My Favorite Waste Of Time...

Nov 21, 2017 14:23

Most of the answers were picked rather randomly and in a "first come, first serve" manner from the depths of my mind ;)

All My Favorites... )

!community: meme, user: sandy79, !community: gtky

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Comments 31

luminousdaze November 22 2017, 05:52:33 UTC
Hi, it looks like I'm still tags mod, so I added your username. :)


sandy79 November 22 2017, 07:15:07 UTC
thank you!


blue_sunflowers November 22 2017, 09:14:58 UTC
I loved MI:4 too! But TBH, I couldn't stop giggling during MI:5.


sandy79 November 22 2017, 20:21:44 UTC
I watched MI: 5 once, when they aired it on my local TV, but it wasn't as memorable as MI: 4 (well, the rest of the movie; I watched them both more for Jeremy's character than anything else XD)

Note to myself: rewatch MI: 5!


kitty_fic November 22 2017, 10:51:18 UTC
<3 Matt Bomer!

I don't watch Arrow anymore but Felicity was definitely my favorite part of that show!

And YESSS Oliver Queen from "Smallville" <3


sandy79 November 22 2017, 20:19:31 UTC
I don't watch it anymore as well (but more because there's no station around to air it), but I still follow articles about it, just to know what's going on ;) And I can't wrap my mind around the fact that so many so-called "fans" hate her with a vengeance.

*fistbump* I really wished they (the writers and creators of "Arrow") would have taken a leaf or two from Justin's portrayal for the show. Yeah, SV's Oliver also had his dark episodes, but he never, ever got as dark and brooding as on Arrow. And while it adds a layer or two to the character, in the long run it's a tad too much for me. I want to see Oliver Queen and the Green Arrow (another thing that's not quite working for me with Arrow: the long way to find the proper name for the vigilante), not a sad copy of Gotham's Dark Knight. There's an array of movies and a TV show for that.


kitty_fic November 22 2017, 20:27:16 UTC
I had no idea people hated her? HOWWW???
She's wonderful <3

I agree I loved his portrayal of Oliver Queen and The Arrow could have/should have take some inspiration from it. The angst was a bit much for me too in Arrow.


sandy79 November 22 2017, 21:54:04 UTC
Oh yeah, there's a whole community against her (or at least it feels so). I think it started in Season 3, when she began to date Ray Palmer. They even went so far to call her certain names for doing just that, and when she and Oliver got back together - oh my! There were literal wars raging online, and whenever there's a hint of a character leaving (aka dying), you can bet that she's named number one. But believe I don't get it either. And yeah, she's a fictional character, but still, she's portrayed (and written) in a way I can identify with - as a normal human being. And I don't see nothing wrong with her first dating Ray and later on Oliver - should she sit in a corner and wait until Oliver finally wakes up? No, cause you only live once. *rant over* And apparently she's too much of a drill sergeant from Season 4 on.


wagrobanite November 23 2017, 20:58:01 UTC
I stopped watching arrow, partly because no station that airs it around here, and b, the story lines just... couldn't handle the crossovers either since I really don't care for comic book stuff. I only started watching Arrow for Colin Donnell :)

But Matt Bomer *sigh* I know he lives in LA but damn that man needs to be on the freaking stage. His voice is too damn good.


sandy79 November 23 2017, 21:32:52 UTC
*sigh* Tommy Merlyn! Pretty much the only character I really missed in Seasons 2-4, and the only one where I could feel much more potential than they gave us. I still have to get my hands on Chicago Med ;)

Absolutely, and he's gonna take the first step next Spring, when he's gonna star in the Broadway revivial of "The Boys In The Band" alongside Jim Parsons and Zachary Quinto. Here's my post the day the article was published on TheWrap:

I so can see (and hear) him in one of the big musical productions. At least he should do a CD, that way we all can enjoy his voice whenever we want.


wagrobanite November 23 2017, 21:36:51 UTC
Oh that's right.... I keep forgetting about Boys in the Band because I didn't particularly like the original ;)

I was kind of hoping he'd be in at least the workshop of Moulin Rouge ;)

Chicago Med is *sigh* mostly awesome (lol I have some feelings on it).

Have you heard Colin sing? He's got a gorgeous voice too!


gallaghers November 24 2017, 20:50:20 UTC
karl urban! eomer is my favourite character of his, but i loved seeing him in the star trek reboots.


sandy79 November 27 2017, 00:20:38 UTC
Fun fact: When I saw the first of the Star Trek reboot movies, I totally had forgotten that Karl was in Lord of the Rings ;)


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