Anywhere Else But Here (chapter 15)

Jul 14, 2011 00:25

Title: Anywhere Else But Here (15/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex/Riassadee/John Oh and Josh Fransexy(because I can't think of a couple name for them)
Summary: Jack has grown up in a world where music is a felony. It was believed to influence kids too much. Jack had never known the beautiful world of music. That is, until the day the beautiful Alex Gaskarth walked into his life and showed him the truth behind music. The beauty everyone had been hiding from him for so long.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone, okay? Title cred goes to Simple Plan.
[Author's Note]: Well, I don't know how I like this chapter. But, more new people, so that's cool. haha

 Master Post

It didn't take long before Jack and Alex knew Rian's story. There was a riot in Baltimore and they'd caught a majority of the rioters.

"I told Cassadee to run, but she didn't..." Rian said as they sat around the fire, taking it in. Cassadee was sitting in his lap, her arms around his neck. "I remember yelling for her, but she didn't respond..." He said, his voice tight.

"I remember getting knocked out and that's when I met John. He'd found me in an alley unconcious. I don't know how they didn't catch me." Cassadee said, reliving the experience. She had a haunted look in her eyes.

Jack and Alex stayed silent, not sure what to say. They'd never seen Cassadee like that.

"And so here we are." Rian said, not able to contain a smile. After all, it was probably the best thing that had happened in the last month.

"Here we are... but where's here?" Jack asked, hoping Rian would know something about this.

"I.... I don't know. I just woke up here one day. None of us know." He said, looking solemn.

"There are more people here?" Alex asked, his eyes widening.

"Yeah... but they're all kids. It makes no sense. Where are all the adults?" Rian asked rhetorically. Jack could practically feel the disappointment radiating off of the older boy. He felt it too. He was hoping to find his father.

"Well... how do we eat?" Jack asked, which seemed like a question that should have been first asked.

"Oh, they give us food. I don't know how, but we always wake up with food. I've never seen anyone, though." Rian said, thinking.

All of this was just way too weird to comprehend.

"Why the fuck are they doing this?" Alex asked, but nobody really knew the answer.

"Rian? Rian!" Came a voice from beyond the trees. A girl who appeared younger than them poked her head out from behind a tree. Her hair was long and brunette with bits of blonde, and her eyes were huge and brown.

"Sierra!" Rian said, motioning her over. She looked apprehensive at first, but stepped out from behind the tree and walked over to the fire.

"This is Sierra Kusterbeck. She's mainly who I've been... existing with." Rian said, fishing for the words to explain what the fuck they were actually doing out here.

"Like it here?" Sierra asked, her voice dripping with sarcasm. She kneeled by the fire and poked it with a stick, sparks flying.

"It's lovely here." Alex replied, equally cynical. Sierra smiled at him laughed. It was a nice sound. It was something they hadn't heard in a while.

"It's kind of better here, actually... I mean... you can sing. At the top of your lungs. And nobody does anything." She said, crossing her legs as she sat on the ground.

"Really?" Alex asked, taking a liking to the idea.

"Oh, yeah. You can belt out all the notes your little heart desires... given you know any songs." She said, smirking.

Alex took this as a challenge.

"Know any songs? I know plenty. We're called resistors for a reason." He said, smiling.

"Mmmhmm... alright. Show me what you got then." She said, grinning. Rian just rolled his eyes, obviously used to her competitive behavior.

Alex thought for a moment and cleared his throat.

"Jack, give me a beat." He said, starting to hum. Before Jack could even think about it, Rian was hitting his knees, giving him a nice steady beat.

"Drummers..." Sierra murmured, rolling her eyes.

"I never thought... I'd die alone. I laughed the loudest, who'd have known?" Alex started singing. Jack's heart started beating faster when he recognized the song that Mark had loved so much. The song that he himself had once sung. The song he wrote and played with his band.

"I took my time... I hurried up. The choice was mine, I didn't think enough." Alex continued, his voice causing everyone to stare in awe. It was such a beautiful sound. Sierra seemed to recognize the song too.

"I never conquered, rarely came. Sixteen just held such better days..." She started softly, and getting louder. It was almost sickening how amazing she sounded. Their harmony was perfect.

When they'd finished the song, Sierra and Alex couldn't stop smiling.

"So maybe I underestimated you..." She said, slightly out of breath from singing so hard.

"How did you know that song?" Alex asked, still in awe.

"Blink-182 right? It was off Enema of the State, the last album they released before... it all happened. Of course, I was too little to know that, but I have all of their CDs... had." She said, sounding sad near the end.

Alex just looked at her for the longest time, but all he could think about was Mark.

"Fuck, we need to get him back." Was all Alex said.

"I know..." Jack said, feeling for once that they would actually do something. Maybe if they had the help of God knows how many kids, they could get something done.

"So... where is everyone else?" Cassadee asked.

"Around..." Rian responded. She gave him a look and he shrugged. "I honestly don't know. We're not exactly an organized facility. This place is huge..." He said.

"They usually stick around on the outskirts, near the fences." Sierra said. "I guess they think they'll be able to get out if they're near it." She added.

"So... is there any kind of security here?" Jack asked.

"Well, sure. There's a watch tower or something, but it's basically impossible to get into." Rian said, sounding hopeless. "You're not planning on busting out of here, are you?" He asked.

"What else are we supposed to do? Just sit around and wait for our whole lives?" Alex asked, sounding distressed. Jack pulled him closer to him, but he pulled away, standing up.

"I'm sorry..." He breathed deeply. "I just need a minute." He said, composing himself before practically running into the woods.

"Alex, wait!" Jack shouted, about to go after him.

"Wait, Jack.... maybe you should just let him cool off." Sierra said, her care free grin gone.

"Well, that didn't work well for either of us last time." He said, not meaning to sound like such a dick. He ran after Alex, the darkness swallowing him up.


"Alex?" Jack called softly, not wanting to attract too much attention. "Alex!" He called louder this time.

"Fuck... I told you not to run away from me!" He yelled, frustrated. It was so dark out and he couldn't see the fire anymore. "Shit..." He breathed and tried to back track, but he couldn't remember where he came from.

"Oh, great. This is just lovely." He said, too pissed to be scared.

"He's pretty scrawny... He's not going to do anything, Jeremy." He heard a voice. He looked around, trying to find a face. So, he'd found the others.

"C-can I just go?" He heard Alex's nervous voice.

"Jeremy, c'mon, just back off." The same voice responded.

"Sorry, man. Just can't be too careful." He heard another voice, who must have been Jeremy.

Jack stepped carefully towards the voices, praying not to step on a stick or something, but from what he could hear, he didn't have to worry too much.

"Alex?" He called, hearing silence.

"Who was that?" One of the voices asked.

Jack stepped out into a clearing, the moonlight giving him enough light to see a tall boy with short brunette hair and a shorter boy with short black hair, standing in front of a terrified Alex.

"Jack. That's who." He said, sounding more confident than he felt.

"Hey, we don't want trouble. Just a question." The taller boy said nonchalantly. "We always like to know about newcomers, though. It's kind of a courtesy." He said.

"Well, you don't have to scare the shit out of him." Jack said, walking over to Alex and taking his hand, a little rougher than he had intended.

"I'm Pierre, by the way." The boy said.

"And Jeremy." The shorter boy added.

"Well, it's nice to meet you and all, but we kind of have to be getting back to our posse." Jack said, pulling Alex along.

"I'm sure we'll cross paths again." Pierre said, giving him a smile.

When they were out of ear shot, Jack unleashed his wrath.

"Alex, I told you not to scare me like that." He said, trying to be as calm as possible.

"I know... I'm sorry." Alex said, looking up at him with his doe eyes. Jack couldn't stay angry for long.

"I know you are... but I'm just scared shitless that one day you'll run off and that'll be it... I'll never see you again and I'll spend the rest of my life saying what if." Jack said, pulling Alex into a hug. But that definitely wasn't enough for Alex. That sentence set something off in him.

Alex's lips met Jack's. The kiss was different from any other they'd had before. It wasn't care free. It wasn't urgent. It was just Alex. Jack just couldn't define it. It was so full of every emotion Alex had ever tried to convey to him, right in one kiss.

Jack felt his knees buckling under him from the intensity and soon they were both lying on the ground, the dead leaves crunching under them.

The feeling of Alex on top of him was comforting, in a way, but made him lose his breath all the same.

Jack parted his lips, breathing hot against Alex's lips. Jack couldn't hold back the sound of bliss that escaped his lips as Alex's lips found his jaw. He could feel Alex's lips turn up in a smile.

"You're quite loud, you know?" He asked, keeping his lips mercilessly close to his skin, but not continuing. Jack groaned in frustration.

"Alex, I need you..." He whimpered, trying to sound as pitiful as possible and it worked. Soon Alex's lips were on his neck, gently nipping at the skin, giving Jack goosebumps.

"Oh my... god." Jack gulped, his cheeks burning.

"Too much?" Alex asked breathlessly.

"No!" Jack nearly cried out. "I mean... no... no... never too much." He said, trying to catch his breath.

"They're gonna wonder where we are..." Alex said, laughing softly.

"Oh my God, you talk too much." Jack said before melding their lips together and shutting him up.

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