Disasterology (Chapter 6)

Jan 31, 2012 21:20

Title: Disasterology (6/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Paring: Jalex
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Jack honestly never thought he could be loved until a stranger proves him wrong.
Disclaimer: I don't own Jack or Alex. The title cred goes to Pierce the Veil.
A/N: Hm, not much to say

It wasn't exactly the words that Alex had uttered that made Jack begin to cry. It was the look of complete and utter fear etched into every small detail of his being. The way his eyebrows knitted together. The way his eyes were as wide as saucers. The way his hands shook as he gripped the steering wheel, making his knuckles white.

Alex was stunned. He had no idea how Jack would react, to be honest. However, he didn't expect the torrent of emotions that poured from him.

"I-I'm sorry..." Jack choked, covering his face as the tears kept coming. He had no idea why he'd suddenly snapped. He wasn't the one who should be sobbing. He should be comforting Alex and telling him everything will be okay, but he just couldn't. He could barely breathe.

"Jack. Jack, please. It's okay. I overreacted." Alex said, gaining his composure and pulling the raven haired boy close to him, kissing his hair and squeezing him gently. It all seemed so surreal. Was it real? Jack wasn't sure.

"We can go back... We're going back... now. This was a fucking awful idea." Alex said, reluctantly pulling away from Jack and putting the car back in gear. But he was stopped by Jack taking the keys out of the ignition.

"No... No, please, Alex. Please, take me away." Jack said, feeling the fear subside. In its place was what could only be described as relief. He had never felt so free and floaty. He felt as if a weight had been lifted and he was free to do whatever the hell he pleased.

"R-really?" Alex asked, stunned at his response. Jack nodded, wiping his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie. Jack couldn't read his expression. It looked blank. He leaned over and kissed Jack right on the lips, feeling his heart pounding so hard it felt as if it was going to just burst out of his chest. He had never felt so much feeling in one action. Jack gasped at the gentle, yet desperate, action. It was as if Alex needed his lips to keep living.

Their breathing quickly turned shallow as Jack returned the kiss with the same calculated precision. He ran his hands underneath Alex's shirt, feeling every raised scar, making the older boy shudder. His skin was still warm where the bruises were and the memory made Jack feel awful.

"Jack..." Alex said softly, unable to fully catch his breath. Jack hadn't even realized he'd stopped. Alex saw the look in Jack's eyes and moved his lips to his ear.

"He can't hurt me when I'm with you..." He whispered. 
They had continued driving, of course. They had no idea where though. Jack had hinted at it several times, but Alex didn't even know. If he did, he wasn't budging.

Jack propped his feet on the dash, turning up the radio when he heard a familiar song.

Alex usually knew every song as well, humming along as he kept his eyes trained forward, glancing at Jack every once in a while and giving him a soft smile.

It wasn't until afternoon that they'd decided to stop. Jack looked out at the landscape, surprised at the sight of waves lapping sand.

"The beach? There's snow on the ground, Lex." Jack said, chuckling. Alex shrugged, getting out of the car and breathing in sharply as he felt his bruises throb. He gritted his teeth and put on a strong mask. He didn't want Jack worrying about him.

Jack met him at the edge of the sand, holding out his hand. Alex took it gratefully.

"What made you think of the beach?" Jack asked as they started down the small path to the water's edge. The waves almost silently stroked the shore. It was both eerie and fascinating. Alex simply shrugged.

"I've always loved the beach. I used to leave by the beach. In fact, I used to come out here almost every morning to watch the sunrise. It was always a place to get away from the problems. I didn't have to hear my parents fighting on the beach. Just the waves and seagulls." Alex said. The way he said it was almost poetic. He certainly had a way with words.

Jack took that as a suitable answer.

"I wish I had that." Jack said, looking out over the horizon. The day was rather dreary and grey, but, at the same time, it was beautiful. He could almost guarantee it was because of the beautiful boy standing next to him.

"We can have that if you want." Alex said. Something about how he said it made Jack shiver, like it would really happen.

He made it sound so easy.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: badenoughforyou, rating: pg-13

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