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Comments 727

Vote here icequeen3101 December 29 2014, 15:02:41 UTC
Emma may not vote
Sam has an extra vote
voting ends 10pm EST


RE: Vote here ondragonflywing December 29 2014, 17:11:36 UTC
So, again, Edina.


((I'm going to the zoo in about an hour with my mom and boyfriend and then for Brazilian food tonight. I'll likely only be here by phone, when I can today.))


(The comment has been removed)

RE: Vote here queer_theory December 29 2014, 19:05:59 UTC
If he doesn't show up today, he'll die anyway. Should we be voting for someone who will likely die anyway without our votes?

- Leo


Social Stuff icequeen3101 December 29 2014, 15:03:10 UTC

If you're enjoying this game, consider signing up for jjmafia.
That game starts January 1st, and will most likely have more death than this game :P


Re: Social Stuff janetlin December 29 2014, 15:05:45 UTC
Yay, Healer(s), but boo Healer(s) too. omg


RE: Social Stuff agathons_fan December 29 2014, 16:52:17 UTC
((GAH! This game, I need more death!))


Re: Social Stuff janetlin December 29 2014, 16:56:40 UTC
((I thought a bigger game would mean more death, not less. idek what's going on))


All the Mafia Shenanigans icequeen3101 December 29 2014, 15:04:26 UTC
So, I'm not reading everything, because I'm not playing, and I don't need to.
But I catch an interesting thread every once in a while.

Like Edina, the dolphin killer, or good hair "talk" or Karen/Edina basically being the same person

I'm sure I'm missing a lot of good stuff though. So here comes your time to shine.
Link me comments/conversations that YOU thought were outstanding (meaning they could have been helpful OR funny or made you go aww, anything goes.)
Basically, I want to see what else I might have missed.
Help me out, lovelies.


RE: All the Mafia Shenanigans queer_theory December 29 2014, 15:22:50 UTC
You linked to Jareth's hair gif. I am pleased. :D


RE: All the Mafia Shenanigans icequeen3101 December 29 2014, 15:24:14 UTC
I loved that! :D


RE: All the Mafia Shenanigans luminousdaze December 29 2014, 16:10:23 UTC
Hahaha silent Jareth posing with his hair is hilarious!
You liked the dolphin thing? Can't take credit it's directly from the show. I'm afraid it keeps coming up and it's bad PR for my character so thanks for showcasing it!


Status icequeen3101 December 29 2014, 15:04:45 UTC
going somewhere?

Tell us!


RE: Status queer_theory December 29 2014, 15:11:21 UTC
I'll be as active as I can, but I'm still feeling pretty dreadful. And I'll probably be going to bed before the end of the day.

Gone for a nap. I'll try to be back before the end of the day, but I make no promises.


RE: Status philstar22 December 29 2014, 15:13:15 UTC
Sick and at work. I wish I were in bed.


sigrundora December 29 2014, 15:25:42 UTC
Work for the next 3 hours or so


Poke the mod! icequeen3101 December 29 2014, 15:05:12 UTC
that would be me!
you know the drill by now.


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