He half-slept, something between dream and reality; a restless doze, where he would stir himself awake just to make sure he was still breathing. And then, confirmed, in the rain tapering to a sprinkle, then a mist, then the clear and clean and hazy scent left afterwards, he would drift back into that half-asleep state again. It wasn't that bad,
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Comments 69
Heh. He just kept coming back, didn't he? Harold was still very much a predictable creature. Still, this wasn't one of the patterns he wanted to break. This was Scotty and he was more than all right with the desire to find him.
Shit. Scotty looked-- pretty fucking hurt. Worse off than Harold was, certainly. The thought gave him a twist of anger, anguish, sympathy. Who would hurt someone as fucking-- well, good as this man?
He fought off the urge to vomit, as well as the pull to reach out, wake Scotty, ask him ten thousand questions. He could see Scotty was breathing, and there were signs of movement in the sand; he wasn't dead or dying.
Instead, Harold settled in the sand, cross-legged, and watched.
Not brilliant conversation, that.
He dug his hand into the sand in front of him, between them.
"Sorry I woke you. You okay?"
Harold patted Scotty on the shoulder, as softly as he could so as not to jar him. He pulled off a chunk of the pie and ate it, grinning.
Oh, he was still angry. If he ever found the bastards who did this, he'd ram his pool cue in a few choice orifices. Sideways. But he got the feeling Scotty wouldn't tell him who it was, and even if he did, he'd never actually want Harold to do such a thing.
So he ate. Scotty was here, beside him, and he'd fucking take it.
He put is hand back out - seemed right, he didn't know why - and closed his eyes. There was several things he wished he could tell Scotty, but he didn't really know how, or if Scotty would want to know. He settled on, "It fucking hurts, man."
They only had five credits between them, but a couple snack bars wouldn't cost that much, and a meat pie could be breakfast tomorrow.
So, both moving gingerly and slowly, and trying to ignore the various looks at their beat up faces and bodies, they hit the streets.
So it was a pretty big surprise when he saw Harold and... something was ticking at him, that the person he was with looked familiar.
And... why the fuck did they look beat to shit?!
"Oi!" Kirk called out, waving a ha--bag at them. "Harold!"
Hoshit, the captain.
Captain Kirk was somewhat less intimidating with an arm full of shopping, but only somewhat.
"Yo," he called back, trying to sound casual.
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