Anywhere Else But Here (chapter 13)

Jul 12, 2011 00:53

Title: Anywhere Else But Here (13/?)
Author: badenoughforyou
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex/ slight Josh Franceschi and John O'Callaghan
Summary:  Jack has grown up in a world where music is a felony. It was believed to influence kids too much. Jack had never known the beautiful world of music. That is, until the day the beautiful Alex Gaskarth walked into his life and showed him the truth behind music. The beauty everyone had been hiding from him for so long
Disclaimer: I do not own anyone in this and the title cred goes to Simple Plan.

Master Post

"I don't remember anything from last night..." John moaned, holding his head in his hands.

"Oh, I sure do remember a thing or two..." Cassadee said cheekily.

"Don't tell me I started making out with one of you." John joked, smiling for a second before his head started pounding again. Cassadee gave him a look and he frowned.

"Wait... who?" He asked, looking up at her. She just shrugged as if she didn't know and giggled.

"G'morning..." Josh said, walking into the kitchen, feeling as though his head weighed a ton.

"Hey sleepy head." Cassadee said, ruffling his bed hair.

"Where's Jack and Alex?" Josh asked, looking around for the pair.

"Outside, I think." John answered, studying Josh's face. Bits and pieces of last night were coming back to him. He looked at Cassadee, gawking.

"No way..." He said, trying not to laugh.

"What?" Josh asked, feeling his face and looking into the metal of the cabinets to make sure nothing was on his face.

"Nothing..." Cassadee said, trying not to laugh.

Jack walked in, Alex close behind.

"Did you inform Josh and John of their snog fest?" Jack asked, laughing as they sat down, Alex practically laying on him. He'd never reacted well to booze, especially not on the second day.

Josh's eyes widened and looked over at John.

"I did not snog John! Not in a million years!" He lied, flustered.

"Shut up! You were a good kisser... from what I can remember." John said, sounding more soft than John-like for a moment.

"Okay, okay. You're both adorable." Cassadee said.

"You're just jealous. Cassadee needs a boyfriend!" John said, then groaned from the volume.

She just rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Shhh..." Alex whispered, burying his face in Jack's stomach and covering his ears. "You guys are so loud..." He said. Jack rubbed his back and smiled.

"Yeah, that'll teach you to get drunk as fuck." Jack said, laughing softly so he wouldn't hurt Alex's ears.

"You like me when I'm drunk..." Alex mumbled back. Jack couldn't reall say he disagreed.


"I really miss Mark, Jack..." Alex said softly as they sat outside on the curb.

"Yeah, I do too. But he'll be alright. Like you said, he's Mark. He can get through anything." Jack said, although doubt tugged at his heart.

"Yeah... you're right." Alex breathed, leaning on the younger boy.

"I'm glad I have you... I doubt I'd even try anymore if it wasn't for you..." Alex said, sadness tinting his tone.

"I'll always be here, you know that?" Jack said, taking his chin in his fingers and tilting it up towards him. Alex looked back at him, eyes shining.

"I know..." He choked, pressing his lips to Jack's. Something about this kiss felt urgent, like he needed him more than ever. He ran his hands up Jack's shirt, making him moan against him. It was beyond him how Alex's mere touch could bring him to his knees.

They didn't even hear the police car coming up the street. Suddenly Alex's eyes widened and he jumped up, taking Jack's hand. But it was too late to run. They could see the face of the cop that had captured Mark.

"Jack..." Alex choked, trying to pull him away. Jack was frozen to the spot. So this was it?

"Stop! Put your hands above your head!" The cop said, jumping out of the vehicle, his partner close behind. Jack wanted to run, but they were only a few feet away. They'd catch them in a heartbeat. But he had to protect Alex.

"Run!" He said suddenly, turning to Alex.

"What? No! I'm not leaving you!" Alex said frantically, pulling Jack, but he wouldn't budge.

"Alex! I promised I would protect you!" Jack said, now in hysterics.

"No, I'm going wherever you go." Alex said.

"Maybe I don't want you to!" Jack lied. He flat out lied. He needed to get Alex out of there.

Something in Alex's eyes made Jack's heart break. But still he refused to let go.

"Put your hands above your head!" The cop shouted again. Jack raised his hands, dropping Alex's hand from his. Alex proceeded to do the same.

Then something in Jack snapped. This was the guy who took Mark away.

He launched himself at the cop and wrestled him to the ground, throwing punches as hard as he could muster.

"Jack!" He heard Alex scream in hysteria as the other policeman pulled him off.

"You fucking bastards! How do you live with yourselves!" Jack said, spitting at the cop opposite him. He groaned when he felt a fist in his stomach, letting all the air out of him.

The cop grabbed Alex roughly, making him squeak with pain.

"Don't you fucking touch him!" Jack roared, probably sounding like an absolute lunatic.

"Jack, calm down!" Alex said frantically.

"Jack? Alex?" They all froze.

"Cassadee..." Jack breathed. "Cass, run!" He yelled, using up every ounce of air he had left. And then he felt something sharp in his arm.

"What the fu..." He started and everything went black.


"Oh my God, they killed him! Jack! Jack!" Everything felt so... floaty. Jack didn't know where he was. All he knew was he was as sore as hell.

"Wait, he's moving..." Was he dead? Were those the voices of angels?

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Cassadee and Alex looking down at him.

Alex was a mess. His eyes were bloodshot from crying and his hair was sticking up in random places.

"Alex...?" Jack mumbled, trying to sit up, but felt a sharp pain in his gut and fell back to the cold ground.

"I'm right here... I'm right here." Alex said, tears in his eyes. Cassadee hugged him, letting him cry into her shoulder.

"He'll be okay, Lex." Cassadee said, although she sounded like she had been crying as well.

"Where are we?" Jack groaned, not daring to sit up again.

"I don't really know..." Cassadee answered. "It's like a jail... but not. We're just... in the middle of nowhere." She said.

Jack was confused. Then he realized he was laying in grass. He looked up and saw a huge fence. "What the fuck?" He said and sat up, this time with no pain. He looked past Alex and saw an endless stretch of fence. He turned and saw the same the other way.

"What the hell is going on?" He asked, turning to the white faces of Cassadee and Alex.

"We're trapped here." She said, her lip trembling.

"So we're just trapped here? They just fucking dumped us here?" Jack asked, feeling rage bubbling up inside of him again. They both were silent.

"I cannot fucking believe this..." Jack said, standing up holding his face in his hands. He ran up to the fence and kicked it as hard as he could. He cried out when a jolt of electricity went through his leg.

"Son of bitch!" He cried and felt tears streaming down his face. He fell on his butt, not even containing enough will to stand back up. He felt Alex kneel beside him, wrapping his arms around him. He buried his face into his chest and wailed, not able to contain it. He felt so broken.

"Jack, we're gonna do this... We can..." Alex said, holding him tighter.

Jack really wanted to believe him, but for once, even Alex's angelic voice and hope couldn't convince him.

[Note: Yeah, so I'm sorry to get all pessimistic on you, but it was getting too happy for my liking. haha just kidding, but really. Thank you so much for all the support. It really means so much to me and you guys just make this all worth it. I wouldn't be able to do it without you. <3 Ashley]

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