When the Day Met the Night (Chapter Two)

Jul 07, 2011 20:05

Title: When the Day Met the Night (Chapter Two)
Author: songs_and_words
Pairing: eventual Rilex
Rating: PG-13 for now
Summary: There's a new doorman at the building Rian lives in.
Disclaimer: I own All Time Low. I'm forcing them to put on a skit that I am ignoring as I type this. But the story title belongs to Panic! At The Disco.
Author notes: Ahem, I've been a little MIA the past week because somehow my life manages to be busy despite my unemployment? Explain that to me, idk. Please comment, I loved all the initial feedback I got. This chapter doesn't have much Rian but the next one certainly will. :)

(Also, unrelated to this, the next chapter of Actors is finished just needs to be beta-ed, I promise)

masterpost here

“So, what's your story?” Jack asked once the pair had sat down behind the front desk in the lobby of the building.

“M-my story?” Alex asked, licking his lips to moisten them. He had a severe case of cotton-mouth going on right now.

“Yeah, where you from, what do you do, who have you killed?” Jack shrugged. “The usual.”

“I-uh,” Alex began, “I'm from Baltimore?”

“You don't sound very sure of that,” Jack laughed. “Loosen up, there's no need to be nervous.”

Alex nodded after Jack said that, biting his lip.

“I'm from Baltimore,” he said, a little firmer this time.

“There we go!” Jack exclaimed. “What brings you to New York then?”

“I needed a new place to go. There wasn't much happening for me at home,” Alex said. “I'm a musician,” he added with a small shrug.

“Oh, what do you play?” Jack asked.

“Guitar. And I s-sing,” he replied.

“Dude, I play guitar too. We should jam sometime.” Jack said, grinning over at Alex who was nodding his head.

“Where are you living?”

“With my cousin, in the suburbs,” Alex answered. “It's kind of a far commute.”

“Oh yeah, that would suck,” Jack nodded, leaning over to fiddle with the small radio next to Alex.

“W-what are you doing?” Alex asked, voice still small.

“Figured we might as well put on some tunes,” Jack explained, twisting the knob on the radio up just a little and allowing the stylings of blink-182 to echo through the lobby. “It helps keep me awake when we get into the early hours,” Jack explained.

“But isn't this a little, uhm, inappropriate to play here?” Alex asked, twisting his hands as he glanced around the fancy lobby.

“Nah, just gotta make sure I don't play anything too obscene when Matt is around. He's not a huge fan of my antics. He's used to it though,” Jack explained with a shrug. “He might act all professional and boring, but I know he likes it just as much as I do.”

“H-how do you know that?” Alex wondered.

“I've known Matt since before high school,” Jack said. “He hired me after we graduated college and he got the job as building manager. Don't know why anyone would think I'd make a good doorman. Must be my boyish charm.”

“Must be,” Alex giggled softly in agreement as Jack grinned over to him.

“Okay, I should probably show you a few things about what to do...” Jack pulled the guest check in book and started to show Alex how to check in visitors.

“Don't let in any murders,” he warned, shooting Alex a warning look. “Unless you have a death wish. But you really shouldn't so if anyone walks in and you ask what their business is and they say they're here to kill someone, tell them to please get the fuck out. But remember to say please. It's the polite thing to do.”

Alex cracked a small smile, deciding that he'd probably be okay at his new job with someone like Jack around.

“Matty boy!” Jack exclaimed, jolting Alex out of his sleepy stare at the ground. He didn't realize just how difficult it would be to stay up all night.

“Hi Jack,” the person who Alex assumed must be Matt mumbled.

“Matty, you don't sound very happy to see me,” Jack mocked frowned, grabbing the smaller boy and planting a kiss on his cheek with a “mwah!” sound.

“Get off of me Jack,” Matt mumbled, shoving the bony boy back behind the desk. “I will never understand how you are so hyper at the end of your shifts. You work the graveyard hours. You should be half-dead at this point like- like this kid,” Matt pointed towards Alex, who flushed slightly red.

“Oh, Matt, this is my shadow puppet,” Jack explained, pointing towards Alex. Matt shot Jack a look that clearly said 'you're completely insane' before turning to Alex.

“You must be Alex,” Matt said, extending his hand. “I'm Matt Flyzik, building manager. We spoke on the phone before.”

“Y-yup,” Alex responded, nerves kicking back in all of a sudden.

“Welcome to the team. Seems as though you managed to survive a whole shift with that nutcase,” Matt gestured towards Jack, “so you've made it through the worst of it. You can head home now if you want. See you tomorrow for your next shift.”

Alex just tossed out an answer resembling a mumbled, “mmhm” and hopped off the stool, heading back to the back room to change out of his borrowed suit and into his street clothes. When he reemerged from the room, he found Rian standing there with the previous night in the lobby with Matt and Jack. Jack had a small dog in his arms who was reaching up to lick at his chin excitedly. Alex traced the leash from the dog's collar to Rian's hand.
Alex raked his gaze up Rian's body- it was clear the man had just woken up as he still wore a pair of plaid pajama pants and a plain white shirt. Rian glanced in Alex's direction and caught his eyes in a friendly stare.

“Oh, Rian, this is our new doorman Alex,” Matt motioned towards Alex and Rian nodded.

“Yeah, we've already met,” Rian said. “And he survived a whole shift with Jack without going crazy, so he must be a keeper.”

“Guys, I'm not that bad,” Jack whined, setting Rian's dog back down on the ground. The puppy bounded over to Alex, sniffing at his converse adamantly and wagging his little tail.

“Seems like he likes you,” Rian said, and Alex looked up to find the other man much closer than he'd expected. “My dog has good taste.”

Alex blushed and reached down to pet up the squirming dog, embarrassed into silence by Rian's comment.

“I should probably get him outside,” Rian said a moment later and Alex nodded, standing back up.

“I should go home,” Alex answered stifling a yawn. He followed Rian out the front door but stopped at the bottom of the steps.

“See you soon Alex,” Rian called behind his shoulder as he followed his puppy down the sidewalk. He got a timid wave back from the boy and turned to face forward with a full blown grin on his face. There was just something special about Alex, Rian knew it. He just had to figure out what it was.

A/N: Please comment if you're reading. Okay? :)

pairing: alex gaskarth/rian dawson, chaptered: when the day met the night, author: songs_and_words, rating: pg-13

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