[FIC] Bad Actors With Bad Habits.

Jun 18, 2007 15:47

Title: Bad Actors With Bad Habits.
Fandom: Death Note.
Warnings: None.
Characters/couples: Misa, Rem. (Light/Misa)
Summary: If she's good enough, Misa is sure Light will love her.
Rating: R/NC17
Notes: Written for springkink: Death Note, Light/Misa: Emotional manipulation - "Love was by far the easiest thing to use"

Bad Actors With Bad Habits. )

summerkink 2007, communities, fic: death note

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Comments 6

jengou August 2 2007, 06:06:02 UTC
This just breathes canon. Perfect.


allira_dream August 7 2007, 09:50:01 UTC
Thank you so much :)


lumcheng August 3 2007, 18:01:15 UTC
Oh, wow. That was hot XD
Well, I always try to avoid words like cock and clit - they make such scenes a bit, well, they ruin the mood. But the rest was pretty hot, yeah.
Especially this ->> She was pleasantly sore and her body still answered as if it was Light touching her. <<

Woah, Raito is such a great beau XD~~


allira_dream August 7 2007, 09:48:49 UTC
Thanks for reading! I'm sorry that said words made you feel that they ruined the mood, but the technical terms wouldn't fit with Misa's voice, and calling them by any other cutesy/slang name would've also ruined the voice, I think.

Again, thanks for reading!


naturalhitsuzen August 5 2007, 19:10:04 UTC
I really love this ficlet. Manipulative Light is in top form here. Poor confused and appalled Rem, her concerned words always fall on deaf ears. I just couldn't find this hot. Not because it's not well-written porn, it is, but because it reminded me how broken and sad Misa is as a character.

A side note in response to the previous commenter, unless a writer starts pulling out sexy words like slong, cooter, or pleasure button to describe genitals normal readers will not be bothered. Also since this is Misa's p.o.v. it wouldn't make sense if she were referring to them in technical or more prudish terms.


allira_dream August 7 2007, 09:25:53 UTC
Sorry for taking so long to answer, but thank you! More than anything I wanted to portray that Misa did know what she was getting into, mostly, and I'm glad that you couldn't quite think this is hot, since more than anything I wanted to portray exactly what Misa's choice had been about.

And also thanks about the comment about slang. I dislike most of the cutesy/slang words for genitals, but especially with fics that have to be direct or from a character who wouldn't call them other way.

Also? I just finished rereading X so your icon ;_________;


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