
Jan 07, 2018 16:55

This was a lot of fun! Awesome challenge.

Really, really long entry ahead )

user: jacquelee, type: banner, type: other graphics, type: other

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Comments 5

seraphina_snape January 7 2018, 18:55:47 UTC
That second hot air balloon looks suspiciously like an Ottifant...


jacquelee January 7 2018, 19:40:09 UTC
It's both the same one and yes, that sure is an Ottifant. :D We had special circumstances because my mother was in the last stages of cancer and only the boss of the balloon company was willing to take us and he only went up in that one. So it wasn't particularly planned, but it definitely adds some flair to the story to be able to say "I flew in an Ottifant." :P


seraphina_snape January 7 2018, 19:50:08 UTC
I didn't even see that it's the same one! The lighting is so different, making the colours different. But yeah, I see the feet now...

Well, I imagine that must have been quite the experience. *g*


catko January 7 2018, 22:11:05 UTC
I love the pictures of the two of you--wonderful! And LOL about Nathan Fillion and Castle, that's a good reminder if we ever need it for the future. Respect your wanting to choose two women...I miss Womenverse!

Thanks for sharing the meaningfulness of Buffy and I'm so sorry to hear of the loss of your sister, but glad for you that the show could offer some light. Hugs to you.


blue_sunflowers January 11 2018, 07:10:45 UTC
Wow, you and I have the exact same tastes in artists! I love Enya and Michelle Branch. Also, loved the hubcap and hot air balloons! You probably had a blast!


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