Teenage Dream (s/a)

Nov 11, 2011 19:32

Title: We Can Dance Until We Die - part (1/2)
Author: Loli, Lolita or dumpweed69 
(whatever you want, babe)
Pairing: Merrikat (Barakat/Merrick)
Rating: PG-13, I guess.
Summary: “C'mooooon sexy Zacky! Come dance with me and I’ll show you why they call me Jack Attack”
Dedications: to my lovely beta, Valetina (valeohyeah) because she's awesome.
Disclaimer: Jack and Zack belong to each other, God bless Merrikat. Title goes to Kitty Purry and cut goes to P!ATD
Author Notes: at the end :3

I woke up this morning at 3 am and I couldn’t sleep anymore. There was too much in my head. And you ask yourself ‘what could a 17 year old boy have in his mind other than girls, boobies and stuff like that?’. Oh, dear I can give you a endless list of why my life is a living hell. First, I don’t have pussies or boobies in my mind because I’m totally, completely gay and no one knows it. Second, my parents always do me the favor of reminding me that I’m a loser with no friends or social life, different from my brother that is popular, have a `hot’ girlfriend and is always out parting with his friends. Third, I think I may be a little bit in love with my brother’s best friend, Jack fucking Barakat. He is that kind of popular guy that likes dating brainless cheerleaders; therefore he is completely out of my league and I’m sure he is not even gay. So, welcome to my shitty life.
Everyday at 7.30 AM Jack shows up at my house to give me and my brother a ride. I’d rather going to school walking but my parents say I need to go with my brother and try to be more social. Yeah, right. Its 7.25 when I heard a knock on my door.
“Hey faggot, go answer the door! I’m busy!”
“No, you’re not. You’re just looking at the weather woman’s boobies, you perv”
“Zack, please be nice to your brother and answer the door”
I growl and walk like a zombie to answer the fucking door. When I open the damn door I see Jack on his hands and knees, that perfect ass just asking to be slapped… wait, what?! Am I in one of my teenage wet dreams with Jack?! All I know is that now I have a boner. Fuck.
“Damn cell phone! Always falling on the fucking floor!” Nice, I’m awake but I still have a boner. Not nice.  “Oh hey, Zack! I didn’t saw you standing there” Maybe he won’t even notice. Just act cool. “Hmm… Is that money in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” He says with a cocky smirk. FUCK. Fuckshitfuckshitfuck. Do something, fuckface! Anything! “Relax, little dude! I’m just messing with you. This happens to the best guys” He says messing with my hair, my cheeks are deep red by now “And by the way, you look cute when you blush” Can I please die now? I never thought I was going to say this, but thank Mark Hoppus God my brother appeared on the door now.
“Hey, hey Jacko Barakitty!”
“Dude, don’t call me like that! Its gay!”
“Talking about gay, why were you talking with this little fag here?” My brother says pointing at me.
“Don’t call him fag, Zack’s cool. Anyway, I was talking, he was just blushing. Right, Zee?” I nodded  awkwardly and walk away slowly to the car. Wait… he just called me ‘Zee’? Oh my God.
When we arrived at school I realized that it was fucking cold outside and I had forgotten my hoodie. I started shaking with the cold wind and then I felt a warm hand in my shoulder. I looked  up to see Jack standing next to me offering me a hoodie. And it wasn’t just a hoodie,it was his Blink 182 hoodie, his favorite hoodie, the  hoodie the always gave to his girlfriends.
“Uh, you don’t have to. It’s not even that cold”
“Zack, you’re shaking”
“Yeah, maybe it is cold but isn’t this Jennifer’s hoodie?”
“It was. But we broke up” This. Can’t. Be.Happening. I wanted to stand up in a table and make a victory dance.
“Oh, I’m sorry” I said with a fake sad expression.
“Don’t be. She was a bitch anyway. She was cheating on me with that Gabe Saporta guy. They’re both whores, they deserve each other” He said making an ‘I don’t give a fuck` face.
“Yeah, she was pretty much a bitch. And, hun, thanks for…this” I said looking at the floor and moving back and forth.
“Oh my, sometime you can be so adorable it makes me wanna… hm, never mind” I blush. Again. “Anyway, you look good with my hoodie” He said winking at me with those perfect big brown eyes and walking away to his class. I can feel my hormones going crazy. Gosh, I’m such a teenage girl. And talking about teenage girls, the winter prom was this weekend. Not that I care or have a hot guy to take me as his date. Not at all.
Later that night I was alone at my room eating Doritos with ketchup and playing my guitar. Just me and my misery, the usual. And then I hear a strange noise in my window. I stop playing and walk to my window to see what’s wrong. When I open it, I see Jack Barakat standing there throwing pebbles at my window . My eyes almost pop out of my head. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

A/N: Well, I'm new here and that was my first fanfic ever. This was fucking hard because english is not my mother language. So, please be nice to me :) I wrote a Merrikat 'cause this community need give more love to this sexy pairing but I love Jalex too.
I wanna know what you guys think. Comment and I'll give you a hand job cookies! <3

uhhh, here's my fan art to Valentina's awesome fic, Bad Enough For You:

*run away and hides forever*


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