Title: Ever Enough (1/7)
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17 (Overall)
Warning: Character Death
Summary: I will always be yours, forever and more.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Title cred goes to A Rocket To The Moon.
Author's Note: Hi!!! This is my first fic is what seems like years omg. I've only written one chapter of this so far, so I would really love some feedback telling me what you think - it would really help 'cus i haven't written anything except for this since my last one-shot i posted, also it would help me write the rest of the chapters a hell of a lot quicker knowing people like what i'm doing. So yeah, read and comment please!!!
tumblr masterpost There's a gentle tapping on the glass that lets him know that it's time.
Alex gets out of bed, taking his time, and pulls the bedside IV stand along with him as he hobbles towards the window. Visiting hours are over, but the boy who clambers through the window has always been one for rebelling.
"Hey 'Lex, how 'ya feeling? You didn't need to get out of bed, I could've gotten through myself there was a gap." Jack whispers.
He was with Alex earlier in the day, and the blonde almost rolls his eyes at Jacks constant concern for his health but he stops himself; he has to admit that it's kinda cute.
"Jacky, I'm fine." Alex smiled at him then leaned in to give him a soft kiss on the cheek. His arms rested on the younger boys shoulders, even though the younger was taller by a few inches.
"You sure that you're fine?" Jack breathed against him, the two now in a sort of hug but they weren't embracing each other, just leaning against one another.
"Positive," Alex kissed him once more, this time on the lips, and Jack complied.
Their lips gently slotted together, soft and warm, mind consuming. It was kisses like this that took Alex out of this world and into space, into the stars where his future was not set in stone, and he could change and shift his constellations until all he could ever have in his future was /Jack, Jack, Jack/ forever.
Maybe in another world he would have longer time. Maybe in another world he would be able be able to put a tick next to everything on the bucket list that was in his back. Maybe in another world, he could've grown old with Jack, adopted some children, bought a house. Maybe.
Jack bit at the blondes bottom lip, the kiss starting to get more and more passionate.
Hospitals were not the boners though, so Alex pulled away, also because he was short of breath quickly nowadays.
He laughed breathlessly and nuzzled his nose against Jacks. "What time is it?"
"Just passed 2am. When do you wanna go? You can take a quick nap if you want."
Alex shook his head. No, for once he wasn't going to let his illness get in the way. He was going to do this and was going to do this now. "I'm cool, I could just sleep in the car or something."
Jack smiled at him warmly. "I love you so much." His kissed his forehead. "If you wanna come back home at any time then please tell me." Alex nodded and shuffled back taking his IV with him.
"The doctor gave me some pills to have when I go and stay home, got 'em here with me, so we don't need to steal any of this shitty equipment." Jack laughed.
"Okay then, we good to go?"
At Alex's nod of approval he picked up the duffle bag by the bed, the two of them preparing to disappear in the black of the night.