Angolsaxon X-tracrispy vs. Globular Frequenting

Feb 17, 2006 08:31

If you have not read this yet, PREPARE TO DIE LAUGHING.

Seriously. Joss Whedon unexpectedly shows up in Warren Ellis's blog. AND THEN THE UNIVERSE EXPLODES FROM THE AWESOME.

Joss Whedon says:

Revenge, eh? So, mister Ellis - (swishes brandy in large glass) - let the games begin, unless they are games of skill, or physical exertion of any kind, or with math. I know the bitter bitter truth, why you are so threatened by my genius, my, class, my big glass of brandy. It’s because you’re so OLD, so terribly terribly OLD, isn’t it! Mountains were hills when you were middle-aged. I hear you left your wife for a younger, trophy Cromagnon. And that you’re… that a young person would find you strange, and… from many years of… you being… DAMN! This round to you, Ellis. But the game is far -(drains Brandy, gasps like beached whale) - from over.

Warren Ellis:

I am twenty years younger than Joss Whedon.

Also, HE cannot hide things in his beard.

...of course, he can pay people to do that for him now. He can even pay people to grow the beard for him. And he doesn’t have to run his own website to look big and clever on the internets.

Ah, shit.

Joss Whedon says:

All right, Ellis, I am a couple of decades older than you. Touche. But you don’t know all of it. Jeph Loebi-Wan never told you the truth about your father…

Yes. You’re my youngling. Oh for chrissake, everybody knows it but you! Even my beard-growers speak of it freely! Now join me and together we can rule an infintisinimimmsally tiny portion of the galaxy and have a mildly amusing interweb flame war! If you only knew the power of the Hack Side! Join me. Seriously. I’ll cut off your other hand, you pansy.

Warren Ellis:

Every time you say "youngling", I throw up in my mouth a little bit. And look around to see if John Munch from SVU is in the room.

Look, everybody. Joss and Warren are avoiding writing.

Joss Whedon says:

Are you kidding? This is the most writing I’ve done in months.

(Warner Brothers execs don’t come here, do they?)

behold the power of awesome!

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