Title: Angels Fly Alone: Heads on a Silence Apart.
Fandom: Weiß Kreuz Glühen/ Kyou Kara Maou (AU)
Warnings: Angst, AU, semi-quasi-fluff. Yeah, I'm warning for fluff.
Characters/couples: Mamoru(Omi)/Yuuri.
Rating: PG.
Notes: Will I ever write something besides evil!bunny again? I've no idea.
I'm actually worried that this is almost fluffy. God knows what kind of angst this'll bring later, as a payback.
Angels Fly Alone: Heads on a Silence Apart.
Seeing that Yuuri and him had been just about to move to the bedroom, the other man pliant against every touch without looking hurt and rejected, it had been more than excused that he had been brisk when his cellphone had interrupted them.
However, as the call progresses, his annoyed frown increases as he gives short answers. He snaps the phone closed, turning to look and Yuuri, and he sighs.
"I'm sorry, I've a meeting early tomorrow, I won't be able to stay." He says as he tightens his tie again.
Yuuri's shoulders drop, too, and he nods, pushing himself from the wall where he had stayed, hands inside of his pockets.
"It's okay." Yuuri says, giving him a soft smile. "You have to go now?"
"Probably." Mamoru answers, looking at the hour over the clock on Yuuri’s microwave. "Why?"
"No reason. Well... " Yuuri shrugs and then, tilts his head. "Want to see a movie?"
“What?” He asks, a soft, amused smile playing over his lips at the almost incongruent question.
Yuuri shrugs. His grin is hesitant but hopeful, and he looks at him as if he's already expecting a no for an answer.
"You can't stay the night, but you can stay a while longer, right?" Another shrug, as if Yuuri is trying to downplay it as something he doesn't want, just something he thought about offering. "We can see a movie, if you want."
He hesitates. Yuuri doesn't ask nor question much these days and, what he does, he always asks it with an undertone that tries to say he won't mind if he doesn’t answer or if the answer is no, but Mamoru does know better.
He shrugs, loosening his tie again and gives a soft nod. "Okay."
Most of Yuuri's DVDs end up being kid movies, but there are a couple that he would've wanted to see, if he had had the time or if it would've fit with Mamoru’s behavior, so Yuuri makes some popcorn and brings up some soda and they sit side by side over his bed: not quite cuddling, but close enough that their arms brush each other whenever one of them reaches for the popcorn.
After a while over the movie, he hears a sigh. When he turns to see, Yuuri has slipped from leaning against the headboard to a kind of semi-sprawl, his head hanging over his shoulder as he breathes in and out slowly, already deeply asleep.
If it wasn't for the way Yuuri's feelings show so clearly, he wouldn't have any idea or when has he hurt him, something that happens too often for his liking. Yuuri doesn't complain, just looks at him in a way that makes him want to throttle himself before Yuuri smiles it off.
Yuuri never tells him if he's tired, or hurt, or sore, as if he wasn't sure what reaction he would get from giving that information, as if he didn't know what might push him away… as if he didn't want him to leave.
It surprises him everyday, in ways he's not sure he feels comfortable with. It's as if, silently, Yuuri was telling him that, no matter what, he was going to be there.
Barely avoiding unto the urge to bite his lower lip, he carefully moves the popcorn out of the way and, softly, hesitantly, he moves his arm around Yuuri's shoulders, trying to prevent the school teacher a sore back and neck. At the soft touch, Yuuri almost seems to collapse against his body, head against his shoulder, breathing playing against his neck and Yuuri mumbles something unintelligible, still out of it.
It's the first time in a while he sees him sleep, Mamoru realizes. Even when he stays at Yuuri's place, whenever he wakes up, Yuuri is already up, showered and dressed and either picking up things for his classes or getting ready for baseball training or making breakfast, sometimes waking him up, sometimes just waiting for him to do it on his own. It makes him think that, perhaps, Yuuri doesn't quite sleep when he stays there.
He doesn't have to wonder why that'd be, if it's true.
Softly, as to not wake up Yuuri, he slides down over the bed until Yuuri is completely over the mattress, resting close to him on his side. Mamoru wonders for a moment, his forearm still pillowing Yuuri's head, if he ought to go then. Yuuri needs the sleep, obviously, and this way he would, perhaps, get some of the rest he needs.
Yuuri mumbles something then, so softly that Mamoru only catches the last part of his name and a slight tensing over the lines in Yuuri's face, a breath of sadness over the expressive features and he can picture, quite clearly, the look Yuuri's face would have if he was to wake up with him gone, even if Yuuri wouldn't call him on it.
He lies down, then, softly reaching to touch Yuuri's face. It's not a caress, but the sole presence seems to erase that melancholy of his lover's face and Yuuri gives a little sigh, his body relaxing even more into a deep slumber.
Mamoru is not sure if he'll be able to give what Yuuri needs, or if this attempt at a relationship will be successful. For all he knows, this might end up breaking Yuuri's heart again and killing what's left of his.
However, those are only speculations.
What he knows he can do is stay and watch the movie, like he said he would, and when it's over, he can rouse Yuuri enough to let him know he has to go, but promise him that he's going to be back soon.