Title: Dog’s Life
Author name:
allkindsoffics Main Pairings: Morgan/Reid/Prentiss
Other Pairings: Morgan/OFCs, Morgan/OMC, Morgan/Reid
Characters: Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Emily Prentiss, Clooney
Rating: pg
Word count: 449
Warnings/Spoilers: Ridiculousness Dog POV… Sorry… Part of To Pick Up.
Disclaimer: Not really
Summary: Clooney reflects on his life with Derek
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Comments 6
Out of interest, what dog breed were you envisioning Clooney as?
So I've always envisioned Morgan having some big, strong but lovable breed and I was thinking some kind of Bullmastiff mix. One, they're huge and two, I always expected him to adopt the dog and rescue dogs (like mine) tend to be some kind of mutt. I think I might have put way too much thought into it.
Anyways, yeah, so a Bullmastiff mix.
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