Tonight, I will fall for you (2/?)

Oct 21, 2011 19:04

"Okay, this are Zack and Rian. Guys, this are Linda and Alex. They’re new here and I invited them to sit with us. Linda kinda saved my life when Rick and his stupid gang of jocks beat me up again this morning…” “Oh, shut up Jack, it wasn’t really a big deal!” The guy Jack had introduced as Zack laughed. “Wow, that’s new. Jack isn’t really the type for socializing, let alone even inviting people to sit with us. Usually you have to force him to talk to people he doesn’t know!” Then he frowned. “Hey, aren’t you that weird kid that bumped into me earlier this morning? I think I recognize your hoodie…” Linda blushed. “I’m so sorry, really! I wasn’t paying attention at my surroundings which isn’t really  a good idea when you’re as clumsy as me…” “Whoa, calm down girl! I guess I’ll forgive you for that. After all you’ve saved my best friend. Well… I guess it’d be a good idea if everyone introduced themselves now?”
“Okay…. Well, I’m Linda Webern, 15 years old and from Germany. I love music, especially Blink 182, Sum 41, My Chemical Romance, Simple Plan, Green Day, Panic! At The Disco and stuff like that. I play the piano and also know how to play bass, at least a little. Oh… and maybe you should know I’m bi, but that’s it, I guess… Alex?” She looked around nervously, to see if she got any mad or disgusted stares from her new friends. When there were none she sighed silently in relief and relaxed a bit.
“Alex, 16 years old, from England, similar music taste as Linda, guitar and vocals. Next one?”
“Wow, do you want to win a competition on who can talk the fastest?! Well, I’m Rian, 15 years old and I play drums. Other than that there isn’t really a lot to say…” “Which leads us to me, the famous Zack Merrick. I’m also 16 years old and I don’t think there’s anything I need to tell you now because I count on you guys to hang out with us more often from now on!” “Sure thing, we’d love to do that, wouldn’t we, Alex?”, Linda answered smiling widely. “Yeah, sure.”, Alex agreed.
That’s when Rian interrupted them: “Okay guys, lunch will be over in a few. Does anyone wanna come and hang out at mine after school?” “Yeah, why not! Linda, Alex, what about you?”, Zack asked. Alex nodded happily but Linda had to refuse. “Sorry, I’m busy today. But I’ll come along next time, okay?” “Fine.  Alex, we’ll meet in the parking lot after school.” “Okay, see ya then.”

POV: third (Alex)

So after school Alex was standing in the parking lot of Baltimore City High School and waited for Zack, Rian and (especially) Jack to arrive. Suddenly he felt someone tap on his shoulder. Turning around he saw that it was Jack. Damn, he’d just thought about the boy.
“Hey… erm, we didn’t really get the chance to talk earlier… wh- what was the song you just hummed? It sounded great..” “It’s called Lullabies. I’ve written it myself.” “Dude, that’s amazing! The song’s wonderful!”, Jack beamed. Alex could feel himself blushing. “Thank you…” Wow. Alex would never have thought that Jack’s smile was that beautiful…
“Hey, are you okay? Why are you staring at me?”, Jack asked, looking confused and somehow… nervous? Why was he nervous? Oh right, he probably seemed creepy. The new guy, staring at him. Whoups…
“No, no, everything’s fine…look, Zack and Rian are coming!” Damn, he definitely needed to learn controlling himself better. Luckily Rian and Zack arrived now, chattering non-stop which saved him an explanation and gave him the opportunity to escape from the embarrassing situation.

They basically spent the afternoon watching movies (Jack didn’t stop complaining because Rian wouldn’t let him watch Home Alone) and laughing about the crappy dick-jokes Jack cracked from time to time. It was ridiculous: the lanky, innocent-looking, puppy-eyed Jack cracking those jokes.
And it was amazing how quickly he could change between the cute pout and the cocky grin he put on every time when he was about to tell another joke.
Wait, what? Did he just call Jack’s pout ‘cute’? Damn. So much for self-control.

POV: third (Jack)

Okay, now read miracles happen: Jack Bassam Barakat was actually exited to get to school. Simple reason: the cute, small, incredibly adorable, sandy-haired, brown-eyed miracle named Alexander William Gaskarth. And even though he had only just met that guy yesterday, together with his extremely lively German friend who disappeared seemingly without a trace right after school. But still… there was something about that guy that had fascinated him right away. “Hey… erm good morning?” There was no way he could not recognize this cute, shy voice. “Good morning!”, he smiled at him widely. The bell rang. “Uh… I guess I’ll see you at lunch, right?”

When Jack arrived at the cafeteria the others were already sitting at their usual table, laughing about something Zack had just said. He could hear Linda’s laughter all the way through the cafeteria. And Alex… Alex was just sitting next to her, smiling his cute little smile.
“Hey Jack, stop staring at Alex and come over already!”, Rian shouted. Jack could see Alex blush, but probably he blushed even worse since he could practically feel the heat in his face, hotter than on a 100-degree-summer-day. Well, fuck.  He didn’t even realize he had been staring…
When he sat down, Linda smirked at him and winked. Damn, how much did she know?! Luckily for Jack she didn’t say anything and just turned back to the others again: “So, would you like to hang out at mine today? My boyf… er.. the friend I’m currently living will be at work all day so we’ll have the whole house for ourselves. AND (she smirked at Jack again) I’ve got this DVD called Home Alone somewhere…” She didn’t get the chance to continue speaking because Jack decided to practically choke her. Damn, he really loved that movie! And maybe it would get him the chance to cuddle up near a certain someone..
Shut up brain!
Just sayin’…
Okay, just for the ones who didn’t notice: here’s the official prove that Alexander fuckin’ Gaskarth had made him go insane.
“Well, I guess I can count that as a yes. How about you?”, Linda asked Alex, Rian and Zack. “I don’t know…. I planned on going to the gym but I don’t know if I can trust Jack with Alex…”, Zack hinted smirking. “What? Hey, I-“, Jack’s voice was about three octaves higher than usually.
When the whole group erupted in laughter he decided that it was probably the best to remain silent for the rest of the lunch break. Was he really that obvious?

“Okay guys, what do you think about truth or dare?”, Linda asked her guests after showing them around and watching Home Alone. Since everyone was fine with it (even though Jack was a little nervous, after all he knew his friends) they started playing.
After a few rounds Jack started to loosen up a little. That was when Zack seemed to decide that it was about time to embarrass Jack a little and bring him a little closer to Alex. Result: Jack had to make out with Alex for at least 60 seconds. Only positive thing: Linda convinced Zack to let them do it behind closed doors. Well, Jack would thank her later.

Chapter One  Chapter Three

A/N: I don't own anything but the story. All the characters apart from Jack, Alex, Rian and Zack (whom I don't own either) are purely fictional.

author: justcici, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, genre: romance, chaptered: tonight i will fall for you, rating: pg-13

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