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Comments 2

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alley_skywalker July 6 2014, 23:12:45 UTC
Antonin really does get a really bad deal here. At least Bella has some sort of a choice, even if doesn't feel like that to her given all the family/social pressure. But Antonin had all the choices made for him.
Thanks for the comment!


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alley_skywalker July 15 2014, 16:49:33 UTC
Honestly, I think a lot of this is just fanon that has built up over the years. Although, I think this sort of social structure is something I thought of even before reading lots of fanfic. I think Pureblood families just lend themselves really well to this sort of atmosphere. Given that JKR says she took her inspirations from the Nazis, she probably intended these families to be a little more modern and I don't think we get a whole lot in canon as to how intra-family relationships really function. I think people took little things - the Black family tree, the emphasis on heritage on need to "marry well" in general and the apparent affluence of these families as well as the whole "having slaves" thing -- and ran with it. Given that the wizarding world has a general feel of "period piece" with all the candles and robes and no electronics and a really vague political structure... I think that's just the sort of feel that a lot of people got.


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