The little AU: Rising Spring: Certainty of tides

Apr 05, 2008 03:06

The little AU: Rising Spring: Certainty of tides


The flights down and up are chilly, as airplanes are wont to be. He goes from not-yet-Spring to just-Autumn in one partial circumnavigation of the globe, from English to Spanish, from not-quite-Baseball to always-Futbol, and is blown away by the depth of support for San Lorenzo from fans of other teams.

He wears his flag like a cape on the stage as he speaks from the heart about his team, about support, about not letting competition get in the way of humanity, of humane-ness. He turns and waves to the audience and his cape swirls about him protecting his good heart with its handmade love, his gift from a small group of fans supporting him through the long awards season, never far from wherever he is, on set or in a trailer or as he is now, making his way through the airport and back to the filming he escaped from in the Northern made-up never-Spring to join in Southern genuine celebration.

Tides have turned in so many ways. Karl's enjoying Trek so much, part of something he's loved since he was a boy and now he's helping it live on for others. He sees Orlando when he's in town, meets the girl, her mother, sees how happy Orlando is, and hopes for Orli's sake that this is the one who will bring him children, that this one is generous and understands that more than anything Orlando needs a family. His men love him no less for needing that- they understand that he will leave them for that if it comes to it, and return to them when he's found a way to weave it all together. But maybe this one will understand, will weave herself into his life, and bring herself home to him in the life he already has.

Karl texts Viggo, emails him, talks dirty with him on the phone, and hears, day by day, some kind of Spring rising in Viggo's voice. Though filming is getting tougher as they put more and more of the story in place, as that world becomes more and more the world they live in, the progression of the Zodiac offers respite: all is not lost yet- not burned beyond renewal. The seeming dissonance between Karl creating an unreal past for an imagined future and Viggo creating an unimaginable present for an avoidable future is resolved in Orlando's green-slimed smile- there is hope still, and it's to be had in the ordinary smiles of ordinary days.

Those are the smiles that Karl hears in Viggo's voice, that break into laughter about Green Orlando, that hold gentle hope when they talk about how good he'll be with children because he's so good with Henry, with Hunter. They're the smiles of children playing ball, of people in the sun of Spring or Autumn; they're the smiles one holds tenderly on one's heart against the certainty of tides.

next: Temptation

the little au, rising spring, the road, hope

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