Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets

Jul 02, 2008 03:22

Title: Creativity Runs Deep Like Secrets [4/20]
Author: 23a_j10 
Pairing: Jack and Alex, sorta, maybe, eventually.
Rating: PG/13 (Violence)
Summary: Jack is the new student teacher at Alex's highschool.
Disclaimer: I don't know or claim to know the characters in this fictional story
P.O.V.: Third
Author notes: Sorry for not updating yesterday, thank you for all the comments I hope this is still provoking emotion and speculation <3


 Jack was trying to fight away sleep as he sat in the chair next to Alex’s bed. As the younger has no adult responsible for him, the student teacher said he’d stay there with him overnight so Zack could go home to rest. Alex hasn’t woken yet but he’d been diagnosed with bruised ribs and a fractured arm but apart from that, physically, he was okay. Jack was nervous what the younger’s reaction would be when he woke and found him instead of Zack but at least he knew how to calm him down now.

“Z-Zack?” Alex croaked out his best friend’s name.

“Shhh, Alex I’m here” Jack moved his hand to stroke the younger’s hair soothingly.

“Sir? Where’s Zack?” Alex’s breathing quickened but he stayed still.

“I sent him home to get some rest, he didn’t want to leave you but I thought it was for the best” Jack explained calmly, twisting the hair around and around.

“Oh...” Alex started to chew his lip and glance around the dim room repeatedly.

“You’re safe here Alex” Jack reassured him.

“I’m not safe anywhere, I’m not even safe with Zack, not completely.” Alex spoke quietly.

“Well you’re safe with me”

“Can you sing?” Alex asked.

“Uh, no not really, why?” Jack tilted his head.

“I don’t know, I just, singing makes me feel better” The student leaned into his teacher’s hand.

“I’m sorry I’m not much of a singer sorry, I can play the guitar and piano, but I guess that doesn’t really help right now”

“I can play guitar too! I sing but only Zack says I’m good” Jack could have sworn he saw Alex smile as he said this.

“I’m sure Zack’s right” Jack ruffled the younger’s hair and he knew he saw a smile this time. The teacher tried to stifle a yawn,

“Are you tired?” Alex questioned.

“A bit” Jack took his hand away from Alex’s hair to stretch but Alex snatched the teacher’s hand quickly into his,

“Sorry...” Alex mumbled, but he didn’t let go.

“Shh, don’t be sorry I didn’t mean to move just this chair isn’t exactly comfortable” Jack laughed quietly.

“Can’t you come up here with me?” Alex blushed as he asked his teacher this, somewhat simple request. Jack’s mind stumbled over his reply,

“I-I don’t want to hurt you Alex”

“Please? You won’t hurt me, I know you won’t. I’ll never get to sleep tonight if you don’t, and you won’t either” His voice was childish, like a kid who was asking for something his parents knew he didn’t need, but would make him smile all the same.

“Okay, do you need some help moving over?” Jack wasn’t quite sure why he’d said yes to a question he should have said no to into a heartbeat. Maybe it was because he felt sorry for the boy, but maybe it was because he thought Alex was the definition of adorable.

“Please” His voice seemed louder, more open. Jack got up from his seat, still holding Alex’s hand and leant down for Alex to put his arms around his neck. Alex reluctantly took himself Jack’s touch and lifted his arms around Jack, being careful with his fractured one. Jack placed his hands carefully on the messy haired brunette’s back and helped him to move to the far left side of the bed.

Alex had to stay laid on his back, but Jack laid on his side looking down at the bruised kid he knew he was feeling too much for. Jack’s arm was under Alex’s neck holding his hand, his other was toying with that soft hair Jack has decided he really liked touching.

“What’s your name?” Alex sighed into the pillow.


“Jack Barakat?”

“Yes” He was beginning to fall asleep.

“It kinda rhymes, I like it” Alex smiled slightly, his eyes closing too.

"Mmh sleep now Zander.." Jack breathed deeply into the younger's hair.

"Thank you Sir"


"Thank you Jack" Alex yawned in most adorable fashion, much like a small puppy. Jack held him against himself, keeping him safe all night.


"Sir, sir?" Alex nudged his teacher with head.

"Sir, wake up" He tried again, head butting Jack softly in his shoulder.

"Mister Barakat!" Alex pouted and gently sank his teeth into the taller man's shoulder.

"Mmh Jack not Sir" Jack stirred slowly, Alex giggled,

"Nooo Sir, well technically you're both but to me I'm pretty sure you're Sir"

Jack's senses returned to him at snail pace until he remembered where he was, and more importantly who he was with.

"Sorry Alex, yes... Sir it is I guess. Did you sleep okay?" Jack asked, sitting up carefully so he didn't knock the smaller boy.

"That was the best night's sleep since-" Alex snapped his mouth shut and his chest seemed to rise and fall faster... Jack's hand seemed to involuntary jerk towards that sandy brown hair and began to untangled the night's knots.

"Thank you for staying with me" Alex muttered, looking down.

"That's okay, I wanted to" Jack smiled wryly, slipping off the bed and back to the chair he was meant to spend all night in.

"Do you feel any better than yesterday?"

"Yeah, where's Zack though?"

"It's only just after seven, maybe he's planning on going to school today too?" Jack wondered.

"Ooh.. Right.. Shouldn't uh, you be in school too?" Alex asked, fidgeting best he could.

"Uh, I guess so actually" Jack realised he hadn't shown up for work yesterday,

"I should call the school and tell them, I didn't go in yesterday either" Jack told Alex,

"Can you call them later? Please? Or ask one of the nurse's to call for you?" Alex's voice was shaky.

"Oh, sure" Jack smiled at Alex who started to unravel the sheets thread by thread. Jack was exhausted, he didn't know how the boy four years younger than himself could be such a rock to Alex. The teacher was pretty sure he wasn't supposed to cuddle with his student in a hospital bed but when you took away everything but the bare facts Jack was there and Alex needed him. The older man still felt awkward about the whole thing, if he messed up this opportunity he didn't have anywhere else to turn.

"Hi, sorry I left I left you last night Lexy" Zack practically ran into the ward earning him numerous looks of annoyance. Alex's face lit up at the sight of his best friend,

"I knew you wouldn't go to school!" The smallest of the three practically squealed in delight.

"Actually I was going to go there now..." Zack bit his lip watching Alex's face fall.

"Oh. That's. Okay... I guess..."

“Zack would you stay here with Alex while I make a few calls?” Jack asked.

“Sure, I need to leave soon for school though” Zack replied as Jack walked away. The teacher hurried outside to let the fresh air caress his body. He dug his hands into all of his pockets before finding his phone out of battery. Sighing heavily he stalked over to the nearest payphone and the school.

“Good morning. Louise Speaking”

“Hi, it’s Jack Barakat the new student art teacher. Would I be able to speak with Mrs. Lewis? It’s quite important”

“Sure, please hold” The receptionist spoke lazily and took her time transferring the call.

“Jack! Where were you yesterday? I hope you’re okay!” Jack was taken aback by the other teacher’s concern and he quickly explained what had happened with Alex and Zack. Leaving out the fact he’d fallen asleep with him in his arms, and that he loved every minute of it.

“I’m so glad Alex has finally let someone else in!” The older women exclaimed loudly.

“He seems like such a sweet kid” Jack smiled to himself, “I have to go because Zack is waiting inside with Alex and he’d going to come to school as soon as I’m back”

“Really? Zack in school without Alex, wow, Jack you’re something special. Don’t worry about work, I know it’s unprofessional but with everything that boy has been through I think it’s fair to make an excuse.”

“Thank you, I really appreciate this”

“But, Jack although I’m thrilled that Alex has someone else he can confide in you have to remember he’s your student and your his teacher.”

Jack bit his lip a little too hard,

“I know...Anyway I’ll ring tomorrow if I can’t make it in”

“Sure, send Alex my love”

“Thank you” Jack hung up. So she could send Alex “love” but he couldn’t comfort him in a way that wasn’t considered appropriate for student-teacher? Whatever, he thought as he rushed back to Alex’s side.

chaptered: creativity runs deep like sec, author: 23a_j10, rating: pg-13

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