Title: Plant A Star Pairing/Characters: TegoMasu Rating/Warnings: NC-17 (glossed over sex, mostly.) Prompt: # 3 Massu pulls an Akanishi (knocks up an actress). Summary: He likes her laugh, and the way she calls his name. A/N: 8D/
this is so sweet. i like how you used tegoshi as the actress and sort-of kept news together, at least massu and shige still worked together, and yuuko was shige's childhood friend. ♥ it felt very realistic in how this is probably how these things happen. good on massu for stepping up and handling his business! their baby will be gorgeous.
Even with Tegoshi behing a girl...they always finish by behing together ! I like that !!! I would like to see their little baby !!!! ^^ So bad that they dont remember anything about this night !!!
LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. absolutely love this fic! I was so nervous for Massu when he was getting ready to meet Yuuko. and I loved how Shige was so protective over Yuuko. <3
I will admit. the last sentence of the story? it got me teary eyed. so sweet!!! ;_______________;
I was totally surprised by who you choosed as actress and was quite an interesting backstory (Shige as childhood friend). Also liked the fact that Massu's fixation on her begins with such candor until things come out of hand, and still he stands up at the difficulty. Thanks for sharing your take on this prompt!
Comments 6
you did a great job with Yuuko! The relationship you built between her and Massu... so sweet!
two thumbs up! ^^
So bad that they dont remember anything about this night !!!
I will admit. the last sentence of the story? it got me teary eyed. so sweet!!! ;_______________;
Thanks for sharing your take on this prompt!
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