Just For The Sake of Saving Us [31]

Nov 06, 2012 16:02

Title: Just For The Sake of Saving Us
Author: Alltime_panic
Rating: Uh, like PG13 .
Paring: Jalex. Because that's hot.
POV: Third omniscient.
Summary: Zack and Rian decide to play matchmaker for Alex.
Disclaimer:  If I owned them do you think I'd be writing right now? No, I'd be slipping shit in their drinks.

Jack locked his hands with Alex's, letting out a breath before pushing the school doors open. A few weeks had passed, and they'd just left the doctors office. The final test for Alex was horrible to sit through, but he passed. HThey just got news from the doctor Alex was cured, and now they have to face what they've been trying to avoid. One way or another, they have to finish high school. There's no way to go around it. Alex's head was spinning; the emotions he felt making him want to vomit. His entire kingdom- the school- will know what he's been hiding from them. He doesn't run this place anymore. He can't protect himself or Jack. Whatever Ryan had said or done has had everyone swayed by now. There was no hope. They'll be coming home with bruises every day, wishing they were just fucking straight and had it easy like everyone else.
Or everything could run smoothly.

But no, nothing in Alex's life had lead them down that road, and nothing in the future probably will either. Not everyone can live the high life.

Hand and hand, the anxious couple approached the front doors of the school. Alex got the door for his boyfriend, as every good boyfriend should, and they made a b-line to their locker.

No one acted as if anything was different. Jocks came up to Alex, patting him on the back and telling him it was nice to see him. The sluts in their mini skirts came up and told Alex how boring the Chem labs were without him as their partner. Jack even had some people acknowledge him too; act as if they'd been friends before… well, that very moment.

None of this shit made sense. This wasn't how they had imaged their return to be. And they had no idea as to why, why people weren't disgusted with them or treating them as their inferior.

"Everybody's talking about you two! Dude, you have no idea what's happening. Fucking queers showing affection in the halls, people talking about how great you are for sticking up to Pete, Jesus fuck, Alex, you don't know what you've done."

And he didn't, really. He didn't know that's why he was loved: he was the only one with the nerve. The nerve to do what everyone was secretly desiring inside. He was the fuckin' Messiah, this was his vocation, this… this was just fuckin awesome.

Alex laughed, out loud. He really just couldn't help himself. The whole situation was jocular to him, as if this were really happening. They spent weeks hiding from the public, deactivating Facebook/instagram and ignoring every fucker out there, just for nothing to have changed? Just for everyone to go on with his or her everyday life? Was Pete the only one who seemed to have a problem with gays?

Ryan Ross strutted up, pants tight enough to sport his semi he had- and the way his hair was messed up more than usual and his floral shirt was half off his right shoulder, you could just picture the scene that went down with Brendon a few minutes before. "Glad you guys made it back, it's been lonely without you," he said before continuing to strut down the halls.

Alex grabbed for Jack's hand again, squeezing it tightly as they kept going through the school.

Austin Carlile and Alan Ashby were walking down the halls, shamelessly showing affection. The school really had changed. Alex really did hold the power in the school, even if he hadn't fully known it beforehand. He really had the upper hand. Like, didn't this shit only happen in High School Musical?

Which makes Alex think... maybe he could pull a full-on cafeteria stunt like in high school musical and get away with it. But probably not.

For once, Alex felt like something was right. Something was good. He had Jack, he had his friends, and he was still accepted at school. There's not a single thing that the blonde could complain about.

And I swear- in this moment- he felt like an average kid in highschool because that's all he really is and he knows that, and that quote you were expecting was sooo tumblr according to Zack.

The day followed very similarly to the morning. Everything was fine. Just… fine. No hiding. No shame. The way things should have been all along, and the way Jack was being cute and cuddly all day had Alex biting his lip on a smile for nearly the entire six hours.

And then English came. 
"Hey boyfriend" He whispered, nuzzling Jack's jaw.

"Go away, you're so annoying" he younger replied, rolling his eyes and continuing to jot down notes on the Transcendentalism Era, and the Anti-Transcendentalism Era and the differences- because that's apparently not obvious. He was trying to focus on the belief nature was too confusing for humans to comprehend, but Alex keeps doing little stunts like blowing in his ear, or slide his hand onto his thigh, and anything to piss Jack off in a way that was far too cute to be mad at.

"Coffee after class? I have a friend I'd like you to meet. He flew in from his home town- Santa Monica. He just texted me. I want you to meet him," Alex said quietly, pursing his lips because Jack has never been one for meeting new people.

"Yeah, sure," Jack agreed, not even looking up from his notebook. Which had Alex surprised, because he was expecting a bit of convincing and 'no, babe, he was never my boyfriend.'

Alex smiles, and almost laughs to himself because today has been too damn good. Too fucking good.

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