Title: Lies.
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou/Weiss Kreuz/Cross University RPG.
Warnings: Some kind of meshing between these two fandoms and the RPG.
Characters/couples: Yuuri/Omi.
Summary: Yuuri doesn't know how to lie.
Rating: PG13.
Notes: Still
srgt_s_venom's fault.
By definition, Yuuri is an honest person. He knows that he can't say a lie to save his life even if he has too. It’s both a blessing and a curse, but he had never minded it before.
He still doesn’t lie. He just denies the existence of the things that might cause the world he loves so much to change. So when he finds a drop or two of blood that somehow avoided getting cleaned, he closes his eyes and cleans the bathroom sink until there’s nothing but white and tells himself that he was just seeing things, just in the same way that there is no bag over the closet with knives and guns and he hasn’t found out in several occasions a torn sweater under the bed.
If he doesn’t know, it means he doesn’t have to worry the nights that Omi calls to say he’s going to be late. If he is asleep when Omi creeps inside their room, then Omi can breathe a sigh against his neck and press his body against his back, as if he was the only possible source of warmth. If he doesn’t know, it means that Omi still has to come back so he won’t find out.
He just wonders if one day he’ll have to learn to lie as Omi does to be able to stay with him… and he also tries not to question Omi’s love for him.