Maxis Taste Dare #34 - Sloppy Slobs

Sep 06, 2012 15:50

I decided that it was time for me to do a maxis taste dare! I chose the sloppy two amongst the downtownies. They aren't actually thrilled about the make-over thing but Norah and Rob don't have a choice!

First pre-make over shots:

Such a joy to photograph Norah, you really are...

You can't be serious about wanting to walk around in those clothes all day.. You just can't.

Is that almost a smile I see there Rob? Nice haircut by the way, *cough*..

You don't see why anyone would want to make over you, do you?

After pictures:

Well look at that Norah! Aren't you a beauty? :) You're eyes are striking!

Oh, come on now! You can not tell me you don't like it. You even got to wear rather sloppy clothes!

Done is done Norah, no use in complaining! Just learn to live with it. Now lets move on to Rob.

Oh, you almost look hot Rob! Who would have thought? Why do you look so sceptic?

You don't like you're new style either? You guys are the worst, you know that!

Look you got to wear dirty jeans. Get over yourself.

Okay, so you're almost satisfied with your new looks. You know what? I think you'll grow to like it. Just think about how different people will treat you! You don't look like you're homeless anymore, maybe you'll get jobs! And try to smile a little, will you?

maxis taste, the sims 2, dare #34

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