Do You Want Me, Or Do You Want Me Dead? (7/?)

May 21, 2012 00:16

Title: Do You Want Me, Or Do You Want Me Dead? (7/?)
Author: lindsey2278
 Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jalex as sexy assassins. Need I say more?
Disclaimer: Title and cut to All Time Low. If you are Alex or Jack and you really are just friends then do NOT read this. However, if you engage in sexy times like we all know you do then go right ahead :)

A/N WELL HELLO! I am so so so so sorry I have been such a shitty updater with this story. I have been working very hard on The Remains of My Wasted Youth and I also finally finished Under A Paper Moon but I'm back! I hope you guys still like the story and I finally made an ouline so I know where I am going with it and the updates will be faster. Let me know if you guys are still interested!!


Alex hit the punching bag so hard, it nearly knocked it loose from the ceiling. It was well after midnight and he used his spare key to get in to the gym his agency used to work out in because he really just wanted some time alone. He had so much pent up anger and this was the best way he could think of to let it out. He was dripping with sweat and even though his body was exhausted, he only hit and kicked harder at the thoughts flowing through his head.

He was pissed at Jack of course, but mostly he was pissed at himself. He was becoming sloppy and stupid and he was allowing himself to becoming a simple pawn on Jack’s chess board. He was toying with him and moving him wherever he pleased and Alex had had enough.

He collapsed onto the ground when his body finally quit on him and he sat with his knees bent as he panted heavily, trying to regain oxygen to his lungs. He ripped off the Velcro on his gloves with his teeth and tossed them off to the side.

He heard the door creak open and he simply yelled a “WE’RE CLOSED” to the presence. When he didn’t hear a response, he turned around to see… nothing. He stood up to walk over to the door when firm hands grabbed his waist and flipped him around before smacking him up against the wall.

“Miss me?” Jack breathed into Alex’s face before Alex forcefully pushed him off and kicked him in the stomoach.

Jack fell to the ground but swiped Alex’s legs out from under him as he tried to run by him which resulted on the boys rolling around on the ground, a mess of punches and limbs flying everywhere.

“Fuck! Alex! Will you stop moving for two seconds?!” Jack yelled as he straddled him, pinning his arms above him head.

“NO! Fuck you! Get off me!” Alex spat back, still squirming to get out from underneath him.

Jack rolled his eyes.

“Fine! Have it your way.” Jack muttered before pulling out a needle from his pocket and injecting the tranquilizing fluid into Alex’s neck. He was passed out cold in about thirty seconds and Jack climbed off of him, threw him over his shoulder and carried him out to his car.


Alex woke up four hours later, tied to all corners of his bed, extremely similar to his boss right before Jack…

“Sugar pie! You’re up!” Jack yelled sarcastically when he saw Alex stir from his sleep.

“You fucking asshole! Let me out of here! You gonna carve me up like you did to my boss? Too afraid to fight me without tying me down?” Alex spat trying to get Jack angry.

Jack rolled his eyes and moved onto Alex’s bed to sit on top of him and straddle him.

“Babe. If I wanted to kill you, I could have about a thousand times by now. I’ve been in and out of your apartment, followed you all over town, and let’s not forget a couple days ago when I had my hand down your pants in the middle of the dancefloor.” Jack said, smirking when he mentioned the last event.

“Shut the fuck up!” Alex yelled back at him defensively.

“Awe! Is little Alex getting worked up because of me again? It’s okay baby, I understand. Honestly, I wasn’t planning on anything happening at the club but you are pretty damn sexy. All sweaty and needy…” Jack trailed off as he leaned down to suck on Alex’s neck.

“You’re getting hard babe…” Jack whispered into Alex’s ear as he moved his hand down to slip into Alex’s pants and touch him.

“Get off…” Alex replied breathily trying with all his might to resist Jack.

“ first.”

Jack started to stroke Alex as a painfully slow pace and Alex bucked his hips off the bed. He was too far gone to resist any longer, he just gave into the pleasure.


“Much better.” Jack replied with a smirk as he moved down the bed to pull Alex’s jeans and boxers to his knees.

Alex looked down at him the best he could from his restrictions and he watched as Jack licked patterns all across his rock-hard dick and move down to suck on his balls.

“UHN! More!” Alex moaned as his back arched up once again.

Jack moved back up to Alex’s dick and took him into his mouth and successfully engulfed the entire thing and began to deep throat him. Alex was practically screaming from the pleasure he was receiving and as if it wasn’t enough already, Jack moved his hand down and inserted two fingers into his tight hole and began pumping them in and out.

Fuck. This was all so wrong. Alex hated Jack. Jack hated Alex. They both wanted each other dead. The reasons to despise each other was endless and yet neither one could overcome this raw want for the other. If anything, everything wrong and sick about the situation only made the lust that much harder to ignore.

After a couple minutes of the insane pleasure Jack was giving Alex’s body, he came hard down Jack’s throat with a scream of his name. Jack pulled off of him and smiled before moving off the bed and looking at Alex.

“Okay. Now that you’re relaxed a bit, if I untie you will you listen to what I have to say?” Jack asked a panting Alex.

“Do I really have a choice?” Alex asked from his bound position on the bed.

Jack smirked and shook his head before untying Alex.

“Okay I don’t have any weapons on me and I swear not to try anything for the next ten minutes. You can check me if you want. Now, you need to do the same so you can listen to what I have to tell you. if you kill me then I promise you, you will be dead within the next 24 hours. Believe it or not, we actually need each other’s help with something.”

Alex considered his options. He could blow Jack’s brains out right here and now...or he could actually hear him out. Despite all the hatred and frustration he had towards Jack he had to admit that the boy had always been true to his word ever since that night they came face to face at the abandoned factory.

“Alright. I’ll listen.” Alex finally replied.

Jack smiled back at the boy and they went into Alex’s kitchen to sit at the table. Alex waited for Jack to begin talking and after about a minute of silence he looked up at him with his dark intense eyes and asked, “How would you feel about calling a temporary truce?”

A/N WELL HELLO! I am so so so so sorry I have been such a shitty updater with this story. I have been working very hard on The Remains of My Wasted Youth and I also finally finished Under A Paper Moon but I'm back! I hope you guys still like the story and I finally made an ouline so I know where I am going with it and the updates will be faster. Let me know if you guys are still interested!!

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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