Do You Want Me, Or Do You Want Me Dead? (1/?)

Apr 04, 2012 00:13

Title: Do You Want Me, Or Do You Want Me Dead? (1/2)
Author: lindsey2278
 Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jalex as sexy assassins. Need I say more?
Disclaimer: Title and cut to All Time Low. 


Alex woke up to the familiar sound of his beeper. He rolled over to see that his boss was paging him and he walked over to his laptop. He sat down and rubbed his neck. He was a little sore from the previous night, but it was nothing he couldn’t handle. He also had a large purple-ish bruise on his side which he assumed was yet another broken rib. Whatever.

He opened up his skype and was immediately greeted by a call from his boss. He accepted the call and waited for the screen to adjust.

“Gaskarth. Nice to see you alive and well.”

“Thanks, boss.”

“Did you have any trouble completing your task last night?”

“No, sir. Just a couple cuts and bruises. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“Well I’m glad to hear it. I’m gonna need you at the top of your game for your next assignment.”

“May I ask what my next assignment is?”

“Before I do, I want to make something very clear. You need to be absolutely 100% prepared for this mission because it will be the most difficult target you will have ever faced. You have taken out the 4th, 3rd and 2nd ranked assassins in our rival agency but they don’t even relatively compare to their top gun. He is not only extremely dangerous but he is invisible to us. We can’t even provide you with a picture because he is so sly and quick with his work. He has over 300 kills and no one even knows his name.”

Alex was nodding his head the entire time his boss was talking because he knew this day was coming. Alex was the top assassin in his agency and he had single handedly taken out at least half of their rival company without even breaking a sweat. This next hit was the only thing standing in his way from being the best in the world.

“Agent 99.” Alex stated in response to his boss’s words.

“Yes. Agent 99. I spoke with the boss of his agency and we have come to an agreement. He wants you dead just as much as we want him dead. We knew the day would come that you two would have to face each other and it seems that day has come. We have set up a meeting place for the two of you to have it out so we will finally know who is the best. You don’t have to do this but just know, he has placed a hit out on you and he will get to you sooner or later. It will all be a lot simpler if we can get this taken care of now instead of having you two pining after each other for months on end.”

Alex knew this gave him a 50% chance of living. They were both the best at what they did and two people can only share the top for so long. This mystery man had beat him to hits before which resulted in him losing millions of dollars and killed a countless number of his “co-workers”. He needed to pay.

“I’ll do it.”

“A manila envelope will arrive at your apartment in an hour with the place and time. I have no doubts you will come out victorious. You are the most talented killer we have seen in a long time.”

“Thank you, sir. I won’t let you down.”

Alex arrived at his destination right as his phone clock switched to midnight. He got out of his car and loaded his handgun. He had knives, pepper spray, a stun gun and extra bullets all on his person as he approached the abandoned factory building. He took a deep breath and silenced everything around him before he entered. He knew his mission. He would be the one walking away from this.

He walked in and moved swiftly and silently through the bottom floor. Usually by this time he would’ve at least heard a sound giving him some kind of indication of where his target was, but this wasn’t a normal target. He walked backwards up the stairs and held his gun out in front of him. He moved around the corner and that’s when he felt it. He knew someone was up there. He could feel someone’s presence. He felt a single bead of sweat roll down his cheek before he kicked down the door next to him and revealed a room with a long table and his target sitting at the end of it.

“Well, well, well. We meet at last.” Alex was greeted by a man who looked to be around his same age. He was taller than him by a few inches and his dark features radiated intensity. He had black messy hair and dark brown eyes and surprisingly was not holding a weapon.

“Agent 99.” Alex stated as he continued to point his gun directly at him.

The man laughed and rolled his eyes.

“Is that your name for me, then? I gotta say I was hoping for something a little more badass.”

Alex let out a mocking snort and gripped his gun so tight that his knuckles were white.

“Why don’t you have a seat with me?”

“Why would I do ANYTHING you wanted?” Alex mocked.

“Because the way I see it, one of us is going to be dead in about an hour. We may as well get to know each other a little bit.” The man replied with that ever-present smirk he seemed to possess.

The man got up and began to place his weapons on the table. Alex raised his gun higher when he started to move and the man just rolled his eyes.

“Easy there, princess. You aren’t going to shoot me.”

“Oh really? What makes you say that?” Alex replied to what seemed to be a ridiculous statement.

“Because you are smarter than all your little friends. They all came at me, guns blazing and it didn’t work out very well for them. That guy Dawson was a bit smarter but turned out to be such a disappointment in the end. Too bad they weren’t around long enough to warn you about me.” The man placed every weapon in his possession on the table and moved away from it so Alex could see that he wasn’t hiding anything.

“Well there you have it big shot. I put down all I’ve got. Now how bout you do the same.”

Alex considered his options. He was too proud to shoot an unarmed man but at the same time, he didn’t want to play this guy’s mind games. Alex knew he had to have been incredibly smart to get where he was today and he didn’t want to let him inside his head.

After a couple minutes of self confliction, Alex started by laying his gun on the table then followed with the rest his weapons. He grabbed a chair from the table and dragged it away and sat down.

“Fine. Let’s talk.”

The man smiled and nodded and took a seat as well. The two were now facing each other about ten feet apart and a good enough distance away from the table.

“I’ll start with what I can tell about you. First of all, you play by the book. I saw the way you moved around downstairs. You checked all the corners, never kept your back turned to one area for too long, moved effectively and quickly, blah blah blah. My guess is that you’re about 24 years old and haven’t gotten laid in ehhhh ten months? Your boss loves you. You probably have lost touch with your parents. You don’t let your emotions get involved with anything in your life which is why you have lasted so long in this business. You haven’t been in a relationship since high school but I’d guess you have some creepy cat that you are desperately attached to. Even though you don’t get attached to people, they get attached to you all the time. You probably use sex appeal as one of your biggest advantages against your targets. All of your clocks are synchronized and you eat, shower, brush your hair backwards and forward 20 times every day at the EXACT same time. Last but not least, you don’t feel guilty after a kill. Ever. How did I do?”

Alex couldn’t help but let his eyes widen a bit. Despite the extremes he went to about his organizational skills, this guy was pretty much exactly right about him.

“Not bad. Except I don’t count how many times I brush my hair. I hate cats but I do have a dog that I am NOT creepily attached to, thank you very much. And it’s only been 5 months, asshole.”

The man laughed. “What’s your name, anyway?”

“It’s Alex.”

The man smiled and replied, “I like it. It suits you. Also it’s nice to be able to call you something other than “that dick who always steals my hits”.

Alex rolled his eyes and gave a soft smile.

“What’s your real name?”

The man thought to himself a minute before replying. He never gave out personal information but hey, why not?

“It’s Jack. No one has called me that in years though. I grew up in Maryland and my parents died when I was sixteen. I have a brother but he moved after their funeral and I haven’t spoken to them since. I didn’t want to go into foster care so I burned all my records and changed my name. That’s the main reason I have remained untraceable for so long. I finished high school then started drinking to pass the time. I got in a bar fight one night with 5 guys and knocked them all flat on their asses. Boss happened to be there and followed me out and offered me a job. Been doing this ever since.”

“A true rags to riches story.” Alex mocked.

Jack just shrugged his shoulders and the smirk reappeared.

“Why’d you tell me all that?”

“I don’t know. I guess because you are going to be dead soon and it wont matter. It’s a shame. I actually like you and you are damn sexy.  Maybe in another life we would’ve ridden off into the sunset together.”

Alex felt his nerves flare up again. He hated that Jack was just writing him off and thinking he was going to kill him so easily. Then again, it was clear he loved mind games. He was probably just trying to get a rise out of him. Jack knew his track record and he would have to be an idiot not to see him as a threat.

“Mind if I smoke before we get into this?”

“Be my guest.”

“Well I gotta reach in my pocket to get my cigarettes so don’t get your panties in a wad when I move and start sweating and waving your gun around again.”

Alex rolled his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time and Jack reached in his pocket and pulled out his pack of Camels and his lighter. Alex watched as he brought the cigarette to his lips and lit the end before taking a long drag. He took a moment to really look at Jack. He’d be flat out lying if he said the boy wasn’t attractive. He was kinda skinny but somehow it worked for him. His dark eyes were mysterious and beautiful and his skin was light and flawless. He was wearing tight jeans that clung tightly to his sexy legs and ass and he had on a grey v-neck under his leather jacket. Jack mentioned earlier how it was a requirement to be good looking in their line of work and he was absolutely right. When people’s hormones get involved, they don’t think clearly. Alex often times would find his targets in bars or in clubs and buy them drinks and run his hands all over them on the dance floor. They would willingly leave crowded places with him and once he got them alone it was all over. He was sure Jack had done the same.

“What are you thinking about, baby?”

“How much I want you to bend me over and fuck me for all I’m worth” was the first thought that entered Alex’s mind. Fuck! Alex would not let lust cloud over his brain. He would not fall for the oldest trick in the book.

“Just wondering when you’d like to get started.”

Jack smiled and chucked his cigarette butt before standing up.

“Alright baby boy. Let’s get this over with then. I’ll get my weapons and you get yours and I’ll give you two minutes to leave this room and go wherever you want in the building. After that I’ll come find you and kill you. Sorry it has to end this way, gorgeous. I’ll speak of you well.”

Alex gritted his teeth and both boys walked over to fasten their weapons back to their belts and around their necks and what not. When they were both done, Jack walked over to Alex in a predatory way. Alex could already see the change in his eyes. His pupils were dilated and the charming shimmer they seemed to possess before was long gone.  He looked…well he looked like a killer.

“Time starts as soon as you step foot outside this room. Two minutes. That’s all you get.” Jack leaned forward and grabbed Alex’s ass roughly before leaning in and whispering in his ear, “run fast”.

Alex felt a shiver run down his spine at these words. He couldn’t be entirely sure if it was fear or how undoubtedly turned on he was right now. Either way, the feeling was unwelcomed. He stepped back from his rival and turned on his heels before slipping out the room.

Jack stood in complete silence. He had to admit that Alex was good. He hadn’t made a single sound since he left the room that would’ve indicated his whereabouts. Jack looked down at his phone and the clock switched over, indicating two minutes was up. He placed the phone on the table and walked out the door. He closed his eyes and drew in a long breath. His eyes shot open and his lips curled back over his perfect, white teeth.

“Ready or not, here I come.”

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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