Anywhere Else But Here (chapter 20)

Aug 16, 2011 23:06

Title: Anywhere Else But Here(20/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Pairing: Jalex/bunch of other ones
Summary: Jack has grown up in a world where music is a felony. It was believed to influence kids too much. Jack had never known the beautiful world of music. That is, until the day the beautiful Alex Gaskarth walked into his life and showed him the truth behind music. The beauty everyone had been hiding from him for so long.
Disclaimer: Blah blah, don't own anyone. title cred goes to Simple Plan.
Author's Note: Um, so, yeah. This chapter, I like quite a bit. You can blame its depressing nature on the fact that I was listening to Slipknot while writing it. Anywho, just tell me what you think. :)

 Master Post

"This is bullshit! We're their friends." John had said for about the millionth time as he paced around the outlook.

"I swear to fucking God, I will give you a blowjob to shut the fuck up." Josh said, his head in his hands.

John stopped and looked over at him, eyes wide. "For real?" He asked, giving him a small smirk.

"Shut up." Josh said, rolling his eyes. "But really, just calm down. We know what's going on. They're in good hands." He added. But did Josh really know that? He didn't know any of these guys.

John sat down beside him on the floor and rubbed his lower back gently. "You're right." He said, kissing his cheek lightly. Josh could feel a blush creeping up on him. He wasn't exactly used to the whole affection thing yet. He loved it, yes, but it was something new.

"I usually am, aren't I?" Josh asked, looking at the ground, but smiling. He could feel John nod against him as he laid his head on his shoulder.

"Yep, my little know-it-all." John said, pressing his lips to Josh's neck. Josh couldn't help but shudder. Something about John was unreal. It was unreal how he made him feel. It was unreal that John O'Callaghan wanted him.

"We have plenty of time before they get back..." John purred. Josh gasped at his tone and turned to look at him.

"God, you're so... gorgeous." John said, pushing Josh back onto the ground. "And you're all mine." He added, but not in a possesive way. It sounded calming, in fact.

Josh could feel John's hands wandering every where. And pretty much anywhere.

"Um... they might be back soon." Josh said breathlessly. John didn't say anything. He planted kisses down Josh's jaw and neck.

"No... I don't think so." John said softly. And Josh wasn't about to argue.


"Good fuck, we're never going to find them." Mark said, feeling on the edge. He couldn't take much more guessing. He was never a guy who relied on luck. He wanted to know for sure what was going on. He didn't want a miracle. He wanted Jack and Alex.

"We'll find them." Dave said, looking back at him. Determination was evident in his voice.

Jeremy and Pierre had stayed relatively silent the whole way.

"Are you sure you have no idea where they are?" Tom asked them once again. Jeremy let out an exasperated breath.

"I told you, man. We don't-" Jeremy started, but was cut off abruptly.

"Shut up!" Dave yelled. Jeremy looked terrified. "I heard something." He added before Jeremy thought he was going to kill him.

Sure enough, in the distance, they could hear the sounds of people talking. Younger people.

"That way." Mark said, heading in a general direction. "I know those voices." He couldn't believe it. He started running as fast as he possibly could, leaving the rest of the crew in the dust.

"Alex! Jack!" Mark called, feeling his heart pound faster with every step.

Alex was the first to hear Mark. He looked up from laying on Jack's lap, his eyes widening.

"Did you hear that?" Alex asked. Jack just stared at him.

"No, hear what?" Jack asked, looking around.

"I-I... I heard someone yelling for us." Alex said, standing up.

Then he heard it again. Closer.

Alex started towards the voice, his mouth dry. Could it be? He had to be dreaming. That fall surely made him lose what sanity he had left.

But the moment he saw Mark running through the trees towards him, he knew that this had to be real. He knew that God wouldn't taunt him to this extent.

"Mark!" Alex called, his legs almost giving out from under him as he ran towards him. It felt like a dream when he'd reached him. Those arms circling around him. The familiar smell. He almost started sobbing from how good it felt to be reunited with the man that had guided him through so much.

Mark took Alex's face into his hands, touching him all over to see if he was actually real.

"I thought I'd never see you again." Mark choked out, his smile so broad, it must have hurt. Alex leaned into him, not strong enough to keep standing. He heard Jack gasp from behind him.

"Mark?" He asked, just as disbelieving as Alex had been. He stepped towards him, gaping. He stumbled towards him, falling into Alex and he.

"Is this real?" Jack asked.

"Yes, yes it is." Mark said, holding them both close. "I'm here to get you all out of this hell hole." He said, squeezing them tighter, not daring to let go yet.

"Well, you came at a convenient time." Jack said shakily. Alex's eyes widened at the realization. He had almost forgotten...

"A-Alex fell from the watch tower... Well... Actually, he was sort of hit by lightning." Jack said, trying to piece the words together. "I mean... He's sort of fine now... except he... he doesn't know who he is. He can't remember anything about himself." He continued and stopped. "Except... anything with me." He said, biting his lip. Mark still didn't know about their new found affection for each other.

Mark raised an eyebrow. He could see it though. When Jack talked about Alex. When he simply looked at him. He could see it. It was so evident. He had suspected it before, though. He knew love when he saw it.

"I knew it." Mark said, almost laughing. Jack and Alex both let out a laugh of relief.

"We were that obvious, huh?" Alex asked, looking over at Jack.

"Well, actually, Alex, you were better at hiding it." Mark said, thinking about it. Jack could feel himself blush. Of course, he should have known. It took Jack forever to figure it out. He knew his feelings for Alex though.

"Looks like you found 'em." Dave said as he walked up to the reunited trio. "We should really skeedaddle, though." He added, looking at his watch.

"We need to get Sierra, Cass, and Rian." Jack said quickly, detaching himself from Alex and Mark. He ran back to their little "camp".

"What was that about?" Cassadee asked, her voice sounding hollower than usual. Not as Cassadee like. It scared Jack.

"Mark is here." He said, giving her a huge grin. She gave him a smile that looked forced.

"That's awesome, Jack." She said. He couldn't help but notice how haggard she looked. She looked burnt out.

"Cass, this means we're getting out of here." Jack prompted. He couldn't stand seeing her like this. He took her hand, crouching in front of her. "This means everything will be fine." He said, although it was a lie.

He stood back up, determined to pull her up with him, but her hand fell limply from his. He was surprised.

"This means nothing, Jack." She said. The lack of emotion in her voice was terrifying.

"Where's Rian and Sierra?" Jack asked suddenly.

"They went to look for you." She said, looking down at the ground. If he had to throw her over his shoulder, he would.

"Cassadee, please..." He pleaded, taking her hand in his once again. "Please. Don't give up on me now." He said.

That sparked something in her eyes. She nodded and stood up, but still looked like a zombie.


Jack and Cassadee made it back to everyone else, but Sierra and Rian were nowhere to be found.

"Where could they be?" Jack asked, his voice rising in hysteria. He looked over at Cassadee, relieved to see worry registered on her face.

They all froze at the sound of a scream in the distance. Sierra.

"What the fuck?" Alex asked, his voice giving away how terrified he really was.

"Come on. We'll go back to the watch-" Dave started, but was quickly cut off.

"We have to find her! She's probably with Rian!" Cassadee cried in frustration, but more so, fear. Rian was basically her life.

"Right." Dave said, heading in the direction of the scream.


"What do you want from us? We're already in hell!" Rian spat at the men in black. He was tied up to a tree, struggling with the ropes, Sierra beside him.

"We simply want to talk." One of the men said, his cold smile making them uneasy. "Just kind of think of it... as a little survey." He added.

Sierra was silent. When she'd screamed, she was greeted with a hard slap in the face. That shut her up. She looked broken and Rian had never seen Sierra quiet.

"We have the right to believe we've had an infiltration tonight." The other man said, a little less intimidatingly. Rian looked away, not able to look at him.

"What makes you think we know anything about it?" Rian asked bitterly.

"Well, you're here." He said simply. The way he said it make Rian want to tear out of the bindings and kick the shit out of him, but he did and said nothing. The less talking, the better. He learned that a while ago.

"So, have you seen anyone around? Anyone... unusual?" The man asked. Rian looked up at him, but remained silent.

"Not very talkative, eh?" The man asked, a smirk plastered on his face. "Need some persuasion?" He asked threateningly. Still, Rian said nothing. The man just smiled menacingly. "Perhaps... she had something to say." He said, walking over to Sierra, pulling out a gun. Her eyes widened.

"What are you doing with that?" Rian asked quickly, pulling against the restraints.

"Talking now?" He asked, pushing the barrel into her side. Rian was speechless. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined the authorities were this... brutal. He'd only ever heard stories.

Sierra was silently sobbing, tears running down her face.

"This is sadistic!" Rian yelled.

"But it works, doesn't it?" He asked. Rian couldn't believe this.

"You... you're animals." Rian said, losing his breath.

"It gets the job done." The man said nonchalantly. Not a hint of remorse registered on his face. His partner said nothing, just looked at his phone as if he were checking his mail.

"So... tell me. Who's here?" He asked.

"I swear to God. I don't know!" Rian yelled, sick of this senseless questioning. Sick of the intended violence. Sick of society. Sick of the fact that people were allowed to do this to another member of their own species. Sick of everything. He couldn't take this. One more tug and he was on the ground, the rope miraculously coming undone. He landed with a thud, not expecting it to work.

"Sierra, run!" He yelled and she gawked.

"I can't leave-" She cried.

"Run!" He commanded. She took off, but the men didn't chase her.

Instead, they looked down at Rian, smirks on their faces.

"Wrong move." One of them said.


Sierra ran harder than she'd ever run in her life. She ran until she finally plowed into somebody, who happened to be Jeremy. He was surprised when she didn't back away. She buried her face into his chest and cried.

"Sierra." Alex said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"I didn't... I left him... I..." She couldn't form a sentence. "They have Rian." She choked out.

Cassadee felt as if her world had been pulled out from under her like a rug. She walked backwards until she ran into Jack. She just stood there. No words escaped her.

Sierra realized who she was clutching and let go, wiping her tears away.

"I-I'm sorry... I just needed... that." Sierra said, looking at the ground.

Jeremy wiped away a tear sliding down her cheek absent mindedly.

"It's okay..." He said softly. "If you..." He started, then stopped. He didn't want to sound like an idiot.

"I know where they'll take him." Tom said, a grim expression on his face. "It's where I was for five years." He said.

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