The little AU: Falling Leaves: Tea
slashfairy ~~
Viggo's tried to get them to understand it, mate, and they've dutifully had cups full of the dusty brew, but it's just not proper tea and from time to time they have a sit-down over a good cuppa, and talk about nothing, everything, as lovers who trust each other do.
Their own tastes have evolved, grown from PG Tips and Earl Grey (Hot!, which never fails to make Karl smile- and now he is part of Star Trek, and what a miracle that is!) to include Rooibos from South Africa and Assam from just below the eastern foothills of the Himalayas, and Gen Mai Cha with roasted brown rice developed in post-war Japan when green tea supplies were so low, and the farmers figured out a way to stretch their precious allotments. They've gone- as one does living in California (even only part-time)- herbal, with Mayan Cocoa Spice (cocoa and cinnamon bark, chicory and cardomom, stevia and clove) and Mexican Sweet Chili (licorice and cocoa, orange and ginger, fennel and cinnamon, tangerine and cayenne), and Lotus (naturally decaffeinated Green tea with lotus flower).
And every so often some version of mate- Vig shakes his head at the brightly coloured tea-bags of Mate Chai and Green Mate Lemon Myrtle, but he drinks with them all the same, sipping from one of his collection of mate bowls (there must be a hundred, now, either bought or received as gifts, and kept in one or another of the houses) and the three of them let the hot flavored liquid melt away their tensions, center them, ground them, bring them together.
Then it's a walk on the beach with the dogs, or surfing, or an evening of deep talk or sweet sex, and after a long shower, each one washing and being washed by the others, and then into the big hot tub, if they are in one of the houses Karl has made their own, or into the big bed if there is one, or back into whatever kitchen it is, robed and slippered and still slightly pink from hot soapy water and lovers' hands.
And over tea, if it's in the kitchen they end up (and they will, at some point, no matter where they are staying) they will talk about everything, and nothing, and sometimes the topic will be the tea itself, its history and how tea, as much as anything else, of all things, created the world that brought them all together.
The Birthdaynext: