The little AU: Primavera: Light
slashfairy ~~
"Johnny's been accused of dressing in the dark, yanno," Orlando says when they rib him for being photographed in one of Karl's Kiwi sweaters and being called "Grandpa Orlando" for it. They know he'd stolen, er, borrowed it, last time he dropped home- "Not in the Caribbean anymore, mate, and it gets cold!" -taken it for Karl's scent as much as for its own warmth.
Viggo thinks Johnny probably does dress in the dark- when he's on his way to one of these events his heart is dark, because it's a loss of his privacy, a leaving of the home he's been so lucky to find and make and keep after a rough start in a rough business- so he probably starts with things that are comfortable to wear, then layers on things until he's comfortable enough to go out.
That anyone would call blue sunglasses and faded torn hand-dyed cotton scarves and a wrinkled polo and fatigue-print jacket tied around the waist armor seems absurd on the face of it but it's no different to Orli in Karl's sweater, or Viggo in Orli's yellow shirt, or Karl wearing one of Orli's bracelets for safekeeping (and comfort).
Or the silver ring that sits in the bowl on Orli's dresser, waiting. Armor is what you make it out of, and hearts are kept safe in any number of places, not just chests.
They each dress in the dark, in that way. Orlando can't wait to see if this time, when this contract's up, is when he can dress in the light.