All Was Golden In The Sky - [4/20]

Oct 16, 2010 16:31

The sunlight hit my face, making me scrunch it up and turn away from the light. But now I was awake, and I had to get ready for school, quickly because I was suppose to meet Diane and Emma in 10 minutes. I got out of bed and raced into the bathroom, having a quick wash and brushing my teeth. I went over to my closet. I picked out some Grey skinnies and a white shirt, quickly shoving them on, dumping my old clothes in the wash bin and running down stairs.
I never usually ate breakfast, but because I had next to nothing last night when Ryan was here, I quickly shoved some Pop-tarts into the toaster and pressed the lever down, leaving them to cook whilst I put my shoes on. I grabbed my bag, putting it on my bag, and hurried back to the kitchen, taking my house key from the side and pocketing it, just as the toaster popped. I took them both, put some black sunglasses on my head and hurried out the door, locking it behind me.

As I finished the first Pop-tart, Emma and Diane started walking up the road. I swear, I could be late, but still be here before them. They smiled and waved at me, I wiped my hand on my jeans and waved back.

“Hey Bren, nice Pop-tart, what makes you eat this morning?” Emma asked, taking a bite out of it. I shrugged.

“I don’t know, I was just hungry this morning” I said as we started our way to school. Diane laughed, making me and Emma look at her.

“Oh dude come on, that’s the lamest excuse ever. I know you Brendon, you only eat in the morning if you didn’t eat the night before, which means you must have been rather busy last night” Diane said, raising her eyebrows in a suggestive way. I laughed and shook my head.

“I don’t kiss and tell” I said. Oh shit, they would totally get the wrong impression from that.

“YOU KISSED HIM?!” They both shrieked, making me drop my pop-tart. I stared at it, pouting.

“No, I knew you’d take that wrong. We just hung out, worked on our project, we just got carried away doing it so I forgot to eat, and couldn’t be arsed when Ryan left, I just went to bed” I explained.

“Oh, so no juicy gossip?” Diane asked, I shook my head.

“Not for your ears” I said, she grinned.

“So you like him?” Emma asked, I looked at her and shook my head.

“I like him sure, he’s a nice kid, but not the way you think” I lied. Emma just laughed.

“Admit it Bren, you’re gay!” She said.

“No, I’ll admit I’m not fussy what sex it is, but I’m not admitting I’m gay, because I’m not” I grinned. We were at school now; gosh doesn’t time pass when you have interesting convocation going. We walked past the gate and across the grounds to our tree. Everyone was there as usual, and as usual we dumped ourselves down and talked until way past when the bell went.
I was excited for homeroom. I needed to see his face again. To prove last night happened, to see him smile that beautiful smile again, and most importantly, to see his soft honey eyes which always seemed to drag me in.

But I couldn’t help but feel a little let down when he wasn’t in his seat when we arrived. Of course, we got detention, two detentions actually as we missed homeroom yesterday. He did say he hoped he would see me today…so maybe he knew there was a chance he wouldn’t make it in. Why was he so scared about being late home? Gah, so many questions I wanted to ask him, but I promised I wouldn’t pry until he was ready to answer me.
I was in a mood all day, not a bad mood, just a sad mood. Everyone noticed, but was nice enough not to ask about it. Then you had Lilly who had to know exactly what was happening.

“Come on Bren, you are usually the happiest one of us, and at the moment you’re the saddest, what’s up? Did you forget to eat some skittles this morning?” She grinned. I gave a weak smile and shook my head.

“It’s just one of those days where it doesn’t feel like I have enough energy to do anything” I explained, she nodded. She knew exactly what I meant, because she also got these days. For the rest of the day no one bothered me, they involved me in conversations, but they didn’t force me to speak.
I was glad when the bell went for the end of the day. I knew I’d be even lonelier at home, but at least I could be downright miserable and no one would see me.

I didn’t even notice I was walking home with everyone, it seemed like I was moving mechanically, speaking when being spoke to, but not taking in anything.

“We’ll cya tomorrow Bren” Emma said, she had a worried look on her face, so did Diane, so I gave them the biggest smile I could muster.

“Yeah cya tomorrow” I said cheerfully and started walking towards my house, letting the smile drop. My cheeks hurt from the strain I just put on them. I rubbed them lightly. Today has been so bad, how can one boy change me so much, in so little time. It was impo-

“Hey Bren” My heard snapped up and there he was. Sitting on my door step. I smiled and rushed over. He stood up and gave me a quick hug. I hugged back, glad to be in his arms once again, to smell his sweet, cocoa and strawberry smell.

“Ryan” I breathed, relaxing quickly and opening the door. We both stepped in and I shut the door behind us. He took off his shoes and turned to me again; I copied his actions, dumped my bag and walked up to him. I wrapped my arms softly around his middle and pulled him closer. He winced slightly, making me pull back quickly.

“I’m so sorry Ryan, what did I do?” I asked him, he shook his head.

“It’s okay, it’s nothing.” He mumbled. I shook my head this time and took his hand, leading him upstairs to the bathroom.

“Ryan, I know I’m not allowed to ask questions, and I won’t, but if your hurt I’m going to fix it, okay” I said, he nodded weakly and pulled off his shirt. I so wish I had time to stare at his wonderful body, but I didn’t, because I got distracted by A) the bruises. B) the deep cuts. I sighed and soaked a flannel in hot water.

“Ryan, I’m not prying okay. But I’m not stupid, it’s obviously your getting beaten somewhere” I whispered, whilst rinsing the flannel and bringing it back over to him. I softly placed it on the cuts; he winced again but didn’t fight it.

“I know” He whispered back, I looked up into his eyes, they were watering. I don’t know where I got the sudden dose of courage, but I quickly leant up and kissed his cheek.

“Please, please Ryan don’t cry. It hurt so much yesterday, watching you cry but not being able to help you” I said, Ryan wiped his eyes and gave me a weak smile.

“I’m not going to cry. And you do help Bren, by just being here for me, it’s more then I could ask for” He said.

“But it’s not more then I can give…” I said suggestively. But he shook his head slightly.

“I’m not ready to talk yet Brendon, but I promise, when the time comes I’m going to be completely honest with you, every question you ever wanted answered, it will be answered” He mumbled. I nodded and smiled. I finished cleaning up his cuts, then dried them with a fresh towel. I reached up into the cupboard and brought another pack of bandages, covering each cut of Ryan’s.

“Okay, I’m all done” I told him, handing him his shirt again. He quickly slipped it on and walked towards the door. He waited for me to reach him, then he took my hand confidently and we walked together down stairs.

In the living room, Ryan sat down on the sofa, whilst I quickly turned on the DVD player.

“Right, we are going to set an alarm now, so it gives you time to get home and not be late.” I told him, he smiled and nodded.

What would you like to watch?” I asked him as I hovered by the TV. He grinned.

“Do you have Titanic?” He asked. My face lit up with excitement, he listened to me yesterday. Whilst he was asking me questions, what is your favourite movie, came up. And Titanic is my favourite movie. Always has been, always will be.

“Of course I do” I replied quietly, putting it in the DVD player, grabbing the control and sitting down on the sofa. I pulled the blanket from the sofa and covered us both in it.

“I love this film” Ryan said softly, finding my hand under the cover. I grinned and squeezed his hand.

“So do I, as I already told you” I grinned. We settled down as the movie began.

“You know I missed you today” Ryan whispered. I looked up at him. He smiled.

“So did I, I couldn’t do anything, I just felt so weak and useless all day, when I saw you on that doorstep, I swear my heart exploded with happiness” I told him. He smiled and took his hand from mine, making me pout, but wrapped his arm around my middle. I smiled and pulled him closer into the hug. We both shut up and turned towards the screen.


“Do you trust me?” I whispered to Ryan. He smiled slightly.

“I trust you” He whispered back, eyes shut.

“All right. Open your eyes” I breathed.

Ryan didn’t get time to quote the next part of the film, as I closed the gap at last, and placed a soft, gentle kiss on his lips. He stiffened for a second, and then relaxed, putting one of his warm hands on the back of my neck to bring me closer. I smiled and kissed with more effort, Ryan copying my actions.
It felt like I was flying, it wasn’t Rose in Titanic, it was me! It put a warm feeling inside of me and made me want to scream out loud. The butterflies that survived last night had defiantly exploded now.

I pulled away and looked at him, he opened his eyes and we stared at each other for what seemed like hours but were only a few minutes.

“Brendon…” Ryan whispered, leaning in again.

But suddenly my phone went off, it wasn’t my usual ringtone, it was my alarm tone. Ryan quickly shot up.

“I have to go” He said quickly, making his way towards the door.

“Ryan, Ryan calm down, remember we gave you like 15 minutes extra, you won’t be late I promise” I said. He nodded whilst he was putting his shoes on.

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” He said, he stood up and came over to me. Uh oh, butterflies have invaded my tummy again.

“Brendon…are we…do you want…I’d really like…” Ryan stuttered, trying to form a sentence. I took his face between my hands.

“You don’t know how happy id be if you would be my boyfriend” I said to him, he didn’t say anything, just nodded his head as much as he could. I smiled and leant up to place another kiss on his lips.
But this kiss was better. We both expected it.

It was magical. No it was better than magical. It was the best experience of my life; his lips were soft against mine and moved intact with them. The sweet taste of his mouth over whelmed me, making me want to drop down there and cry with happiness.
He pulled away and rested his head on mine

“I’ve got to go” He whispered.

“Ryan, can you please stay tomorrow night…I don’t like being away from you, it hurts” I said sadly. And it was true. It did hurt. Ryan’s face dropped slightly.

“I'll try to, it hurts to be away from you as well, more then you know” he said back, I nodded and pulled him into another hug.

“Are you coming in tomorrow?” I asked him.

“Most likely, I’ll see you tomorrow Bren, I’m looking forward to it” He called as he walked out the house.

“I miss you” I whispered, but loud enough for him to hear. He turned round and gave me a sad look.

“I miss you too” He whispered, blowing me a kiss and walking off. I watched him until he disappeared out of sight, and then shut the door.

I was going out with him. I had a boyfriend. I had the love of my life.
He was all mine.

spencer smith, brendon urie, panic at the disco, ryden, jon walker, slash, ryan ross

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