All Was Golden In The Sky [9/20]

Oct 16, 2010 16:45

“Where do you think you are going?” She asked. Ryan gulped and looked at me, but I was looking at her, taking in her appearance. She wasn’t bad looking. She had a bit longer then shoulder length chocolate brown hair which hung in curls. She was slim, with curves in the right places and had honey eyes, just like Ryan’s just not as pretty. She was actually beautiful, what went wrong?

“I’m moving out mum” Ryan answered in a quiet voice, looking at his battered converse.

“Err I don’t think so George, you’re staying here. Who’s this, your boyfriend?” She sneered at me. I raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah I’m his boyfriend actually. And he’s coming to live with me” I said boldly, his mum laughed and shook her head.

“Go home little boy, you’re not having my son in your Fag house” She said.

“Fag house? Oh how original. Look love, it’s been 5 years since your husband died. He was a twat to you, and to Ryan, instead of protecting Ryan after that you fucking start beating him, what’s up with that?” I shouted at her, she looked taken aback. She turned on Ryan and glared at him.

“I told you not to tell anyone” She snarled. Ryan shrugged.

“I’m fed up of it mum, I didn’t do anything to Dad, he died because he drank so much, I didn’t force him to drink! And right when I needed you the most you fucking turned into him!” He shouted at her. I was amazed; I didn’t think Ryan’s beautiful calm voice could go that loud.


“No mum, you need help. You always do this, try to sweet talk me then suddenly turn on me again. I don’t care anymore, I’m leaving with Brendon right now, and you can’t stop me” Ryan said, picking up his bag and turned to the door, I picked up the other, smiling.

“Ryan I can change, I know I can” She whimpered, making me role my eyes.

“Then do it, and call me when you do” He said, opening the door. I stepped out with him following after. He shut the door and turned to me. I smiled and opened my arms. He dropped his suitcase and jumped on me, wrapping his skinny legs around my waist and kissing me on the lips. I smiled and kissed back.

“I’m moving out” He sang to me, I laughed and nodded.

“Ya huh, you sir are moving to the fag house!” I laughed. Ryan laughed and jumped down, grabbing his suitcase again and lacing our fingers together. We walked off to my house.


“Ahh I forgot to phone Jon back” I muttered to myself, Ryan was in the extra room putting his clothes away. He would be sleeping with me in here, but if my mum and dad suddenly came back then they wouldn’t like the fact of two guys sharing a room with one bed.


“Hey Jon, what did you want earlier, you caused disaster mate”

“Oh shit sorry, what happened?”

“I was helping Ryan move out of his house, and well it’s not my place to say, ask Ryan later or something”

“Okay, anyways, yeah do you guys wanna go to park or something, we’re bored and there’s nothing to do”

“Yeah sure, Ryan’s just putting his stuff away then we will meet you there”

“Wait, Ryan’s moving in with you already, how come?

“Again, not my place to say”

“Okay dude, cya soon”

“Yeah cya”

I exited the call and went to join Ryan in the spare room. He was bent over, shoving shirts into a drawer. I went up behind him and went to smack his arse.

“Don’t even think about it Urie” I dropped on to the bed.

“I don’t know what you’re on about” I said sweetly.

“Ya huh, course you don’t, who were you speaking to just now?” He asked, straightening up and sorting his shirt out.

“Jon, he wants to meet up in the park soon” I said, Ryan nodded and closed the drawer with his foot.

“I’m done, let’s go” He said, heading downstairs. I shut the bedroom door and followed him. I grabbed my wallet off the side and slipped on my vans as Ryan put on his chucks.

“Is everyone there?” Ryan asked as we joined hands and walked down the road.

“I assume so, I didn’t really ask, so meh” We stopped off at a smoothie bar, ordering some smoothies.

“Ry, they are looking for someone” I stated. Ryan looked around.

“Who is?” I rolled my eyes.

“The smoothie bar, you said the other night you wanted a job” I said, Ryan smiled.

“Oh I get what you mean, wow, think I should go for it?” He asked, I nodded.

“Excuse me; has anyone applied for that job in the window?” Ryan asked the women behind the counter.

“Nope, do you want to apply?” She asked, Ryan nodded and she went off to get an application form.

“Okay, just put your name, address, contact number and all that” She explained.

“Okay thanks”

We went and sat down on a table whilst Ryan filled out the form.

“Me, serving Smoothies, how weird” Ryan laughed.

“Do I get discount coz you’re my boyfriend?” I asked. Ryan stroked my cheek and smiled sweetly at me.

“Fuck off” He said, getting up to give the form in. I gasped and pretended to cry, making people look at me weirdly. Ryan quickly grabbed me and ran out the shop laughing. Once outside he kissed me and entwined out hands together.

“I’m sorry baby, I love you really” He said.

“I know” I said, stopping crying. We laughed and headed for the park again.


“SUP GUYS” Gabe shouted, running towards us, in only shorts with Lilly on his shoulders.

“Hey Gabe, where is everyone?” I asked.

“By the lake, let’s go” He shouted, running off with Lilly screaming.

“They so want each other” Ryan stated as we walked towards the lake.

“Well, Gabe blatantly wants her, and I think she wants him, just hasn’t realized it yet” I said.

“Yeah, we need to get them together, they are the cutest couple ever” Ryan said, but I shook my head.

“We are the cutest couple ever” I corrected him; he laughed and nudged me as the others came into view.

“Get over here fags!” Diane shouted, we laughed and ran over to them. William and Emma were sitting next to the lake in each other’s arms. Spencer, Jon and Diane were taking photos together with Diane’s camera. Gabe and Lilly were still running around. We went and sat with them.

“So whatcha been up to?” Spencer asked, before posing for a picture. I shrugged.

“Ryan applied for a job” I said, Ryan blushed as everyone turned and laughed at him.

“Dude I need a job!” He protested.

“Nah I thinks it’s cool, I should get one. Where do you work?” Emma said, coming over to with us with William.

“Well if I get it, the Smoothie Bar” He said.

“Wow do we get discount on smoothies then?” William asked. I looked at Ryan and we burst out laughing.

“You lot are so alike, yeah if I’m feeling nice on the day you will get discount on smoothies” Ryan grinned.

“Yay!” Lilly squealed as Gabe dumped her into Jon’s lap.

“Oops sorry Jon” Gabe laughed, sitting down next to me.

“Guys, when you were laughing I took the cutest picture ever” Diane said, showing me and Ryan a picture on her camera. It was us two holding hands and laughing, looking into each other’s eyes. The sorta photo I would have usually found sick, but because it was Ryan, it was beautiful.

“Wow I want a copy of that” I grinned. Diane nodded and put down her camera.

“So what do you losers wanna do?” Lilly asked, pulling of her tank top.

“Oh baby you don’t know what that does to me” Gabe said, biting his lip in a sexy way. Lilly rolled her eyes and laughed.

“I don’t want to know either” She said, adjusting her bikini and lying on her stomach so her back can catch some sun rays.

“She wants me” Gabe shrugged. William put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look, causing us to burst out laughing.

“I can’t be fucked with school tomorrow” Emma moaned.

“You never can be” I said, she shrugged and grinned.

“We got music tomorrow though” Gabe grinned.

“The only good thing about school, oh and fucking around with you guys” Jon laughed. I nodded.

“True true”

A blue disk flew past us at that point, we all turned to watch it as it smacked straight into Gabe’s head.

“OW!” He shouted, rubbing his forehead vigorously. A boy ran up to us with a worried look on his face.

“Shit, sorry dude, I didn’t mean for it to come this way, I was playing with my dog” He said in a deep, mono-tonal but sexy voice. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a purple nightmare before Christmas shirt. His hair flicked over one eye and his whole image was completed with a cheeky grin.

“It’s okay, though I might need someone to kiss it better” Gabe said, hinting at Lilly. She rolled her eyes, but the boy suddenly jumped on Gabe, kissing him smack bang on the lips. We all watched in amazement (and the sexy-ness) of the two guys kissing. The boy crawled off him and stood up again, grinning. Gabe’s mouth was in a little O shape, and his eyes were slightly glassy.

“Dude, oh what, you didn’t mean me? Shit sorry” The boy laughed, stroking the dog that had just run up to him.

“Fucking hell” Gabe laughed, touching his lips. We all burst out laughing, especially Lilly.

“What’s your name?” Ryan asked for next to me. The boy turned to him and smiled.

“I’m Pete...Pete Wentz…and you guys?” He asked, sitting down with us, the dog obediently sitting down next to him.

“Well, I’m Ryan, that’s Brendon my boyfriend, Jon, Gabe, Lilly, William, Emma, Diane and Spencer” Ryan said, pointing to each person in turn.

We all greeted Pete politely and he joined us for the rest of the day, hanging out in the sun. He turned out to be an awesome person, into the right bands, completely into the scene; he had come from Chicago, Illinois. He played bass in a band over there but his parents made him move to Las Vegas. He was 2 years older than us and a College drop-out.

“I can tell we will all get on great” Emma winked to him in a friendly way; he grinned his cheeky smile and stroked his dog.

spencer smith, brendon urie, panic at the disco, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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