The little AU: Fallen Leaves: Found Music

Dec 15, 2008 16:48

The little AU: Fallen Leaves: Found Music


As so often the music makes him weepy- he'd never admit to that in any damn interview, but he'll cry openly over the phone with his men while the song plays endlessly on repeat- Sarah Slean's Universe at the moment, though earlier it'd been Aqui no Sera by Ozomatli -and he makes up a waltz or two-step or aimless ballet to its notes while the tears pour down his face and his men, helpless where they are, hold him in their hearts and wait it out.

This time he's called them before he's drunk so much he can't find his train of thought. He's called before he's forgotten why he called, called before the rants begin, before all the unrepented griefs overwhelm him with regret and he finds himself the next morning slumped beside the bed, full ashtray on one side, empty bottle on the other, and no one there between the sheets with him to hold him while he circles, to catch him when he falls.

Eventually he's telling them about the game, about how sunburned he got, how people laughed with him for the scarf and wool hat in team colours and gave him hugs and high-fives for each goal, and Karl, who's in New Zealand to visit before coming home for Christmas says something about it nearly being Equinox, and it's Orlando who reminds them it's the Solstice and that the same moon will be shining on each of them that night, whether they're together or apart, and in the silence of that moment someone outside opens a car door and strains of Buxtehude's Magnificat float out, someone's kid's performance played loud to fill up the car with music, and Viggo says I'm so grateful to be alive, and loved, and to have this life I have, do you have any idea? I could sing along with those kids.

The children's voices float over the phone lines, losing a little in transmission, but neither Orlando nor Karl laughs at him, they just listen with him until the car door slams and the choir drives off. They talk a bit about family, then, about Hunter and about Sonia and Colin, about Henry, about the dogs, until the clock and globe conspire to pull them apart despite their efforts to transcend all earthly divisions and stay together.

They say their goodnights then, or good mornings, or God I love yous, and make sure they agree on date and time and place, because they will be together for some days this winter, they will, no matter what, and hold each other as the world turns, as history surges and the universe looks down on this little ant-farm of our world and gives it another day, and another, and they speak their love to each other unabashedly, the men of the house at the end of the bluff road, of this world they have made all their own.


Universe download
Once I took the universe to dinner
When she failed to yield the earth's demands
'Oh,' she said 'you mean that little ant farm?
I'm alright, dear, I've got other plans'

And we're sad because we think we don't belong here
We're guilty 'cause we think we should be stars
Floating in a navy soup, we're sailing
There you are
There you are

She's so bright, and then she's gone
Don't mind me I'm just sailing
On a sunrise, it's my favourite thing
And when are you going to realize
I don't blame you, I never have

And when she talks, she fills the room with sunlight
She can name her babies, every one
I've returned to the place of my beginning
And I can see her turning off the sun

And we're sad because we think we don't belong here
We're guilty 'cause we think we should be stars
Floating in a navy soup, we're sailing
There you are
There you are

She's so bright, and then she's gone
Don't mind me I'm just sailing
On a sunrise, it's my favourite thing
And when are you going to realize
I don't blame you, I never have

Aquí no Será download
Desde las Malvinas hasta la Misión
Vamos milicianos en lucha y canción.
Salvadoreño pequeño gigante
señala a todos aqui no será
Salvadoreño pequeño gigante
señala a todos aqui no será

Aqui no será fácil ocasion
Aqui no será tan solo un Vietnam
l'america entera no permitirá
otra intervencion en el Salvador

From the Falkland Islands to the Mission
Let’s go warriors in fight and song
You Salvadoran, little giant
Teach everyone that you will not be here
You Salvadoran, little giant
Teach everyone that you will not be here

It will not be an easy time here
It will not be here like another Vietnam
All of America, don't permit it
Another intervention in El Salvador

Buxtehude's Magnificat
[note: I am not sure of the lyrics for Aqui no Sera. This is the best I've been able to find- if someone has better, either in Spanish or English, please let me know. Thank you in advance.]

previously: Frost/For the prevention of speed
next: Words and Music

the little au, falling leaves, music

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