are starting a new project, which will take us right up to the summer holidays. It’s called ‘Rock Band’ but really it’s any type of music group. But it cannot be solo” He said, standing in front of the class, smiling. I looked over at Jon and grinned. This was gunna be awesome.

“Basically, I want you to all get into group of 3-5, pick your parts in the band, and write your own things. This is just for a bit of fun and for a taste of the music industry. I will pick the winner, and when I do, there is a little surprise. So go, get in group” Mr. Vinal grinned. A murmur of excitement broke out through the class. I looked at Jon and nodded. He came over to me and Ryan, quickly joined by Spencer.

“Band?” I asked.

“Fuck yeah!” Spencer laughed. I looked around the class as people made their groups. William and Gabe split up, William going into a group with 4 other dudes who were pretty cool, Adam, Michael, Mike and Andy who people liked to call The Butcher. And Gabe went into a group with 4 others in our class, Victoria, Ryland, Alex and Nate. I looked behind me, to the girls. They were obviously in a group together, but they brought over Gina to be their bassist. They were one fucking hot band.

“Okay, is everyone done? Anyone who hasn’t got a band come to the front” Mr. Vinal called over the noise. Everyone thankfully had a band so it was okay.

“I’d like you to come tell me your band members and your parts in the band, then you can spend the rest of your lessons planning everything. You will need band practices. You will need to write up your own songs! Covers are certainly allowed, but there’s more chance of you winning with your own material” He said, grinning again.

“What’s the prize?” Lilly asked.

“Well...I’m thinking, if I can get it sorted out, that the winner will get to record their song professionally” He answered. An excited babble went over the classroom.

“Okay, Jon, come up here with your band” We got out of our seats and went up to Sir.

“Band members and their parts?”

“Jon Walker - Bass. Spencer Smith - Drums. Ryan Ross - Guitar and backing vocals if needed. Brendon Urie - Vocals…and possibly piano also if needed” Jon told the teacher.  He nodded, wrote it down, and then smiled up at us.

“I can see special talent coming from this band” He grinned. We smiled and sat back down.

“Emma, your band please” They went up.

“Emma Thompson - Guitar and backing vocals. Diane Langley - Vocals and Piano. Gina Lambert - Bass. Lilly Swann - Drums.” Emma told him.

“Just like the guys over there, very similar bands…I’m looking forward to see who wins between you two” Mr. Vinal smirked. I looked at Emma and grinned. She winked and walked back to her seat.

“Okay Gabe…”


“Man, music is gunna fucking rock from now on!” Spencer shouted as we walked home.

“Even more than it already does” Diane added.

“Have you guys ever played in a band before?” Ryan asked from next to me.

“Well, we’ve been thinking about it for a while, and now is the perfect chance to be honest” Jon grinned.

“Yup, same with us. And Gina is a pretty kick ass bassist, so I have a feeling we’re gunna beat yoooou” Lilly sung, I burst out laughing.

“Have you seen our bassist, he’s the fucking Bee’s Knee’s man.” I said.

“The cat’s pyjamas!” Spencer added. We grinned at each other.

“Yeah sure sure, haha, cya tomorrow” She smiled, walking off with Spencer and Jon.

“Cya” We called back, and carried on walking home.

Ryan and I walked into my…well our house and dumped our bags. We sat together on the sofa and switched the TV on, not really paying attention to it.

“This band thing is gunna be awesome” I said, playing with Ryan’s fingers. Ryan laughed lightly and nodded.

“I’ve never heard you sing, just do backups and stuff, can I hear you?” He asked, I blushed and shook my head. Ryan pouted but I still shook my head.

“Way to embarrassing, I don’t even reckon I’m as good as Spence and Jon make out I am, but oh well, I guess you will hear me soon enough” I shrugged; Ryan grinned and leant on my shoulder as we watched some movie. About 15 minutes later, the doorbell rang; Ryan got up to go answer it and came back with the whole gang, including Pete.

“Look what the cat dragged in” I said to them, they grinned and jumped onto the sofas.

“What are we watching then?” William asked, wrapping his arms around Emma’s waist.

“Err, Stardust…?” I said, checking it.

“I love this film” Pete said from where he was standing, we all looked at him and laughed. He grinned like a kid.

“What?! It’s good!” Pete defended himself as we pissed ourselves laughing.

“Pete come sit down” Ryan grinned, patting the spot next to him; Pete smiled and crossed the room to sit next to him. We settled in to watch the movie, which actually turned out to be pretty good.

“I told you!” Pete laughed.

“What do you losers wanna eat? I can’t be arsed to cook for you, so I'm gunna order” I told them.

“Eeeee, erm, I want pizza” Emma said.

“Chinese” Diane said.



“Okay, I don’t think we’re gunna agree on one thing, so why don’t you just order food from all different places?” Ryan suggested, I nodded.

“Good idea, you bitches are so fussy, you best have some fucking money” I laughed, dialling the number of a Chinese take away place.

spencer smith, brendon urie, panic at the disco, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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