Sparks Fly {A Puck/Rachel fanfic} Ch. 1 "Duets"

Oct 29, 2010 21:24

Title: Sparks Fly: Ch. 1 "Duets"
Author: allnthistogethr 
Pairing,Character(s): Puck/Rachel
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1,242
Spoilers: Through 2x06
Summary: Months after the first duets assignment, Mr. Schuester assigns another one, pairing Puck and Rachel together, much to Rachel's dismay.
A/N: This is my first fanfic of anything in a while and my first Glee/PR fic as well.  Post includes pretty graphics that illustrate a scene in the fic!

Ch. 1: Duets
The bell rang at McKinley High as Rachel Berry took her seat next to her boyfriend Finn Hudson in the choir room. Everyone was in a fairly pleasant mood today; even Santana was playing (and winning) hangman with Brittany instead of making a single snarky comment about Rachel or any of the other Glee clubbers.

“Sorry I’m late guys,” said Mr. Schue as he walked into the room, bag slung over his shoulder and a notebook in his hand. “But to make up for it,” he continued, setting the notebook on the piano, “I have a new assignment for you. Since you all got so into our duets competition last semester…”

Santana reached over Brittany to fist bump Mercedes while Sam and Quinn exchanged smiles.
“…we’re going to do it again!”

Cheers erupted from the club. Well, everyone except Puck, who sat in the back, arms crossed with a confused look on his face. He was in juvie during the last duets competition. All he knew was that was when Sam and Quinn hooked up. There was nothing he could do about that now. They’d been together ever since. Plus Sam was a cool dude, even if he did steal his not-girlfriend.

After everyone had calmed down Mr. Schue continued, “And this time the prize is a dinner for two at breadstix…”

The classroom erupted again. With Santana shouting, “THOSE STIX ARE GOIN’S TO BE MINE THIS TIME”.

“…and!” Mr. Shue shouted over them, “The lead vocalists in the group number at Regionals!”

“We have to win this time,” Rachel whispered to Finn, clutching his hand. He smiled back at her.

“But before you all pair up,” Mr. Schue said, as Mercedes and Santana were already whispering frantically in the back row, “I’ve already chosen your partners.”

Everyone’s heads whipped to the front of the class.

“What?!” Rachel exclaimed, “Mr. Schuester, choosing a duet partner is a very personal thing!”

“Well Rachel, I did this in order to avoid some of the drama that happened last time.”

Kurt looked down at the floor while various members glanced at him and Sam.

“Besides,” he said moving to the piano and picking up his notebook, “I want you all to break out of your molds and sing with people you haven’t had the chance to sing with before.”

“It could be pretty fun actually,” Tina added, Mike nodding in agreement.

“Exactly what I was thinking Tina!” Mr. Schue said enthusiastically, “So here are the pairs: Brittany and Finn; Artie and Santana; Quinn and Kurt; Sam and Tina; Mercedes and Mike; and last but not least Puck and Rachel.”

Everyone gave their various partners nods, and high fives in acknowledgement.

“Now split up into your pairs and get to work!” Mr. Shue instructed.

While the rest of Glee moved chairs around to sit next to their partners Rachel sprung up from her seat next to Finn that was soon filled with Brittany, and stormed over to Mr. Schue at the piano with that classic Rachel Berry look of fury and determination.

“Mr. Schuester,” she stage whispered, dripping with vehemence, “I cannot work with Mr. Puckerman,” she spat his last name, glancing in his direction in the back of the room.

“Well that’s just too bad Rachel, I’m sorry, but I think Puck’s voice would work well with yours and I’d like to see the two of you work together on this,” he paused, “and that’s final.”

She rolled her eyes and groaned. Of course he wouldn’t understand.

“Must you destroy my personal life through a teaching moment?” She asked rhetorically before the turned and stormed off to the one chair left open, the one next to Noah.

“What was that about?” Puck asked as soon as she sat down, his iPod in his ears. He had heard nothing.

“Nothing,” she responded reaching into her bag that she had brought up with her. She grabbed her own iPod and put the earbuds in, not talking to him or anyone else for the remainder of class.

As soon as the bell rang she flew down the steps to Finn’s seat in the front row, grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the choir room. She was already halfway to the door before Puck thought to open his mouth and say something.

* * *

Rachel was in a much better mood by the time the last bell rang. She had aced her math test (no surprise there, but still the sense of accomplishment was wonderful) and completely forgotten about her Glee assignment.

“Hey, Berry, wait up.”

That is until he showed up behind her.

“I can’t really talk right now, Noah,” she said speeding her pace.

That was useless as he caught up to her in no time. “So when do you want to start rehearsing for our duet?”

She took his hand and pulled him into the doorway of the closest classroom.

“Noah, I thought I made it very clear this morning that I don’t want to work with you on this project. I thought we had an understanding..” she said with a confused look.

“What the hell are you talking about Berry?” he responded with an equally confused look.

“This morning, we didn’t even talk to each other!” she said.

“I thought we were just finding possible songs to sing. That’s why I was listening to my iPod,” Puck explained with a hit of annoyance.

“Well that’s not why I was. I’m going to try and talk with Mr. Schue about changing partners again, maybe if I keep persisting he’ll give in,” she said with determination.

“I don’t understand, what the hell did I do to make you hate me so much?” He was straddling the line between pissed off and hurt.

“I don’t hate you, Noah,” she said slowly with a gentleness in her voice, “I could never hate you.”

He looked down at the floor, “then why won’t you sing with me?”

“I’m with Finn, Noah. I don’t want to mess that up,” she said earnestly.

“And what does singing with me have to do with you and Hudson? You’re not going to fall for me or something, are you?” he asked with a smirk.

She wasn't going to acknowledge the sliver of truth in that question.  She didn't want to.

“Just drop it Noah. We’re not singing together.”

And with that she stormed off down the hall.

* * *

The next day in Glee everyone was sitting in their respective pairs - except for a certain boy with mohawk and girl in an animal sweater.

Mr. Schue was actually early that day and while waiting for the bell to ring noticed this.

“Puck and Rachel could I speak with you two for a minute?” he motioned for the two students to come forward.
Rachel rolled her eyes as she and Puck trudged over to the piano.

“I’m hoping you have called us up here because you have reconsidered our partner assignments,” Rachel said.

“Well I hate to disappoint you Rachel, but I will not be reconsidering. You two need to work together on this.” He said with authority.

“But she hates my guts.” Puck replied.

“I already told you I don’t hate you!” she rolled her eyes.

“I don’t care if she hates your guts, or your hands, or your hair, or any other part of you, you need to get over it and do this assignment together,” Mr. Schue said, “I’m not going to budge on this one. I really think you two can create a beautiful number.”

“But-“ Rachel began.

“No buts. This is final,” the teacher responded with a definite not of finality.

Puck tried to catch her eye, but she wouldn’t look at him.

my graphics, tv: glee, ship: puckleberry, fan fiction

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