Twelve days of Christmas: day ten

Jan 02, 2007 23:41

The little AU: Twelve Days of Christmas: Day ten


It's time to go back. There're things to do, real life things that won't wait. Vig should stay in London but he's going to be mad and fly with them to LA, see Henry, then fly back after he knows everyone's settled. "You don't have to," they say to him but he just shakes his head and smiles.

"I do, and you know it." He pushes things around in his bag, making room for the books he bought, then gives up, shoves socks into shoes, jams a jumper into a corner of the bag and finds just enough space for it all to fit, providing nothing shifts. Orli's packed and ready, who knows how because he's done it his usual way, hodge-podge and higgledy-piggledy. Karl's been ready, has even shipped home a couple of things rather than leave it to chance, but now he's impatient, fretting about how long it'll be before they can relax again.

Henry's friend has been good, kept them updated about the few problems that have cropped up- fence blown down, propped up by the neighbors; pipe burst, repaired by the friend's dad's brother-in-law. Small towns are gracious in a way big places can't afford to be: "The fellas in the bluff house, the ones with the nice dogs" is how they're known around town. They don't put on airs, either- just three guys trying to make their way in life without hurting anyone, without taking more than they give.

Orli looks around the room before he closes the door to follow Vig and Karl down to the waiting car. He puts a thank you note and tip down on the table, smiles at the sanctuary it's been, and pulls the door to behind him. The click of the lock is, for a change, not another click locking him further away from home, but another click linking him closer to it, first time in a long time things have fit together without forcing them at all.

next: day eleven

the little au, twelve days of christmas

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