Da Rules
1. If you want to play in the big exciting AMV sandbox, fill out the character application and submit it as a comment to this post.
2. You know that god modding is not allowed, that In Character and Out of Character are separate things, and to be polite to the other players. If you did not, you know now.
3. The RP is slash-friendly, but not slash exclusive. Slash, het, pansexual, we welcome it all.
4. Talk to the other members before doing something that will or might affect their characters, e.g. killing off a character, destroying or infringing on another character’s property, etc.
5. No OCs, at least not as your first character. If you want to create one later and the group approves of him/her/it, more power to you.
6. There is an activity check every two weeks, meaning your character should make at least one journal entry, AMV post, or be very active in someone else’s journal at least once every two weeks. Characters with a secret identity and two journals because of that need to only post in one of them to fulfill the requirement.
7. There is no official character limit, but if you are unable to make the activity requirements with your current characters, that will be a factor in whether or not your application is accepted.
8. Please post a message in the OOC com if you are going to be unavailable for long periods of time, i.e. you are going on vacation, joining the Navy, have contracted a deadly disease, etc.
9. This is a comics RP, therefore, your character needs to be a comics character.
Character Application
Your Name (or nickname):
Preferred method of contact (AIM, email, PM):
Character Name:
Powers/Special Abilities:
Personality Description:
Summary of your character’s backstory:
Favorite coffee topping?
Any important relationships to a character we already have (i.e. mortal enemy, canon lover, elementary school teacher, etc.)?
Your character is in line at the bakery when a masked man comes in with a gun and starts robbing the place. What would your character do? (Note: The masked man is not Lex Luthor, come to steal cakes. So don’t try it.)
Your character has had a particularly trying day. Tell us about it, in the form of an LJ entry (angst optional).
Please copy/paste the character application into a new comment to this post.
Character Application Your Name (or nickname):Preferred method of contact (AIM, email, PM):Character Name:Appearance:Powers/Special Abilities:Personality Description:Summary of your character’s backstory:Favorite coffee topping?Any important relationships to a character we already have (i.e. mortal enemy, canon lover, elementary school teacher, etc.)?Your character is in line at the bakery when a masked man comes in with a gun and starts robbing the place. What would your character do? (Note: The masked man is not Lex Luthor, come to steal cakes. So don’t try it.)Your character has had a particularly trying day. Tell us about it, in the form of an LJ entry (angst optional). Additional Information/Guidelines
1. If your application is too long to post as a single comment, break it up and post the second part as a comment to the first.
2. Existing members will vote on your application elsewhere. Expect a response within about a week.
3. If for whatever reason your character application is not accepted, you may re-apply in two weeks' time. You can apply for the same character a maximum of two times.
4. Do NOT apply for membership to
allmyvillains until your AFTER application has been approved.
5. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to PM either
harvey_twoface or