Anywhere Else But Here (chapter 14)

Jul 12, 2011 22:40

Title: Anywhere Else But Here (14/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex/John Oh&Josh Fransexy/Cassadee Pope&Rian Dawson
Summary: Jack has grown up in a world where music is a felony. It was believed to influence kids too much. Jack had never known the beautiful world of music. That is, until the day the beautiful Alex Gaskarth walked into his life and showed him the truth behind music. The beauty everyone had been hiding from him for so long.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of these people and the title cred goes to Simple Plan.
[Author's Note]: Um, I basically am really loving this chapter and I'm hoping you guys will too. :)

 Master Post

Jack sat in front of the fence. He didn't know what to do or say. He just sat, feeling so numb, his thoughts wandering. It was well past dark. It was pitch black, in fact. He could barely see a thing except for the glow of a small campfire Cassadee had somehow made. She was just too amazing for them and he was so glad to have her here with them.

Alex sat with her on a log, holding his hands in front of the fire. He felt cold even though it was still about 70 degrees outside. He looked over at Jack and his heart hurt.

"Do you... do you think he'll be okay?" Alex asked Cassadee, leaning into her. She wrapped her small arms around him and nodded.

"He's Jack. He's strong. He's been strong for all this time. Everyone has a breaking point... but they recover from it." She said softly, looking at the fire, the flames dancing in her eyes.

"Was that what I was like?" He asked, biting his lip. She looked up at him, conflicting emotions evident in her face.

"We were worried about you, Alex." Was all she said and hugged him closer as she shivered a little.

Jack could catch bits and pieces of their conversations and felt worse with each word. He was letting them down. He had barely touched or spoken to Alex since he woke up and started freaking out.

He turned to look at the boy, wanting so badly to just to shove him up against a tree and kiss him until they both passed out from lack of air.

He stood up and walked over to the fire, shoving his hands into his pockets. He sat opposite of the two on the log and breathed in deeply.

"I'm sorry about freaking out." He said softly. Cassadee gave him a sad smile and Alex stood up and walked over to him, sitting down next to him.

"Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything wrong." He said, taking Jack's hands into his.

"Because I'm a fucking lunatic." Jack said simply and wrapped his arms around the smaller boy's waist, laying his forehead against his.

"Can you just... kiss me, Jack?" Alex asked, rather bluntly. Jack couldn't supress his grin and pressed his lips to Alex's jaw. Alex gulped and tried to slow down his shallow breathing.

"Cassadee is sitting right there..." Alex managed to choke out.

"Hey, don't mind me. Doesn't bug me a bit..." She said, laughing.


"Fuck... shit... What do you think happened to them?" John asked frantically, pacing back and forth accross the cafe.

"Really, John, you're going to make a ditch in the floor from all your worrying." Josh said, standing in front of him.

John stopped in front of him and let out a frustrated groan.

"Josh, I just can't stand it. They have Cassadee. She's so little and... breakable." John said desperately.

"Are you kidding me? She had more balls than all of us combined. And, she has Jack and Alex, too. It's not like she went alone." Josh said, stepping closer.

"I guess you're right... but I just can't take it... knowing they're facing God knows what." John said, still sounding hysterical.

"You just need to calm-" Josh started.

"Josh! I'm allowed to freak out okay? I'm allowed to be fucking scared out of my fucking mind! Fuck!" He yelled, pushing over the stools lining the counters.

"John! You're going to attract attention!" Josh hissed.

"Maybe I want them to come back and find me! Maybe I want to beat the living shit out of any cop I please!" He yelled, fists clenched at his sides.

"John, please, just chill out." Josh begged.

"I will not calm down! You know what? The next time I see-" And then he was cut off by Josh's lips pressed to his. His fists unclenched and he forgot about everything that was making him angry.

He grabbed the front of Josh's shirt and pushed him against the nearest wall, never detaching his lips from his. He never imagined in a million years that he would kiss a guy and it would mean something. He never thought he'd kiss a guy completely sober and love it.

Josh moaned against him, not expecting such an eager reaction. He just wanted him to shut up. He ran his hands up John's shirt, running them over his flat stomach, making John shiver. John pulled away, starting to kiss Josh's jaw and down his neck.

"Bloody hell..." Josh moaned.

"I just love that accent..." John said between kisses, making his way down. "Hmm... too much fabric..." He said, causing Josh to desperately whisk off his v neck. John was terribly convincing when he wanted something.

Josh nearly passed out when he felt John's lips run over his chest and down to his stomach.

"Are you... quite relaxed.... yet?" Josh gasped.

"Mmmhmm..." John said, standing back up to kiss him, grabbing his hips and pulling him against him. "And... for the record... you're definitely a better kisser than I had remembered." He said before Josh desperately kissed him again.


"You're the most beautiful person I've ever met..." Alex said, laying on top of Jack, feeling the beat of his heart.

"I thought you told me that beautiful was for girls... I'm sexy." Jack laughed, pushing the hair out of Alex's face.

"What? Was I drunk when I told you that?" Alex asked, giving him an innocent look.

"I think drunk was an understatement..." Jack murmured, causing Alex to give him a dirty look.

"You've lost your kissing privileges for a day for that one..." He pouted. Jack just laughed.

"Yeah, right. You couldn't last more than a half hour. Remember, you were the one who asked for me to kiss you... although you didn't have to." He said, laughing softly. Alex just looked at him thoughtfully.

"Don't think too hard there, babe." Jack said, trying to see what he was thinking.

"Mmm... I'm not thinking too hard at all." Alex said, his expression still unreadable.

"Mind sharing your thoughts?" Jack asked, going to kiss him but Alex pulled just out of reach, giving him an impish smile.

"Ah, ah. I told you..." Alex said, letting his lips hover teasingly above the other boy's.

"You're such a tease..." Jack said breathlessly, but caught his lips before he had time to pull away.

"Hey... who's there?" A voice came from the woods. Jack and Alex froze, looking into the trees. They looked over at Cassadee who was fast asleep.

"Cass..." Jack whispered desperately. It was a good thing Cassadee was a light sleeper.

"Hmm?" She asked groggily, looking around.

"Is anyone there? I can see your fire..." The voice said, sounding unsure, but Jack could tell it was a guy.

Cassadee seemed to react to the voice.

"Who is that?" She asked, standing up. The voice ceased, but the owner stepped out into the open, gawking.

"Rian..." Cassadee said, suddenly speechless. She looked like she was about to cry and ran to him, hugging him tightly. Jack and Alex just stared, not sure what to think of the situation. That is, until Rian took her face in his hands and kissed her.

"Oh... damn." Jack whispered.

"I thought you were gone forever..." Rian said, his voice a mixture of joy and sadness. "My God... you look so beautiful." He said, kissing her again.

Then it all made sense.

Jack felt like an absolute asshole. He'd been moping around for the past week, but he had Alex the whole time. He had him.

Cassadee was the strongest person he knew. She didn't know where her love was and she never broke down once. Jack never even knew she was missing someone. He'd never even thought to ask. He felt like such an ass.

"Rian, I love you so much..." Cassadee replied, tears streaming down her face, but her smile was the biggest Jack had ever seen.

"I love you too..." He whispered back, holding her closer.

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